Doesn't allow me to click the comments. Using mobile, but same results switching to desktop mode. Never had luck with any of this since nitter got neutered. Shame.
how are the unvaccinated the problem? when i was growing up being vaccinated meant not being able to contract the disease. so, if you are vaccinated you should not worry about the unvaccinated. these people being stupid is an understatement.
Frens, you know that they fucked with the language around this thing from soup to nuts. They changed the definition of "vaccine" to accommodate the shortcomings of this jab juice that they knew existed.
They changed the definition of "unvaccinated" to apply to anyone who was not only not jabbed at all (like me), but jabbed and less than two weeks since their last jab. Sudden fatal reaction at the Walgreens 15 minutes after getting the poke? You're counted as an "unvaccinated." Wait too long until your next dose? Whoops! You're "unvaccinated" again!
IIRC, medical coding software did not include a category for "non-vaxxed." There was only "vaccinated" or "unknown." (I'm sure medi-peeps can elaborate)
Now they're trying to change what it means to be an "excess death," so if you or someone you love dies of a vaxx injury, that fact will be obfuscated -presto-change-o! to something far less damning.
They injure us, they kill us, THEN they have the audacity to insult our intelligence. This is an incredibly important video. We must never forget. ((They)) must never be allowed to forget.
It's so laughable now to see the way they pressured us. Looking back at the 3 years, they were so desperate to get us in line and obey. I'm thanking God today that I have rarely succumbed to peer pressure because of Sunday School and church plus a very strict Mother. They protected me from what I didn't know I needed protecting from!! Now, I pass that on and I will show kindness and compassion when the jolted awake bunch are hiding their eyes from the light and writhing in agony at their words and decisions towards us. 3D - 5D was excruciating, especially 4D
This is fucking infuriating still.
i know Dolly, my blood was boiling watching this.
I don't think I'll ever not be pissed off about this bullshit. Fuck all those faggots.
And still, I have NEVER met an unvaxxed person who regretted not being vaxxed.
Right...only GRATEFUL!
needs a follow-up of how many suddenly died
Not enough...
oh yes, i absolutely argee. every one of those things on tv saying that shit about the unvaxxed needs to be hunted down purge style... in mein-kraft
Wow. Wanna be hunting buddies?
Powerful video. Zero editorializing. Just a mirror.
Wish someone could copy and paste the comments on this.
Me too ..use to love the comments , I miss as well ! A lot of knowledge of where were at !
Read the comments on this link if you can't get X ☝️
Doesn't allow me to click the comments. Using mobile, but same results switching to desktop mode. Never had luck with any of this since nitter got neutered. Shame.
Yes, it is..but it works for me..
Thank you! Just got home. Will try it now.
So many Commies, so little rope. We're gonna need more rope. Bunch of murdering Traitors.
Don't worry, fren. Rope is re-usable.
Yes! That's the key word MURDER
Many people on that got affected. CNN - Cuamo - side effects CNN- Dr Wen her kid affected
my be others sick as well
This IS the reason i didn't get vacc'ed. They sold it like used car salesmen. The more they blamed us the more i saw it as suspicious.
Methinks the cabal media doth protest too much
Karma is sharpening her knives.
how are the unvaccinated the problem? when i was growing up being vaccinated meant not being able to contract the disease. so, if you are vaccinated you should not worry about the unvaccinated. these people being stupid is an understatement.
This is how people talk to you whenever you say something they can't handle and are unwilling to consider.
I'm unvaccinated and thank God I don't watch television.
Frens, you know that they fucked with the language around this thing from soup to nuts. They changed the definition of "vaccine" to accommodate the shortcomings of this jab juice that they knew existed.
They changed the definition of "unvaccinated" to apply to anyone who was not only not jabbed at all (like me), but jabbed and less than two weeks since their last jab. Sudden fatal reaction at the Walgreens 15 minutes after getting the poke? You're counted as an "unvaccinated." Wait too long until your next dose? Whoops! You're "unvaccinated" again!
IIRC, medical coding software did not include a category for "non-vaxxed." There was only "vaccinated" or "unknown." (I'm sure medi-peeps can elaborate)
Now they're trying to change what it means to be an "excess death," so if you or someone you love dies of a vaxx injury, that fact will be obfuscated -presto-change-o! to something far less damning.
They injure us, they kill us, THEN they have the audacity to insult our intelligence. This is an incredibly important video. We must never forget. ((They)) must never be allowed to forget.
It's so laughable now to see the way they pressured us. Looking back at the 3 years, they were so desperate to get us in line and obey. I'm thanking God today that I have rarely succumbed to peer pressure because of Sunday School and church plus a very strict Mother. They protected me from what I didn't know I needed protecting from!! Now, I pass that on and I will show kindness and compassion when the jolted awake bunch are hiding their eyes from the light and writhing in agony at their words and decisions towards us. 3D - 5D was excruciating, especially 4D
“I can do whatever I want”. That’s right, it’s called freedom.
“Greater good”. So Mao.
Pride before the FALL. NCSWIC.
As time went on, hearing them malign the unvaccinated, just hardened my resolve.
Hill 1: 2nd amendment
Hill 2: Medical rape