posted ago by CriticalThinking4Me ago by CriticalThinking4Me +137 / -0

Edit #3

Jury has been sent home.

The testimony they asked 4 will take a half hour to read. Judge said we are done for today.

Edit #2

UPDATE: We have a second note from the jury:

"We the jury request to rehear the judge's instructions."


jury note

"We, the jury, request"

>David Pecker's testimony regarding his phone conversation with Trump

>Pecker's decision not to finalize and fund the assignment of McDougal's life rights

>Pecker's testimony regarding the Trump Tower meeting

>Michael Cohen's testimony regarding the Trump Tower meeting.

We could get a verdict today.

It's 34 counts they have to consider, but it's like 12 of the same thing, 11 of another thing and 11 of a third thing....so it seems, to me if you decide one, you decide the rest as well.