We have an election coming up in the UK, and the only real party really pushing back against the globalists are Reform.
I have spoken to a few dozen "awake" people in the UK in the past couple of weeks (by awake I mean refusing the WHO, anti LTNs, mass immigrations, CBDCs and big government) and they are not going to vote. They believe that voting is giving away consent. I understand that some people don't want to be governed, however they are essentially paying taxes to be anyway right now.
Reform could be controlled opposition for all we know, but if that's the case then I's like to think a vote for them could help slow down the agenda.
It is very frustrating to say the least. Is this something that you are also see happening in the US and elsewhere?
Apathy is what the globalists want. Low turnout isn't going to deter them.
Without the apathy - all these fake votes (+ legitimate votes) would add up to something bigger than the total eligible to vote … which happened in some US counties already.
Add me to that list fren.
Since Maggie I have been a solid Tory supporter, despite the dickheads who followed her - Major, pig shagging Cameron, Boris the Clown, May, Truss the Lettice and now, the worst of the lot, Sunak (aka Rolland Rat).
I will NEVER vote for them again.
It goes without saying that I would never vote for Labour or the Lib Dumbs, so I'll either vote for Britain First (if they are on the ballot in my area), 'Reform' or I'll either spoil my vote or not bother voting at all.
Here in the US if you don't vote someone is likely to do it for you.
Yep they want you to not vote as it makes it even easier to steal your ballot.
Its the same in the UK, the votes for the mayor of london were stored for 3 days and then counted. They are usually counted overnight.
Yes .. vote for Nigel Farage & Reform UK...🇬🇧🙏
Nigel’s City of London Masonic handlers thank you kindly.
I don't have BF on mine, just Reform and the rest are lefties.
So the 'Uniparty' then...
That makes it real hard then, right? I guess in that situation, if you have no one really valid to vote for, I would maybe write in a different candidate, or write in my own name.
That's a tough situation to be in. There were multiple elections I didn't vote in because it was either uniparty candidates, or lesser known parties in league with the uniparty who were only in the ballot to thwart the candidate the uniparty was trying to stop.
I guess if all you have are evil cunts to vote for, it wouldn't matter if you vote, but hopefully you'll have other local positions you could vote for.
Fortunately I have a Reform candidate standing locally, but if I hadn't I would still have gone and written in Donald Trump as a protest vote.
It's the only political voice we have, might as well use it for something.
IMO the people that really want to walk-the-walk on this position need to show up and cast a blank ballot.
That's right. You walk down to the polling station. Stand in line. Show your id. Receive a ballot. Then you either cast it blank (to the utter confusion and consternation of the poll workers) or you walk out of the facility with it uncasted.
Otherwise it's just an excuse.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" - Rush
I see a lot of black pill material in the alt-media of the UK.
It's a big problem that our version of anons are black pilled and more likely to want to bug out to the countryside and hide than to think positively about the future.
Like that accomplishes anything, the cities continue to fall and the rot eventually spreads out to the countryside anyway. Why do they think they're so hell-bent on taking away the farmland as well?
not showing up is not good. i know it's a crappy decision but if you don't show a force with maybe like others here have said, do a write in like DJT but don't let them think you've just given up to their practices. at least if you show and do a write it, it shows them you are watching.
We see it here all the time. I know plenty of people who are awake, and have been for some time, who will tell me "why vote if these asshats are selected, not elected?"
Ideally you dont pay taxes, you dont vote, you dont ask for licences or permits. And you do live a wholesome family life, you do produce more than you consume, and you do take responsibility.
But if youre not gonna go through the real work to get there, if youre just gonna be a helpless reactive consumer AND you dont vote, then youre not doing anything at all. Voting is like a hair above nothing, though. Almost completely insignificant.
Why should I vote for the same party? They are all liars, especially reform. Look at the way they shat all over Andrew Bridgen.
But they are not even voting at all
Might be worth showing them this link then, from a lady who has walked the walk. A quote from it:
"Because that's not how it works. Your vote does matter, and that's why "they" try so hard to sway who you vote for, including and especially encouraging you not to vote at all, because this is the top way of ensuring their desired candidate (Starmer in this instance) walks in."
that is great, thank you
If you must have a disease, take the least virulent. Otherwise, you're letting someone else choose for you, and they hate you.
Much the same in Canada. My vote will go to the PPC and Maxime Bernier. Fuck the uniparty.
Nigel and Reform seem to be best chance I've ever known to break the 2 party system in the UK. The Tories are dead, Labour have no direct support they are anyone but the Tories votes. Reform are bringing up points that the mainstream parties will never talk about, and move the debate/overton window right away from the left/woke/WEF policies that have existing since Blair.
While Starmer will be PM, Nigel will crush him any time they debate in the House/media. Labour will tear themselves apart, spend money we don't have and impose more BS, that come 2029 election Reform seriously could be in power. This year is just the beachhead and anyone who is against the existing uniparty needs to support that beachhead.
So the English are going to roll over.
25-30 people I know anyway