If Michael Giordano's last name was Goldstein, Weinberg or similar, he'd have been promoted right away. They are tribal in Hollywood. They only want to hire J_wish or diverse which includes the LGBTQ, (but only if the LGBTQ is also diverse or J_wish)!
If you are a straight white male or female who's not J_wish, you aren't getting promoted, regardless of hard work, ethics and talent. It stinks.
You obviously didn't watch the clip. He, the white guy (Italian) on the video is saying that he and other white men are being passed over in favor of people that are black. Even a half-black man was denied as he wasn't 'black enough' to satisfy their DEI initiatives. Guy in the video is a victim of this mentality and he's not in favor of it.
The leading edge of the diversity hiring was an opportunity for white leftists to peacock their employability by acting individually unthreatened. Now many are forced to drop the act and behave as if they understand the threat:
Walt Disney was a Pedophile, an Occultist and a Freemason. The foundation of Disney is homosexuality and pedophilia.
Walt Disney was not only a paedophile who liked little boys but a satanist, a type of male witch, a 33rd-degree freemason and member of the Illuminati. https://truthinreality.com/2019/06/25/the-disney-occult-deception/
He studied the penis so he could insert it into the cartoons he made. It could be disguised as a hat, etc.
As Bobby matured, Disney dropped him when he got too old for his taste. Driscoll went on to have a miserable life, became a drug addict and died in middle age, homeless and alone. He was buried in an unmarked pauper's grave on Hart Island, where he remains. https://www.ocweekly.com/new-book-alleges-walt-disney-was-a-gay-pedophile-6465882/
All assets deployed! The take down of America would need to employ the discrimination against whites! Due to the racial divisions they have created they believe they have every other race in their back pocket! All Americans, regardless of race, need to wake up and see these demons for what they are! I am afraid that if America falls; the world falls!
... unless that White Man self-identifies as a pedophile. Right?
Then I’m sure they’d love him and give him a promotion!
Well , Michael does have sort of a squeaky M.O.U.S.E. like voice. Think he is taller than Brian Stelter was ?
Every white male (more so older white male) looking for work in corporate America right now feels this.
Bud light time.
Shitcanning Disney was clear back in the 90's
If Michael Giordano's last name was Goldstein, Weinberg or similar, he'd have been promoted right away. They are tribal in Hollywood. They only want to hire J_wish or diverse which includes the LGBTQ, (but only if the LGBTQ is also diverse or J_wish)!
If you are a straight white male or female who's not J_wish, you aren't getting promoted, regardless of hard work, ethics and talent. It stinks.
I’m glad Elon shared it and I hope he shares the next installments. He has a far bigger outreach than James.
Stupid thing to say coming from a white boy.
White boy summer
Total faggot
He looks white to me. Maybe they can start by firing his gay ass.
You obviously didn't watch the clip. He, the white guy (Italian) on the video is saying that he and other white men are being passed over in favor of people that are black. Even a half-black man was denied as he wasn't 'black enough' to satisfy their DEI initiatives. Guy in the video is a victim of this mentality and he's not in favor of it.
Ooops..my bad :)
How come idiots keep falling for the "chat in the restaurant" thing?
The leading edge of the diversity hiring was an opportunity for white leftists to peacock their employability by acting individually unthreatened. Now many are forced to drop the act and behave as if they understand the threat:
Walt Disney was a Pedophile, an Occultist and a Freemason. The foundation of Disney is homosexuality and pedophilia.
Walt Disney was not only a paedophile who liked little boys but a satanist, a type of male witch, a 33rd-degree freemason and member of the Illuminati. https://truthinreality.com/2019/06/25/the-disney-occult-deception/ He studied the penis so he could insert it into the cartoons he made. It could be disguised as a hat, etc.
He molested Disney child star Bobby Driscoll: https://img.discogs.com/enKn9OqiORcipyKn_wtBL2HAYlM=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-310192-1437117371-7982.jpeg.jpg
As Bobby matured, Disney dropped him when he got too old for his taste. Driscoll went on to have a miserable life, became a drug addict and died in middle age, homeless and alone. He was buried in an unmarked pauper's grave on Hart Island, where he remains. https://www.ocweekly.com/new-book-alleges-walt-disney-was-a-gay-pedophile-6465882/
DISNEY'S 666: https://pm1.narvii.com/6826/389d6e5649e4a8adc1a4757a71e54036609d1f04v2_hq.jpg
Once you go black (CEO), you never go back!
Seeing the shitshows that many white CEOs seem to be presiding over, I'm not sure any random black dude off the street could do much worse.
White males are only good for fighting wars apparently.
or being Walt Disney
It's also illegal and members of Disney management should go to jail for breaking the law.
This isn't a situation where they should be fined or mildly disciplined. People need to go to jail for this.
All assets deployed! The take down of America would need to employ the discrimination against whites! Due to the racial divisions they have created they believe they have every other race in their back pocket! All Americans, regardless of race, need to wake up and see these demons for what they are! I am afraid that if America falls; the world falls!
He's going to identify as a victim of suicide.