That’s what I’m wondering, with respect to the jab issue, when the declass gets impossible to censor anymore. For many who were jabbed-boosted their hearts may already be in a diminished/damaged state and many, at least on the left, are also hopped up on antidepressants.
I can’t imagine what they’ll be going through when it’s made crystal clear that those drugs may potentially be dangerous. I’m not looking for an “I told you so!” moment with them, leftists or anyone else, but the existential dread they’re going to experience upon awakening to this harsh reality - as the guilt that they had their kids jabbed fills their hearts or from an understanding that any sickness-death of loved ones since the Biden versions of the jabs were released may have been the result of said jabs - is going to be a hard pill to swallow. We’re going to see more of “The Stages of Grief” occur with “Denial” as the start.
I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to post vaccine information on Facebook, because I feel like I am making people I know more and more uncomfortable over something they now have no control over.
I have posted links for them to research for possible treatments, but that's about it nowadays.
The reality is that, for many if not most, they chose their actions and now they must come to terms with those choices. If they aren’t willing to face their predicament they will be unable to move forward.
Posting the treatment information that may potentially help them is the best you can do. No one wants this to be happening to them.
Just as God allows His children to make their own decisions in this life, despite them making very bad (even harmful or fatal) choices at times, so we have little to no control over our adult loved ones and the paths they choose. We can try advising or warning them, but they have to choose their own paths. We pray they don’t come to any harm. It’s the parents who had their kids jabbed who will be put through the grinder now. I pray there are robust, safe remedies.
True. But we were living in a nightmare when the majority of the nation was threatening us for not being jabbed. We all apparently have nanobots and hydrogels whether we were injected with them or not. Fortunately there are remedies.
I never posted anything about getting about the vaccine, pro or against. It was too divisive of a subject. Just me posting support for Trump got almost everyone to stop interacting with me on FB kek. They will talk to me through messages though, but they fear being associated with someone who likes Trump. Even some of those who are starting to wake up still won't admit Trump is the reason for them waking up.
Q said the people can't be told, they must be shown. So I didn't tell them anything unless it was an experience of mine that I could share, like reading about a coming pandemic and China will catch a cold in the Club of Rome and Council on Foreign Relations websites well before Covid hit. Or what I learned as a public health officer that didn't jibe with the Covid narrative.
I have a feeling there’s going to be a fair amount of resentment coming from the kids to their parents who they trusted and relied on to keep them safe.
I remember a normie saying in a sarcastic way 'i'm a mean mom' for making her kids get the vax. As in virtue signaling that she's actually a great mom doing the right thing.
Yeah I'm sorry 'hard times' was not even close to the right description .... and I meant no disrespect; I don't even know what the right description would be for losing a child, and being responsible for it.
I don't care if I make them uncomfortable. These same people were screeching to have me put in a death camp. Fuck them. These same people wanted to take away our kids, they got us fired from our jobs, they crashed the fucking economy, they wanted us dead they were open about saying so. I had family who straight up said that they wouldn't talk to me anymore if I didn't get the fucking vaccine. At this point they can eat crow until their stomachs explode from it. And you know what they still hate us. They hate being reminded of it but they will never admit that they were wrong. People died because these folks complied.
I’m curious as to what you think the strategy is here? Do you think it’s better that the brainwashed sheeple remain in the dark on this issue? Do you think the left is going to try and blame the jab dangers on DJT? We already know that (1) Trump never mandated the jabs for anyone and said he didn’t see any reason kids/youth should need to take one, and (2) That the jabs that were released when Trump was in office were not under the same manufacturing process as those which were allowed to be produced when the Potatus took over and started pushing mandates. Why do you think they had to go the “booster” route after the DNC stole the election for the Potatus/Biden? Also, it was the leftists that pushed for censorship of any views speaking out against the jabs in FNM, online outlets, etc. This genocide was deliberate and it will come out that it was pushed by leftists (what we now know to be the extremists on the left, the communists).
Look at this from the perspective of the average brain dead leftist - they proudly parrot out that Biden did a great job with Covid by pushing the jabs, that he was right to mandate jabs wherever he could and that Trump was remiss by not having forced people to get jabs, that Trump was wrong for suggesting alternate cures (HCQ and others) and not listening to their TV “experts”. The little TV talking heads and FNM in general (including the bevy of commie “celebrities”) literally called Trump “dangerous” for the way he approached the ersatz crisis and have been, in contrast, lauding Biden for his strong-arm approach.
Frankly I just want people to stop getting these jabs no matter which side is telling them to think twice before getting another jab.
I don't necessarily disagree with you, my point is that they gamed all of this out in Event 201. Problem, reaction, solution. Each step of the process appears to have been planned for, even the parts that make it seem that we're "winning". It's all part of a larger, overarching goal.
In all likelihood both sides will be blamed for the covid/vaccine debacle, further eroding trust in our institutions. It seems obvious that they are trying to foment a civil war, but since there are so many different causes that one can be aligned with, the war they want won't be whites vs blacks or Democrats vs Republicans, or between any two groups with a clear and easy demarcation, but rather an all out war of complete chaos. In order to "Build Back Better", they have to first destroy the existing structures upon which our ways of life depend.
I can’t really share your outlook here as it seems kind of defeatist, anon, or glass-half-empty if you prefer a metaphor. I’m highly optimistic - from getting down into the nitty-gritty sordid details in the various rabbit holes we all dive into all the way up to the 40K lofty viewpoint. From my perspective, the more I see and learn, the more brilliant the plan appears to me. That’s not to say it’s not exhausting because it is and many feel like they’re at the end of their ropes. My faith is in God and I have no doubt that good will win out over evil. Chaos, as you rightly noted, will be what’s facing us before the evil gets crushed, eliminated. Good people throughout history have endured far worse than this and managed to survive and thrive.
There was a guy - Bill Wood, I think (I’ll try to remember to look for some info on him tomorrow as I’m ready for sleep now) - who was very involved in PLG (Project Looking Glass) had a real good description of the gaming out of all this, a concept you refer to in your first paragraph. The upshot of it, in simple terms, is that both sides have been gaming out all the probabilities and possibilities and they both came to the conclusion that the good guys win in the end no matter what variables they tried. Mr Wood’s analysis was that what we’re seeing now is the death throes of the enemy. They will try to burn everything to the ground because they face certain defeat. They won’t be successful, but they will cause carnage on their way out.
One final point regarding chaos . . . These evil people do not have the numbers they try to project to others to make them seem more powerful. Back in the little “summer of love” as we facetiously refer to the blm-antifa riots of 2020 following Saint Floyd’s fentanyl-induced, untimely demise, before I’d ever heard of Q or GAW or all the rest, I was spending hours upon hours daily taking in as much news as I could on everything going on in the country (and some international as well). So I’m looking at the mugshots of these heinous, violent thugs that were arrested (that were subsequently let loose with a slap on their wrists). Next flare-up, next city, next state …. same thugs. They were literally transporting these violent thugs from riot to riot, across state boundaries into the next city - because there simply aren’t enough violent youth to sow this chaos in every city. They tried to make it look like youth across the country capable and willing to be violent for their ersatz “cause” (aka useful idiots) were plentiful. They weren’t. They literally had to ship in their thug army from riot to riot and I’m quite certain these groups were infiltrated by military, financing traced back to the beastly puppet masters and bank transactions traced so more of their centuries-old web of control and corruption can be exposed and dismantled.
Anyway, that’s MHO. We’re rather off-topic from the post subject here, delving into other areas including potential future precipice scenarios. On that note . . . Godspeed, anon.
Oh, don't misunderstand me. All of my faith is in God. Through the strength that God gives me, I don't worry too much about anything.
God always wins. It is illogical to think that a secondary "power" can ever ultimately triumph over the primary power. Satan and his followers are fools to their cores. Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess.
"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
Luke 10:19
I do, however, believe that things are likely to become much more interesting before the issues at hand are resolved. I do my best to view everything that happens, whether it appears to my mortal eyes to be good or evil, with equanimity, keeping my faith in Christ, and knowing that God works all things together for good for those that love Him.
They're just going to blame others for their mistakes, as usual.
"We were mislead!"
"We were tricked!"
"We were told it was safe!"
"We were lied to!"
Never their fault.
Ask them why those of us who never got vaxxed did so, "you were selfish and didn't care about anyone else!"
Everyone of those jackasses got jabbed being selfish. Dangle a free donut, a free coffee, take away their "liberties" to go traveling... and they caved.
Enjoy your debilitating diseases, suckers. Hope that one week trip to the Caribbean was worth your life of pain and regret.
While I don’t disagree that there are those who never, ever take responsibility for their own choices in life and will react just as you describe they will - I know some of those types personally (and your description is spot on, not in any way hyperbolic) - I cannot agree with your statement “Everyone of those jackasses got jabbed being selfish.”.
In my experience, with people I know personally, the two predominant personality issues I see amongst the jabbers are ego and fear. They all have both demons, but most have an alpha and a beta demon. Those with ego (ego in a bad sense) as their main/alpha demon react very much as you describe. But there are those whose main/alpha demons are fear and I don’t believe they’ve been selfish.
The person I love most in this world I could not convince to steer clear of those jabs. I sent data (that they wouldn’t read because the FNM beasts who they trust told them it was “disinformation”), I tried discussion, argument, even pleading with them to just please wait until we know more about these drugs. They told me flat-out that they’re terrified that I’m going to die because of my refusal to get these jabs. I assured them the feeling is mutual regarding my dreading their harm or worse for taking the jabs. I could not reach them. Now I pray to our Lord that He heal my beloved and thank Him daily for doing so (and they haven’t had any effects that I’m aware of, to date). This person was not being selfish; they’re fearful.
Beyond that, I certainly don’t want any of them, even the shitty little, caustic leftists, to suffer from debilitating diseases because they were (and perhaps for some still are) mean and demeaning towards me and others and are willfully ignorant. Those who went a step or two further down into the abyss, who wanted to lock up the non-jabbers, take away our kids, have us lose our jobs, lose our freedom, don’t let us buy groceries, etc. need to be shunned and dealt with in another manner, imo. What that “other manner” is can be a topic for a time in the not-so-distant future.
Just my opinions here in response. I respect your opinions, but don’t agree with all of them.
They weren't mean and demeaning, they were murderous. That's a difference. Got together and colluded with corporate interests and the state to ruin people's lives and cause millions of deaths. They were going to take our kids. In a lot of cases they did take our kids. They took my kid. They destroyed families. They ruined lives. In Australia they literally set up camps and they went around the reservations kidnapping aboriginals who didn't get the jab and they sent them to these fucking camps. For indefinite detainment. I think some of these people are still there.
It’s so hard to watch people you love do this. All we can do is pray that they’re not harmed from these jabs. Many people are fine, no issues to date, but many others are not. I’m looking forward to the time when this living nightmare will be in our past, lessons learned.
When even those who knew it was wrong are having close family members and friends die on them from having fallen victim to their own lack of paying attention or trusting the wrong authorities, this is the wrong opinion to have.
It is overwhelmingly sad what they’ve done to us. If you can’t humble yourself to that, it’s no different a mindset than the one that the people you’re mocking had.
Pray that we all come to repentance. Even those who’ve done evil.
Not the ones in my family that were jabbed. They were scared and many were taking care of elderly parent's & grandparents. Or going oversees to meet their first grand baby.
No one ever screamed at me to get it or banished me from anything...they were just curious as to why I didn't get it - they were all doing the best they could with the limited information they had.
"Millions of Americans regret taking a Covid-19 vaccine." At the same time, there are also many who are proud they stood up to the cabal and refused to take it!
My screen name isn't "Z28-310" because I'm into cheap, American, pony cars. :-) (Let's go, Brandon!!)
I went looking online to see some pics of that beautiful vehicle (pretty sure a “car guy” relative of mine had one of those years ago) and when I went to search it spit up a slew of information that this is the medical diagnosis code for non-compliance with vaccine mandates. I kid you not. The linked article is written from the standpoint of sane people and here’s an excerpt . . .
“… Let me be even more specific, Code Number Z28.310 listed above is not a code for an illness or diagnosis, but rather for non-compliance of a medical procedure. This is an invasion of our right to privacy. …”
The Supreme Court struck down the federal mandate for the jab in December of 2023.
Airlines and hospitals do not currently have requirements for the gene manipulation shot.
My friend's brother (mid 40s) just had to have some kind of emergency procedure where they went in a leg vein and fed something up to his heart. Not sure if it was clot issue or not, I just got the second hand info tonight, from my friend, about his brother. But the part of this story I found interesting is that the Dr. told him he was pretty certain that this was a result of his Covid19 vax, so it's nice to see that some doctors, at least the specialists that are dealing with these injuries, are openly talking about it, now.
Several pharmacies in my area are STILL pushing the 'new' covid shot. When is the multi-billion dollar class action against pharma, the pharmacies, the CDC,AMA, FDA and fauci?
I’ll say it again . . . .
The. Dam. Is. Cracking.
Wait until the fear of the jab kicks in for those that are jabbed.
That’s what I’m wondering, with respect to the jab issue, when the declass gets impossible to censor anymore. For many who were jabbed-boosted their hearts may already be in a diminished/damaged state and many, at least on the left, are also hopped up on antidepressants.
I can’t imagine what they’ll be going through when it’s made crystal clear that those drugs may potentially be dangerous. I’m not looking for an “I told you so!” moment with them, leftists or anyone else, but the existential dread they’re going to experience upon awakening to this harsh reality - as the guilt that they had their kids jabbed fills their hearts or from an understanding that any sickness-death of loved ones since the Biden versions of the jabs were released may have been the result of said jabs - is going to be a hard pill to swallow. We’re going to see more of “The Stages of Grief” occur with “Denial” as the start.
I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to post vaccine information on Facebook, because I feel like I am making people I know more and more uncomfortable over something they now have no control over.
I have posted links for them to research for possible treatments, but that's about it nowadays.
The reality is that, for many if not most, they chose their actions and now they must come to terms with those choices. If they aren’t willing to face their predicament they will be unable to move forward.
Posting the treatment information that may potentially help them is the best you can do. No one wants this to be happening to them.
Just as God allows His children to make their own decisions in this life, despite them making very bad (even harmful or fatal) choices at times, so we have little to no control over our adult loved ones and the paths they choose. We can try advising or warning them, but they have to choose their own paths. We pray they don’t come to any harm. It’s the parents who had their kids jabbed who will be put through the grinder now. I pray there are robust, safe remedies.
Maybe it's the parents who will be filling suicide weekend quotas.
God help us all through this nightmare. 🙏✝️
True. But we were living in a nightmare when the majority of the nation was threatening us for not being jabbed. We all apparently have nanobots and hydrogels whether we were injected with them or not. Fortunately there are remedies.
Imagine waking up to this on top of an economic collapse.
I never posted anything about getting about the vaccine, pro or against. It was too divisive of a subject. Just me posting support for Trump got almost everyone to stop interacting with me on FB kek. They will talk to me through messages though, but they fear being associated with someone who likes Trump. Even some of those who are starting to wake up still won't admit Trump is the reason for them waking up.
Q said the people can't be told, they must be shown. So I didn't tell them anything unless it was an experience of mine that I could share, like reading about a coming pandemic and China will catch a cold in the Club of Rome and Council on Foreign Relations websites well before Covid hit. Or what I learned as a public health officer that didn't jibe with the Covid narrative.
I'm the same way,with most people. It doesn't do any good to beat a dead horse.
Did the dead horse you are beating, die from clots?
It's a common expression. Learned from my dad and he probably learned it from his dad......
I was trying to get people to stop taking them. Some are on what ... their 8th booster? I don't even know where they are in the count.
I do the same, only possible treatments- not on FB but other platforms
And when their kids get sick or die... they'll have nothing left except revenge, and I don't blame them.
I have a feeling there’s going to be a fair amount of resentment coming from the kids to their parents who they trusted and relied on to keep them safe.
I remember a normie saying in a sarcastic way 'i'm a mean mom' for making her kids get the vax. As in virtue signaling that she's actually a great mom doing the right thing.
It’s likely she’s going to have panic attacks when the sober realizations dawn on her. Her guilt will be overwhelming.
I worry about the lady from church that's a nurse and advised people to get them. (To my knowledge, she hasn't realized it yet.)
Yeah, it's gonna be hard times
Yeah I'm sorry 'hard times' was not even close to the right description .... and I meant no disrespect; I don't even know what the right description would be for losing a child, and being responsible for it.
Many have already been in the "Denial" stage for months...
… and some for years.
I don't care if I make them uncomfortable. These same people were screeching to have me put in a death camp. Fuck them. These same people wanted to take away our kids, they got us fired from our jobs, they crashed the fucking economy, they wanted us dead they were open about saying so. I had family who straight up said that they wouldn't talk to me anymore if I didn't get the fucking vaccine. At this point they can eat crow until their stomachs explode from it. And you know what they still hate us. They hate being reminded of it but they will never admit that they were wrong. People died because these folks complied.
It's awful, every headache or sniffle is terrifying for them. They trusted the ones they depended on... it's so sad
Except that it's the dam they made, and the "cracking" is intentional.
I’m curious as to what you think the strategy is here? Do you think it’s better that the brainwashed sheeple remain in the dark on this issue? Do you think the left is going to try and blame the jab dangers on DJT? We already know that (1) Trump never mandated the jabs for anyone and said he didn’t see any reason kids/youth should need to take one, and (2) That the jabs that were released when Trump was in office were not under the same manufacturing process as those which were allowed to be produced when the Potatus took over and started pushing mandates. Why do you think they had to go the “booster” route after the DNC stole the election for the Potatus/Biden? Also, it was the leftists that pushed for censorship of any views speaking out against the jabs in FNM, online outlets, etc. This genocide was deliberate and it will come out that it was pushed by leftists (what we now know to be the extremists on the left, the communists).
Look at this from the perspective of the average brain dead leftist - they proudly parrot out that Biden did a great job with Covid by pushing the jabs, that he was right to mandate jabs wherever he could and that Trump was remiss by not having forced people to get jabs, that Trump was wrong for suggesting alternate cures (HCQ and others) and not listening to their TV “experts”. The little TV talking heads and FNM in general (including the bevy of commie “celebrities”) literally called Trump “dangerous” for the way he approached the ersatz crisis and have been, in contrast, lauding Biden for his strong-arm approach.
Frankly I just want people to stop getting these jabs no matter which side is telling them to think twice before getting another jab.
I don't necessarily disagree with you, my point is that they gamed all of this out in Event 201. Problem, reaction, solution. Each step of the process appears to have been planned for, even the parts that make it seem that we're "winning". It's all part of a larger, overarching goal.
In all likelihood both sides will be blamed for the covid/vaccine debacle, further eroding trust in our institutions. It seems obvious that they are trying to foment a civil war, but since there are so many different causes that one can be aligned with, the war they want won't be whites vs blacks or Democrats vs Republicans, or between any two groups with a clear and easy demarcation, but rather an all out war of complete chaos. In order to "Build Back Better", they have to first destroy the existing structures upon which our ways of life depend.
I can’t really share your outlook here as it seems kind of defeatist, anon, or glass-half-empty if you prefer a metaphor. I’m highly optimistic - from getting down into the nitty-gritty sordid details in the various rabbit holes we all dive into all the way up to the 40K lofty viewpoint. From my perspective, the more I see and learn, the more brilliant the plan appears to me. That’s not to say it’s not exhausting because it is and many feel like they’re at the end of their ropes. My faith is in God and I have no doubt that good will win out over evil. Chaos, as you rightly noted, will be what’s facing us before the evil gets crushed, eliminated. Good people throughout history have endured far worse than this and managed to survive and thrive.
There was a guy - Bill Wood, I think (I’ll try to remember to look for some info on him tomorrow as I’m ready for sleep now) - who was very involved in PLG (Project Looking Glass) had a real good description of the gaming out of all this, a concept you refer to in your first paragraph. The upshot of it, in simple terms, is that both sides have been gaming out all the probabilities and possibilities and they both came to the conclusion that the good guys win in the end no matter what variables they tried. Mr Wood’s analysis was that what we’re seeing now is the death throes of the enemy. They will try to burn everything to the ground because they face certain defeat. They won’t be successful, but they will cause carnage on their way out.
One final point regarding chaos . . . These evil people do not have the numbers they try to project to others to make them seem more powerful. Back in the little “summer of love” as we facetiously refer to the blm-antifa riots of 2020 following Saint Floyd’s fentanyl-induced, untimely demise, before I’d ever heard of Q or GAW or all the rest, I was spending hours upon hours daily taking in as much news as I could on everything going on in the country (and some international as well). So I’m looking at the mugshots of these heinous, violent thugs that were arrested (that were subsequently let loose with a slap on their wrists). Next flare-up, next city, next state …. same thugs. They were literally transporting these violent thugs from riot to riot, across state boundaries into the next city - because there simply aren’t enough violent youth to sow this chaos in every city. They tried to make it look like youth across the country capable and willing to be violent for their ersatz “cause” (aka useful idiots) were plentiful. They weren’t. They literally had to ship in their thug army from riot to riot and I’m quite certain these groups were infiltrated by military, financing traced back to the beastly puppet masters and bank transactions traced so more of their centuries-old web of control and corruption can be exposed and dismantled.
Anyway, that’s MHO. We’re rather off-topic from the post subject here, delving into other areas including potential future precipice scenarios. On that note . . . Godspeed, anon.
Oh, don't misunderstand me. All of my faith is in God. Through the strength that God gives me, I don't worry too much about anything.
God always wins. It is illogical to think that a secondary "power" can ever ultimately triumph over the primary power. Satan and his followers are fools to their cores. Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess.
"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
Luke 10:19
I do, however, believe that things are likely to become much more interesting before the issues at hand are resolved. I do my best to view everything that happens, whether it appears to my mortal eyes to be good or evil, with equanimity, keeping my faith in Christ, and knowing that God works all things together for good for those that love Him.
Amen. 🙏✝️
Those people will never wake up.
They're just going to blame others for their mistakes, as usual.
"We were mislead!" "We were tricked!" "We were told it was safe!" "We were lied to!"
Never their fault.
Ask them why those of us who never got vaxxed did so, "you were selfish and didn't care about anyone else!"
Everyone of those jackasses got jabbed being selfish. Dangle a free donut, a free coffee, take away their "liberties" to go traveling... and they caved.
Enjoy your debilitating diseases, suckers. Hope that one week trip to the Caribbean was worth your life of pain and regret.
While I don’t disagree that there are those who never, ever take responsibility for their own choices in life and will react just as you describe they will - I know some of those types personally (and your description is spot on, not in any way hyperbolic) - I cannot agree with your statement “Everyone of those jackasses got jabbed being selfish.”.
In my experience, with people I know personally, the two predominant personality issues I see amongst the jabbers are ego and fear. They all have both demons, but most have an alpha and a beta demon. Those with ego (ego in a bad sense) as their main/alpha demon react very much as you describe. But there are those whose main/alpha demons are fear and I don’t believe they’ve been selfish.
The person I love most in this world I could not convince to steer clear of those jabs. I sent data (that they wouldn’t read because the FNM beasts who they trust told them it was “disinformation”), I tried discussion, argument, even pleading with them to just please wait until we know more about these drugs. They told me flat-out that they’re terrified that I’m going to die because of my refusal to get these jabs. I assured them the feeling is mutual regarding my dreading their harm or worse for taking the jabs. I could not reach them. Now I pray to our Lord that He heal my beloved and thank Him daily for doing so (and they haven’t had any effects that I’m aware of, to date). This person was not being selfish; they’re fearful.
Beyond that, I certainly don’t want any of them, even the shitty little, caustic leftists, to suffer from debilitating diseases because they were (and perhaps for some still are) mean and demeaning towards me and others and are willfully ignorant. Those who went a step or two further down into the abyss, who wanted to lock up the non-jabbers, take away our kids, have us lose our jobs, lose our freedom, don’t let us buy groceries, etc. need to be shunned and dealt with in another manner, imo. What that “other manner” is can be a topic for a time in the not-so-distant future.
Just my opinions here in response. I respect your opinions, but don’t agree with all of them.
They weren't mean and demeaning, they were murderous. That's a difference. Got together and colluded with corporate interests and the state to ruin people's lives and cause millions of deaths. They were going to take our kids. In a lot of cases they did take our kids. They took my kid. They destroyed families. They ruined lives. In Australia they literally set up camps and they went around the reservations kidnapping aboriginals who didn't get the jab and they sent them to these fucking camps. For indefinite detainment. I think some of these people are still there.
Likewise. She wouldn't listen. "I want to travel. I want to visit our kids and grandkids."
So she took three jabs, plus a flu jab, plus a shingles jab. Somehow, so far, she's survived without any obvious adverse effect.
It’s so hard to watch people you love do this. All we can do is pray that they’re not harmed from these jabs. Many people are fine, no issues to date, but many others are not. I’m looking forward to the time when this living nightmare will be in our past, lessons learned.
When even those who knew it was wrong are having close family members and friends die on them from having fallen victim to their own lack of paying attention or trusting the wrong authorities, this is the wrong opinion to have.
It is overwhelmingly sad what they’ve done to us. If you can’t humble yourself to that, it’s no different a mindset than the one that the people you’re mocking had.
Pray that we all come to repentance. Even those who’ve done evil.
Drill into their heads the fact the anti-vaxxers were right, and REALLY make them squirm
Not the ones in my family that were jabbed. They were scared and many were taking care of elderly parent's & grandparents. Or going oversees to meet their first grand baby.
No one ever screamed at me to get it or banished me from anything...they were just curious as to why I didn't get it - they were all doing the best they could with the limited information they had.
Amen on the "Never their fault". They never admit they did anything wrong, it was always someone else.
Regret, no matter how it comes about, is a heavy burden.
No one regrets not taking it
"Millions of Americans regret taking a Covid-19 vaccine." At the same time, there are also many who are proud they stood up to the cabal and refused to take it!
My screen name isn't "Z28-310" because I'm into cheap, American, pony cars. :-) (Let's go, Brandon!!)
Oh, the irony….
I went looking online to see some pics of that beautiful vehicle (pretty sure a “car guy” relative of mine had one of those years ago) and when I went to search it spit up a slew of information that this is the medical diagnosis code for non-compliance with vaccine mandates. I kid you not. The linked article is written from the standpoint of sane people and here’s an excerpt . . .
“… Let me be even more specific, Code Number Z28.310 listed above is not a code for an illness or diagnosis, but rather for non-compliance of a medical procedure. This is an invasion of our right to privacy. …”
Yep. That's why I chose this screen name, just to stick it in their faces! LOL.
American cars? You mean the ones manufactured in Mexico :(
Si Senor. :)
They are pushing for a violent reaction so they can roll out their solution. Problem Reaction Solution It's always the same plays from their playbook.
Is the military still requiring the jab? Airlines, hospitals?
The Supreme Court struck down the federal mandate for the jab in December of 2023. Airlines and hospitals do not currently have requirements for the gene manipulation shot.
Thanks. Good to know.
If you could poll the "Died Suddenly " you would be around 75-80 I'd bet.
Very nice win. Once again Liz is kicking ass on this issue.
My friend's brother (mid 40s) just had to have some kind of emergency procedure where they went in a leg vein and fed something up to his heart. Not sure if it was clot issue or not, I just got the second hand info tonight, from my friend, about his brother. But the part of this story I found interesting is that the Dr. told him he was pretty certain that this was a result of his Covid19 vax, so it's nice to see that some doctors, at least the specialists that are dealing with these injuries, are openly talking about it, now.
Probably this:
Love to see it
Wow! Great job, anons. The truth is going mainstream.
Posted in Australia? Certainly more of them are regretting it after their treatment by their own gov.
Get a d-Dimer test. Blood test to detect clots.
Several pharmacies in my area are STILL pushing the 'new' covid shot. When is the multi-billion dollar class action against pharma, the pharmacies, the CDC,AMA, FDA and fauci?
Color me black hearted, but I'd chuckle if airport displays showed crashes due to jabbed pilots deaths.
Never took it, never will.
No refunds!! You gave away your right to sue by taking it!!!
Luck for me, no regrets since I didn't take even one. I think my sister and brother are starting to see the light. Hope it's not too late for them.
It’s so hard not to say, “I told you so!”