Q 4509. Jun 24,2020....This one is for All you Anons ππ...."You have been selected to help serve your Country.
Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.]."

Yes, we will win! WWG1WGA.
So after 4 years how do you feel we have done? Not for lack of effort, but I feel like it has taken too long and we lost a lot of momentum. But if we are to "Enjoy the Show" as it implies that we already won, then I'm not sure how big of a part we truly played. Are we just actors playing our roles? I think this is the case. Our conspiracy sharing is/was used to get "it" out there. How much of a needle did it move? People are still tribal and set in their ways. The country is a shit show and most of the libertards I know are still so against Trump that they are still gonna vote Biden or not vote at all. The latter would be a win for us as Maga will come out in droves. I'm still sure, and anticipating a huge reveal that will open the eyes for many. Will it be Thursday night? If not then, when? The plan can't be to simply get the left to not want to vote at all during this election cycle. The show has to be close to the end, right? In order for this country to move forward, the "other side" has to see the evil and the trickery that has controlled them. What will do that? NOTE** I'm not dooming, just thinking out loud. When this all started I was spending countless hours trying to find patterns in Q posts, meaning in Trumps Tweets with misspellings or oddly capital words, hours of research and rabbit holes. This year, not so much. I've come to the conclusion that the plan is what it is and we truly have little affect on it. When it's all over, I think our job will be to explain to others what the hell we lived through and how they were slaves to it all.
Clock is ticking...4 1/2 months all kinds of shit could go down...and that's just to stop Trump..when he wins...more shit going down....exciting times
Oh I agree it's ticking. You thinking it's going down to the last second like Hunt for Red October? It has to be something nuclear I think.
Or appear like it
I think thereβs a connection between the US attack in Russia and Cathrine Herridge tweet about vaxx damaged service members.
The only thing that can stop WWIII is if you have myocarditis military.
yeah im thinking a dirty bomb and then blame russia.
Nothing like shitting all over someone to catch their attention , but limiting how many chose poorly for their responses is the whole point. "Exciting Times" --That's what they were saying on the Titanic before the band stopped playing.
No way I'm thinking anything's gonna be easy..I'm just glad to be witness to it
Agree , I too enjoy. Planning on being a survivor because No Winners only Survivors
*will go down
One does it simplyβ¦. Vote out a communist right before they activate plan 66. - Boromir
DJT is drawing bigger crowds in deep blue urban areas than their own elected leftards. we're winning, we've made a huge impact.
Yup. That's our job. We will be the sages who tell this tale for generations to come. Mark my words, this tale will either be written in the bible directly or be written as a new book and then entered into the bible as canon at a far later time. We are living in the days of Noah and we are/were going to be wiped out because of our evil ways (WW3/Nuclear war). But we rose up to the challenge and told the Devil in one united loud voice, "Not this time. The game is over."
And believe me when I say this, waking up people before this is all over was part of the plan. Our job was to wake up as many people as we possibly could from their programming and prepare them for what is to come. Yes, there will be those who will not wake up until the last possible minute (there are always those people). And there will be those who will never wake up. Those people are hopeless.
Fear not Anon. I have been fighting the same thoughts since I first stumbled upon Q. You are right to wonder about how big a part we have to play. It is only natural the question things in life. Know this, you are/were a cog in Q's machine. There's no way around that. But this machine was designed to defeat an even older machine that has been ruling for thousands of years. You are part of something greater than yourself and that is something to be proud of. No matter how small your part or my part, we are part of the greater plan of defeating evil in this world. Q's plan would not have worked without the cooperation of many world leaders, military's, and the billions of people around the globe working together. And who could possibly unite us mere mortals to fight for one singular cause?
We are divided by culture, religion, race, country, etc. This world would have already succumbed to WW3 and a nuclear holocaust but it didn't. This world through thick and thin has united in defeating a common enemy. You may not see it, but it's happening. Who could have possibly done this? I'll tell you who, God.
In the days of Noah, God judged man and spared only Noah and his family. This time however, I believe God gave us the ultimate decision to save ourselves. You know that history doesn't repeat but rhymes. Well, our predicament is eerily similar to the days of Noah and the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah. Judgement, execution and a series of events that cannot be stopped (not even by God himself).
Through his eternal love, he has given us the keys to our own salvation and our own destruction. Last time, when the world was evil, God took matters into his own hands and carried out judgement and execution. Now, after guiding and seeing his children grow up into adolescents since the days of Noah, he has given us powers to create and destroy (nuclear, biological, chemical, etc). And, as any parent must do, God has chosen to let us decide our fate. In order for adolescents to become adults they must go through trials and find their own destiny (Example: A boy becoming a man and a girl becoming a woman). God has given us the power to choose our fate this time. We will be our own judges and executioners this time around.
Do I believe we will see some kind of nuclear event? Yes. But that is due to my own prejudices and conclusions on the way humans think and behave. We might not see such an event.
If Q's plan is to work then we must all Hold The Line. No matter what the demons do to us. They need us to strike them so we lose our moral high ground. Without us striking them first, we will hold the moral high ground and our spiritual superiority. this is how spiritual warfare works. Our time to strike back is coming. Judgement Day for the US is November 5th. That will be the day we decide our fate. Cheating or not, our actions will decide our fate. If we win, the rest is easy (if Q's forecast of arrests happens directly after the election). If we lose (ie they cheat), we will raise our voices and strike at the enemy. This will be the proper time to strike at the enemy. If a strong majority rises up, the military will be forced to come in and keep the peace. (This lines up with the EBS Q drops in Nov). Either way, this November will be one to remember.
Sorry for the long comment. I read your comment and felt compelled to write this. I hope all is well with you.
Much Appreciated. We fight on.
Those in the service say, "Lead, follow or get out of the way"
I think there's been a little bit of each on this board and by Anons over the years.
... and yes, some only observed - out of the way.
There's something to be said about that.
I've started to talk to more people in the real world. Use camoflage, get out there and start dropping small crumbs for normies....that's all they can handle. But drop lots of crumbs for lots of people.
a day without being called a q tard is like a day without sunshine.
Just months away to the elections and the end of the year. Personally I have seen the abyss we are headed to many decades ago. My strength is faith in people and in God.
Lately on tick tock I have been doing whatever I can. I have noticed of late if you go to the live streams it will randomly drop you in a live and it does censor words but I have been booted many times which is expected.
Their (the propaganda/sheep/lgbtq) whole talking points are boring and predictable. I often wonder if AI is talking to AI a d we are listening to just that with some real people sprinkled in.
Whatever happens this year, happens good or bad will prove one way or another. The only people that are capable of coping with disappointment are people on the right hemisphere and even in that many people are very uninformed still.
Those in the left hemisphere have become in my opinion and in my Spiritual opinion collectively the anti-Christ. The churches who dawn the lgbtq flag to wearing masks and mRNA have collectively become against Christ and many of them are seemingly clueless to this.
The only amazing time I might think of is when Noah was building a ship and he was mocked by this same anti-Christ (anti-good) spirit.
I realize I am human and nothing. God is everything in my opinion, however this spirit on the left side is very dangerous and they are very much zealous for this evil in the disguise of light while using the rainbow as their flag.
Iβve always wondered about the β primary account t suspended - terminated β if that relates to DJT being removed from Twitter but then there was a spoof parody account popped up of a Latino trump ?
Thank you for reminding us about this. Love it.
If you think this is over when Trump is back in you would be gravely mistaken. We're in this for the long haul.
Had a conversation with a buddy over the weekend, and this thought popped out: what if they just let 2024 get solen again, you know, to catch them all? Then what?
Make it rain purkiss80!!!!! Well played!
Gotta say, the memes have really dropped off. Havenβt really even seen many good Pepe memes lately.
I believe the reference is to the Master Control Program in the movie Tron: https://tron.fandom.com/wiki/Master_Control_Program
thank you