Was HRC the only one to use unsecured server(s)?
If access was granted re: HRC private server(s) can you assume access was granted re: House server(s) re: AWAN?
AWAN>Pakistani Intelligence?
Huma>Muslim Brotherhood?
Matters of NAT SEC.
Awan connected to U1
Awan bigger than you think - drop 1626
Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).
D’s are in crisis mode.
AWAN is bigger than you can imagine.
Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel).
These people are corrupt beyond belief.
America for sale.
Sold out.
Saving Israel for Last:
Upcoming Awan deltas: July 28 & Aug 19.
U1 = Nuclear false flag as part of the 8 year plan
I think everything is aligning nicely for the precipice!
Very nice.
Russiagate was founded on the LIE that the DNC was hacked.
There is one man who can answer if Seth Rich leaked it: JA
If JA reveals that it was Seth Rich who leaked the DNC and not a "Russian hack" then the entire narrative of Russiagate falls to pieces:
They went NUTS at the mere suggestion that it was Seth Rich and not the Russians:
Server is key. Q posted about Server or JA:
JA released on 6/24/2024.
24 months after Roe v Wade was overturned on 6/24/2022:
The timing of his release is... interesting. How many years was he in captivity? Only to be released, all of a sudden, right now?
Also, an interesting week ahead, with multiple habbenings on Wednesday and the "debate" on Thursday. We may be approaching the "drip, drip, drip... flood" part of the movie. I am waaaaay past ready. Bring it.
Here is JA saying it, without saying it: https://yandex.com/video/touch/preview/6453776331735764622
Years ago, Kimdotcom claimed Seth had saved the evidence on his servers. He had a big website called mega somethinorother, don't remember. He offered to go to the US and speak before congress with his proof.
He was ignored.
Ever see JA interview where he nods when Seth Rich is mentioned. Where he is offering $10,000 reward.
Why give a reward only for Seth if you claim he's not your guy.
JA gave it up because he can't play poker.
No one will ban you for criticising Israel. You will only be banned when you push the "all jews bad" narrative - (they want to divide us ...)
Ah, but who is the they?
person or persons unknown who are running the disinformation campaign against the people of the world behind the scenes? just because you cannot identify the people that have committed a crime does not mean that the particular crime was not committed.
You misinterpret
I can most certainly identify who is behind it. I was questioning if the poster could.
you, fren, are correct.
People who attack all Jews are either willfully ignorant, intentionally divisive, or hopelessly bigoted.
Israel, like the US, has its swamp as well. We know and agree that the US swamp has done some horrible, horrible things that we patriots are 100% against. Does it make any sense to think all Jews are bad for the actions of their swamp? The same thing can be said of Muslims BTW, and the Chinese. Or gays even.
We need to move past that low-level thinking and instead direct our ire to the evil people themselves, and not every member of whatever group(s) the evil people might belong to.
You forgot the 4th type Those that covertly join our group in order to say things that will make us look bad.
Who has the power? Who can't you criticize? To think that this board is not infiltrated is to ignore statistics. All are subject to it. But you must decide.
What do you think? Don't answer, you may be banned.
Never hunted Bear with a pistol & knife I see.
I picked the wrong week to stop smoking hopium
Timing is everything. JA being freed is huge.
Stay safe, Julian!
great post BB, all coming back around. full circle i hope.
Not getting my hopes up. "Biden DOJ Strike Plea Deal With Julian Assange, Wikileaks Founder Released from London Prison Heading Back to Australia". Sorry, doesn't pass the smell test. With what Assange has (or may have) on the Biden/Obama presidency, it's unlikely they are going to let him talk....to anyone.
...White Hats in control.
Seems that way.
Why am I not feeling very good about a "freed" JA? May God protect him...
Truly no one is safe incarcerated either.
Yes, may God put a covering over JA. He has a huge role to play now.
It will be interesting to watch this play out.
I think it comes down to semantics and if SR was the leaker.
If HRC was supposed to win, and WH unrigged for 45. 45 places Binney, ADM Rogers tells 45 what's going on etc. And all info from NSA etc is at 45s disposal. Hence the *caught them all, we have it all".
But not admisable in court. No warrants etc.
Like Q says. How do we introduce evidence legally?
Seems we will watch this play out as well.
It's almost too easy in a sense. We know we have it all, but we what for the right court cases to introduce evidence.
I still remember Joe Rosati being called the cleaner, who supposedly hired 2 ms13 to shake down rich.
Shitty precipice. Somehow I don't think the plan can live without it. A FF nuke scenario is what they had once planned for us.
I suspect Assange has agreed not to comment on certain things. I think they pretty much broke him. Man can only take so much.
Luckily you are in a place where we see things beyond the optics. Assange release is probably just the beginning of multiple chess moves on multiple boards. One thing for sure - no one can "break" the man.