Then we need a large gator farm for all of the traitors. Hildabeast can be the appetizer, then Fauci. They need to feel some pain for the evil they have inflicted.
Everything that has to be done when PDJT gets back into office---HAS to be transparent AND broadcast on ALL CHANNELS and EVEN to the rest of the world...THIS CAN NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!!!
Take down every democratic pig-sty in the US AND THE WORLD...
NOTE: All of these elections occurring in Europe are NOT what the people want, therefore, I am quite sure those entities will be taking out by the WHITE HATS in those countries!!!!
THIS IS PERSONAL. Living in Turkey at the height of ALL the ISIS attacks and witnessing the fallout was bad enough BUT discovering Obama and co were responsible was a 9/11 moment all over again. Thankyou Trump for shining the light!
Quite frankly, from a nonpartisan, America first standpoint, we all had a better shot of Obama not sucking than McCain on that first term. At least he was unknown. The dice roll just didn’t work out, other than keeping us clear of The Witch.
There’s a reason McCain’s death warranted celebration, which is ordinarily a very uncouth act, when we aught to be hoping for salvation. Not with McCain.
McCain. As in… Mc. “Son of”, Cain. “Good damn riddance”
Shoulda seen it coming with “Bent Beautiful Lightning”, though. Screwed either path, it’s the uniparty way.
It seems a lot of us fell into that trap. I know so many people who bought into the Obama slam for the first go-round. He said he would end Citizens United - the syringe that is directly injecting oligarch funds into our political system. And, he said it with such incredible acting skill we weren't prepared for. After he skipped any further mention of Citizens United after his election and then went full throttle on Obamacare mandates, the gig was up. Don't feel bad. We all wanted to get away from more of the Bush league crap. We thought Obama was not in that group. We understand more now about how the game is played. Look back and understand how much you have learned in the last 12 years.
There’s photos of John Mcaine shaking hands with leaders of ISIS 6 months before they made their horrific debut. I have no doubt our gov created ISIS. Shameful and disgusting.
Interesting: no rope or guillotine emoji… Obama and his cabal desserve the real things.⚰️
gator food for me.
The gator doesn’t deserve to be punished like that
Oh, you don't want fat gators that sleep for 2 years. Howls.
I would think it would make the gators like demonic or zombies when the digest and absorb the likes of Obama
NO. They said yummy
No Jerry Reed fans?
Lame. Or maybe because I typoed the name backwards ha!
Hear tell dat dere dis fella name ‘a Moses Amos dat live in de swamp.
We don't want the gators to get sick.
gators might get fat but not sick.
Then we need a large gator farm for all of the traitors. Hildabeast can be the appetizer, then Fauci. They need to feel some pain for the evil they have inflicted.
Talk to Muckyduck. He said his bro has a gator farm.
Maybe he can get a government contract
Everything that has to be done when PDJT gets back into office---HAS to be transparent AND broadcast on ALL CHANNELS and EVEN to the rest of the world...THIS CAN NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!!!
Take down every democratic pig-sty in the US AND THE WORLD...
NOTE: All of these elections occurring in Europe are NOT what the people want, therefore, I am quite sure those entities will be taking out by the WHITE HATS in those countries!!!!
I hope so. They can hide. Muslims invading the European countries in drove.
And here Obama is admitting it on TV.
Oh wow. This traitor needs to go for python food.
Wow! Most of that I knew about already but there is some stuff in that video I didn't know about. Thanks for sharing.
Obama had a teeny bit of help on this one
Oh right. I forgot about Israel's help to our gay president
That as my first thought... How is SA involved... and were they just distributing the money from princess waleed...
THIS IS PERSONAL. Living in Turkey at the height of ALL the ISIS attacks and witnessing the fallout was bad enough BUT discovering Obama and co were responsible was a 9/11 moment all over again. Thankyou Trump for shining the light!
I didn't believe it b4 but now, truth coming out. I voted for that ass the first term.
McCain or Romney would have done the same thing, just saying.
They know their own slither kind, but I did not.
Quite frankly, from a nonpartisan, America first standpoint, we all had a better shot of Obama not sucking than McCain on that first term. At least he was unknown. The dice roll just didn’t work out, other than keeping us clear of The Witch.
There’s a reason McCain’s death warranted celebration, which is ordinarily a very uncouth act, when we aught to be hoping for salvation. Not with McCain.
McCain. As in… Mc. “Son of”, Cain. “Good damn riddance”
Shoulda seen it coming with “Bent Beautiful Lightning”, though. Screwed either path, it’s the uniparty way.
Oh. What a good break down of the name. Great job.
McCain. As in… Mc. “Son of”, Cain.
Neither did I. We know now though 😁
It seems a lot of us fell into that trap. I know so many people who bought into the Obama slam for the first go-round. He said he would end Citizens United - the syringe that is directly injecting oligarch funds into our political system. And, he said it with such incredible acting skill we weren't prepared for. After he skipped any further mention of Citizens United after his election and then went full throttle on Obamacare mandates, the gig was up. Don't feel bad. We all wanted to get away from more of the Bush league crap. We thought Obama was not in that group. We understand more now about how the game is played. Look back and understand how much you have learned in the last 12 years.
Amen. You cannot see God's light if you have been in a dark cave for all that time. It would have blinded you to see of all the sudden.
Appreciate the explanation.
I remember Obama calling ISIS a JV team.
I remember military air video of drones bombing abandoned vehicles in the desert. They claimed they were attacking ISIS.
I remember military air video of drones bombing empty buildings in the desert, no cars in the parking lot. They claim they were attacking ISIS.
I remember seeing photos of hundreds of large cases of millitary equipment in the desert that had been air dropped for ISIS.
I remember caravans of new pickup trucks given to ISIS.
I remember Obama saying ISIS was to big to be stopped.
I remember General Flynn working at the NSA during this time and Obama telling Trump to stay away from Flynn.
I remember the deepstate attacking Flynn after Trump made him his National Security Advisor.
I remember Trump and Putin bombing ISIS into oblivion.
Obama created ISIS, funded ISIS and faked video evidence of US assets bombing ISIS.
THIS is why I beleive Obama already made his trip to GITMO and we are watching a movie.
Trump wouldn't be talking about this publicly unless it had already been dealt with.
Thanks for sharing. It's probably true.
McCain was executed for slithering with terrorists. Why would they stop with McCain? Obama was much more deserving.
They must have gotten a twin for BO because I cannot tell he looks any different.
There’s photos of John Mcaine shaking hands with leaders of ISIS 6 months before they made their horrific debut. I have no doubt our gov created ISIS. Shameful and disgusting.
No Name u/#q1092
No wonder he is called "no name." Always wondered why nobody wants to talk about him.
Israeli secret intelligence service
This is, of course, sickening! And don't get me started on how TREASONOUS it all is!
Of course it is treason. That's why I said gator food for all of them.
Okay, mea culpa.
Oh wow. What a great video for her. Just color that Baboon darker!
What's the deal with project 2025 now?
Project 2025 is not Trump. MSM is spreading rumor based on what X22 told me.
Okie, so no negative shiz there? Good to know. Thank you