Awesome video! This guy provides the sauce to why we shouldn't "play along" with delusions like men can become women.
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
Comments (28)
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“Case was dropped dropped because, he was too fat for them to see anything.” 🤮 What a sick world we live in. He made a fantastic argument. His comparison to other mental health issues was fantastic.
Your daily reminder that, JUST TEN SHORT YEARS AGO, until 2014, the whole "trans" bullshit was known to MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS as "Gender Identity Disorder".
And to get insurance to pay for "gender affirming care" don't you have to be declared disabled as well?
This was indeed awesome. Thanks for posting it.
I was highly impressed and it's great red pill info also! I do rarely get the scoop before the rest of our awesome frens here, I was excited to post it too!!
He brought the fire backed with receipts. Right here is how our country changes, on the local levels.
The best way to make a sticky request is to click "deport" on the original post. Select "other." Then type in your custom reason, "Please sticky." or something along those lines.
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I agree with you on the sticky. This was a fantastic example of We The People making our voices heard at the local level where we can have a great impact.
You have to hit the deport button then choose option other and type in "Sticky please" lol
Straight to the point.
Asheville NC: Tranny who is e-Marine MP, ex-NC State Trooper raped a fellow employee and she was told to leave. Police wouldn't do anything.
You have a link to that one? I want to check that one out.
Never made the papers. It was someone I know. YMCA was the employer.
Gotcha. Thanks for the reply.
Short, concise and to the point. Perfect
Bravo!!! Courage begets courage so let's hope we see more reports like this!
Wow he's so articulate! I so envy that talent.
The only way it's going to end in the indoctrination ("education") system is when these decision-makers are held personally responsible for any harm that results - including potential jail time (5-10 years ought to do the trick), seizure of their personal assets (bank accounts, homes, portfolios, etc), etc. And hold any sheriff, judge, etc that refuses to adhere to this standard of basic human decency equally responsible. Anyone who endangers children needs to, of course, be placed on a child predator list. Trump will quash this BS immediately.
Yes, the DS has placed deviants in positions of power throughout so for them laws that hold them personally accountable may be a deterrent. But for the non-deviants in the power group - some who may be threatened by DS players with loss of their jobs, others having had themselves and/or their family threatened with physical harm - accountability will even the playing field. In such cases they have to decide whether to speak up and speak out publicly now to expose the threats they're under or take their chances that the inevitable (or highly likely) outcome of their deviant policies isn't going to cripple them financially and send them for jail time where they can ponder life from the inside of a cage (like a feral animal). Either way they'll be looking at pain so they're going to have to reach deep inside themselves and decide what kind of person they'll choose to be. MHO
nobody should be held accountable for "harm that results" of anything, such a bullshit policy, it's retarded that drug dealers face more charges if one of their clients ODs
the people in the background look so uncomfortable.
Isn't it awesome? 🙈😂
I am thankful for this man's argument. The last sentence especially states the problem - the women have no right to privacy.
I thought it was very informative and he really demolished the "nothing bad happens" line
non-X link to video if possible. I wanna post it elsewhere
I'll see if I can find it - I only have my phone and some of this stuff eludes me 🙈
For the record that isn’t crooks in the picture, it’s just an altered photo of some other loser that a 4chan user made up