People naively believe that the FBI would create an account on a site that reveals their email addresses publicly to unauthorised users (like wayback machine bot).
Image is so bad I can't read it well enough to try to replicate results. Has anyone replicated this? I'll assume this claim is fake unless someone is able to replicate.
Crooks is just a patsy.
Let's have a link. This looks very suspicious.
Are they running another psyop on us?
she's calling it debunked now
People naively believe that the FBI would create an account on a site that reveals their email addresses publicly to unauthorised users (like wayback machine bot).
yep. that's what made be a bit sus... The FBI are all idiots but they aren't that stupid.
but... the entire thing was handled very sloppy. they might have figured Trumps death would cause so much chaos they didn't need to give AF.
and there is a shitton of crazy disinfo flying around.
We’re at the point where we need to be able to dig deeper, farther, and wider than any source—but if there is no link to start with, then what?
The hunt begins with a properly sourced post.
I see this is from truth social, I can’t get on there but I checked her twitter. Nothing on there
Image is so bad I can't read it well enough to try to replicate results. Has anyone replicated this? I'll assume this claim is fake unless someone is able to replicate.
How many of you 🐸 sent RIP and Flower emoji’s to the patsy’s FBI email? 😂🤣😂
Keep em coming baby. These people are stupid. How many crumbs?
That is an email distribution list [email protected] lol
So the sniper really did get arrested by the fbi for killing the shooter
totally not surprised.
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
Luke 8:17
Probably still misdirection as it was before but a possible twist in events might I add, interesting.
Wait... could this be why they were told to stand down and still let trump on stage? They were confused since it was one of them.
Hahaha!!! Eff be eye asshoe!!!
Calling it : Another big ass diversion is coming to swipe their involvement under the rug. Again.
They're busy muddying the water so that when the links to the DS is revealed it can be dismissed and ignored
This rabbit hole is so deep I think we just ended up in China and started digging back through a new hole!
Aint working right now.
bruh we keep diggin on this it'll be uncovered that it was a Trump operation. everybody just chillllll (move on)