All of Canada got record rain. Its rained more days this year then any other year so there is no way the trees were dry enough to do this. Some fu**ery going on.`
After an extremely rainy May and June, it’s been pretty hot and dry here in Alberta the last 4 weeks. That probably didn’t help things.
This, on the surface, really looks like another Maui scenario. If it does however turn out that this isn’t intentional, then the blame will be squarely on Parks Canada. These people are batshit crazy, and have appropriated the Park system to be their socialist haven. They regard humans to be a nuisance (especially the locals) and won’t take appropriate actions to prepare and defend against these types of events, which for every townsite across the Country will be 100% inevitable with their current “let nature be” approach.
Jasper is my hometown. Half of it is standing so it could have been worse, the firefighters were heroes last night. They had bad luck with lightning starting the fires only like 3 days ago and then it moving super fast and then spread by wind and fortunately everyone was evacuated. There wasn't a fire in a hundred years and pine beetles did a number on the trees so nature has a way of burning it all and restarting the process. The government was probably being their incompetent selves not having more logging and controlled fires in the past. They will rebuild but instead of nearly every business being owned by a private local it wouldn't be surprising if the corporations move in.
Agree. I’m in Alaska and the Pine Bark beetles that have left hundreds of acres of dead trees in the forest provides prime fuel for a lightening strike. We have had large forest fires for the last 20 years because of this. I highly doubt it was intentional.
Trees, hedges and some cars fine. Everything else turned to ash, as in flattened.
This is not natural.
Yep cars with their rims melted off with bushes just feet away fine.
Right? How did trees survive, but entire houses did not?
And all the water? Was it raining?
Very strange indeed.
All of Canada got record rain. Its rained more days this year then any other year so there is no way the trees were dry enough to do this. Some fu**ery going on.`
After an extremely rainy May and June, it’s been pretty hot and dry here in Alberta the last 4 weeks. That probably didn’t help things.
This, on the surface, really looks like another Maui scenario. If it does however turn out that this isn’t intentional, then the blame will be squarely on Parks Canada. These people are batshit crazy, and have appropriated the Park system to be their socialist haven. They regard humans to be a nuisance (especially the locals) and won’t take appropriate actions to prepare and defend against these types of events, which for every townsite across the Country will be 100% inevitable with their current “let nature be” approach.
Any plans for 15 minute cities in your region?
I saw a thing about fires in Greece this week where fire service said they were man made.
Climate cultists at it again?
Only what tech are they using?
It ended up raining
That sucks.
Poor guys.
ya it rained a day late.
Must be the next 15-minute city 😡
Rev 2:9ers
I was thinking this
Luke 17:29: But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all.
No, I didn’t add the brackets.
Looking like Paradise and Maui .
When the hell did this happen? Didn't hear a peep with all the Crooks and Kameltoe bullshit cloggin everything up.
EDIT for sauce:
Download and archive.
Last night.
These must be the fires in Canada that have smoked the US border...💔🙏
Memories of Commifornia flash back.
Entire tracts of homes incinerated by "wild fires" in Santa Rosa, CA Hubcaps melted into the asphalt Yet ... trees untouched.
w.e.i.r.d. weird "acts of nature" suah.
Space lasers?
Maybe you should change your user name to 'TrappedUnderBlueRoof'! 😄
Looks like Maui all over again.
Just like California, and Hawaii. Move along folks....nothing to see here.
Time to put on a Blue Roof
I was just thinking that, but wondering if anyone knows the particular shade of safe blue? 😂😉
Ask Blue Cross.
This looks deliberate. God bless those impacted by this criminal act.
Jasper was legitimately one of the most beautiful places in Canada
Clearly Trudeau didn’t tax them hard enough. If only they paid for more bureaucracy this wouldn’t have happened.
Jasper is my hometown. Half of it is standing so it could have been worse, the firefighters were heroes last night. They had bad luck with lightning starting the fires only like 3 days ago and then it moving super fast and then spread by wind and fortunately everyone was evacuated. There wasn't a fire in a hundred years and pine beetles did a number on the trees so nature has a way of burning it all and restarting the process. The government was probably being their incompetent selves not having more logging and controlled fires in the past. They will rebuild but instead of nearly every business being owned by a private local it wouldn't be surprising if the corporations move in.
Every street corner will be a McDonalds-Starbucks-CircleK
Agree. I’m in Alaska and the Pine Bark beetles that have left hundreds of acres of dead trees in the forest provides prime fuel for a lightening strike. We have had large forest fires for the last 20 years because of this. I highly doubt it was intentional.
Yeah I would agree except every time there’s a fire like this.. metal burns at a higher temperature than forest fires.. so it doesn’t make since…
Looks familiar to Maui fires.
And California fires
Every year they burn a town to ashes and then call you a conspiracy theorist when you point out the anomalies.n
Prayers on the way.
The CBC would NOT ALLOW COMMENTS when they posted the story on YouTube today.
What did they say caused this?
Hmmmm… a bit like California & Hawaii—- move along nothing to see here!
Why the Fxck are they doing this❓
That's a paddlin'
Maybe the 'good' guys should cut the knot about now?
Most likely cause by an activist or homeless person, based on statistics they are mostly caused by humans.