I fear it's more than a mere 1-4%...these idiots are everywhere. Odd background for her pic, though... Buddah, "Live"... "Love"... I guess irony is not her strong suit.
They will be their own demise. And I agree that it is far more than the 1-4%. Consider how many of them took the shots. And consider how many of everyone took the shots. If death counts go up the longer this thing goes on, there are going to be a ton of dead people. Not to hijack the topic, but have you looked into how many states have made composting humans, legal? Why would they need to do that? I'm guessing that there are going to be far too many dead bodies than we can safely handle. And the idea of mass graves doesn't go over too well. All just speculation, of course.
With these types, it’s probably better to talk about how the cost of living has changed. Say things like, I can’t believe the cost of groceries now, I had to pay $ for coffee and have you noticed the amount you get is smaller? What about gas?, wow, wish it was 4 years ago prices on gas. Just talking about these things with out talking politics might help open eyes…
They dont care. They would cut off their nose to spite their face they hate Trump that much. At this point they all have to be retarded or part of the deep state. No other explanation. The media truly is the enemy of the people.
SOMETHING in my GUT says this is not real. The tide has already turned and if this supposed person is posting this then they need prayer. WANT to climb a mountain, look above.
This came up a week or two ago and she's real, has an actual business and got hammered by replies to this vile comment of hers. Let me see if I can dig up the older post on this...
Edit- Here it is. Look at my comment in the below linked post. There are links to review sites in there and also some info on her working with children and connections to other organizations.
SORRY, i believe you , she him her they whatever is real BUT I have had this nagging Question in my head. Have we now reached the line where exposure even by US is feeding their perverted state of mind? MY view is that we are at a tipping point.
I've always thought this was part of The Plan, so to speak, part of the swamp dredging. Create an environment that appears to be in favor of the darkness, that gives them the impression that they rule the proverbial roost, in order to embolden them to come right out and proudly show others what's truly inside themselves, to display their true characters.
Case in point Ms Peterson here - had this incident never happened, good people may have continued to support her business thinking she was a decent person, but now that they know better they'll choose a different yoga studio. People's true natures are being exposed.
Will Ms P here do some soul-searching and find her way onto the right path? All up to her - her choices, her consequences. For her and all the others living in darkness, embracing evil, they may choose to feed off the exposure, as you say, but when exposed to the light it's inevitable that their end is forthcoming. Will her business survive? Doubtful though it may take some time.
Yet she said to wear a mask and get a mRNA to show love.
The same people will always claim it’s not the time or place for any conversation they do not like but they will force their garbage onto you.
They do not care and never did. I think it is more than 1-4 percent but I believe that 1-4 percent are so entitled they will not see how sick they are.
You are sick and vile beyond belief! Wishing the death of ANYONE shows your ignorance and lack of humanity and compassion. Especially the death 💀 of someone trying to help make this Country a better, safer and more prosperous Nation. You have shown your true colors by writing ✍️ such a hateful statement. Your true self is hopefully an aberration and not the sentiment of a sane, rational, true American. I can only hope God forgives your stupidity and you never have a death like you are wishing for someone else happen to you or anyone you know.I hope you get help for your complete lack of empathy for others.
I think there is a solid 10% of the population that is forever lost. They are trash, have no redeeming values, contribute nothing to society and are part of the problem. These include our elites, media, politicians, ceos, hoolywood, criminals, pedos and ghetto and trailer trash. If we could eject them from our country and secure our borders that would be great.
I fear it's more than a mere 1-4%...these idiots are everywhere. Odd background for her pic, though... Buddah, "Live"... "Love"... I guess irony is not her strong suit.
People who naively take things like mushrooms or dmt or w/e to "get high" are in for a rude awakening lol
They will be their own demise. And I agree that it is far more than the 1-4%. Consider how many of them took the shots. And consider how many of everyone took the shots. If death counts go up the longer this thing goes on, there are going to be a ton of dead people. Not to hijack the topic, but have you looked into how many states have made composting humans, legal? Why would they need to do that? I'm guessing that there are going to be far too many dead bodies than we can safely handle. And the idea of mass graves doesn't go over too well. All just speculation, of course.
where did this 1-4% come from? does anybody even read the drops
Still true regardless of what the numbers are.
Its way more than 1-4%.
Yup Q fucked up. It’s 15% at least
They took to many boosters, that % will go down.
Not happening fast enough
With these types, it’s probably better to talk about how the cost of living has changed. Say things like, I can’t believe the cost of groceries now, I had to pay $ for coffee and have you noticed the amount you get is smaller? What about gas?, wow, wish it was 4 years ago prices on gas. Just talking about these things with out talking politics might help open eyes…
They dont care. They would cut off their nose to spite their face they hate Trump that much. At this point they all have to be retarded or part of the deep state. No other explanation. The media truly is the enemy of the people.
I join in your prayer for your family. Thank you for sharing that here 🌺
Have they ever aborted their own babies?
I find a lot of women have a hard time reconciling their abortions and needing the justification is what leaves them continuing to support the left.
Wow. I'm shocked they are supporting that side. Maybe highlighting the radical abortions the democrats promote could sway them then.
30-40% still have their head up their ass.
Knock knock, open up, it's the Secret Service, you're under arrest.
Hopefully someone will accomplish the task.
Fuck you, POS.
"Such a nasty woman"
Bot? How can anyone feel this way? I mean this freak will be the first killed if they take over
I'm okay with it. Free speech and all. Let them say what they want. For if they didn't freely speak we wouldn't know how moronic they are.
SOMETHING in my GUT says this is not real. The tide has already turned and if this supposed person is posting this then they need prayer. WANT to climb a mountain, look above.
This came up a week or two ago and she's real, has an actual business and got hammered by replies to this vile comment of hers. Let me see if I can dig up the older post on this...
Edit- Here it is. Look at my comment in the below linked post. There are links to review sites in there and also some info on her working with children and connections to other organizations.
SORRY, i believe you , she him her they whatever is real BUT I have had this nagging Question in my head. Have we now reached the line where exposure even by US is feeding their perverted state of mind? MY view is that we are at a tipping point.
I've always thought this was part of The Plan, so to speak, part of the swamp dredging. Create an environment that appears to be in favor of the darkness, that gives them the impression that they rule the proverbial roost, in order to embolden them to come right out and proudly show others what's truly inside themselves, to display their true characters.
Case in point Ms Peterson here - had this incident never happened, good people may have continued to support her business thinking she was a decent person, but now that they know better they'll choose a different yoga studio. People's true natures are being exposed.
Will Ms P here do some soul-searching and find her way onto the right path? All up to her - her choices, her consequences. For her and all the others living in darkness, embracing evil, they may choose to feed off the exposure, as you say, but when exposed to the light it's inevitable that their end is forthcoming. Will her business survive? Doubtful though it may take some time.
THANKYOU for a well considered response.
BTW, no need to apologize. People like us have a hard time fathoming just how evil people can be. It is hard to believe they're real.
Wasn’t this the type of post that in the past would generate a knock on her door from USSS?
That’s a man, man.
Don’t worry about her, she sounds vaccinated. Died Suddenly will come for them soon enough.
What a horrible thing to post FOR ALL ETERNITY! I’m sick of this type of behavior being acceptable!
Make her Famous
Yet she said to wear a mask and get a mRNA to show love.
The same people will always claim it’s not the time or place for any conversation they do not like but they will force their garbage onto you.
They do not care and never did. I think it is more than 1-4 percent but I believe that 1-4 percent are so entitled they will not see how sick they are.
I hope this idiot lost her job too…
You are sick and vile beyond belief! Wishing the death of ANYONE shows your ignorance and lack of humanity and compassion. Especially the death 💀 of someone trying to help make this Country a better, safer and more prosperous Nation. You have shown your true colors by writing ✍️ such a hateful statement. Your true self is hopefully an aberration and not the sentiment of a sane, rational, true American. I can only hope God forgives your stupidity and you never have a death like you are wishing for someone else happen to you or anyone you know.I hope you get help for your complete lack of empathy for others.
Easily 5-10 times that
I think there is a solid 10% of the population that is forever lost. They are trash, have no redeeming values, contribute nothing to society and are part of the problem. These include our elites, media, politicians, ceos, hoolywood, criminals, pedos and ghetto and trailer trash. If we could eject them from our country and secure our borders that would be great.