What a lions den he walked into. He did get in his talking points, and I have no doubt if anyone had an open mind there he won them over but based on the moderators they chose and how he was treated except for Harris, he was screwed from the beginning. Very brave man.
Faulkner was born on October 13, 1965, at Fort McPherson in Atlanta, Georgia.[8][9] Her father, retired Lieutenant Colonel Bobby R. Harris, a United States Army officer and Army Aviator,[10][11] was stationed at the base and had served three tours in Vietnam.[12] Faulkner lived in different places as a child, including Stuttgart in West Germany.[12]
Faulkner attended the University of California, Santa Barbara, and graduated with a B.A. in mass communications.
I was trying to imagine how it would sound if Trump changed his dialect to a southern one while speaking to a southern crowd lol. Kamala is a mimic propagandist same as Joe..
They both change up the facts depending on what crowd they are pandering to at the time. Joe would make up crazy "growing up stories" constantly.. Kamala changes the way she talks and, actions like, when talking to a group of elder woman, she bashed on the 18-24yrlds calling them stupid.. then turns around with her grinding and dancing and putting on the show of being a wanna be Hollywood actress/party girl rapper and Vegas show girl (instead of a President who is responsible to the nation's welfare...
ALL the nation not just a select age group or identifying group) She IS gaslighting the "stupid" 18-24y group.. She is a forked tonged gaslighting liar. I wonder how many of the 18-24y group will prove her right about being idiots and vote for her because, she acts like a raunchy party girl for them.
Not fair and balanced. Tainted with fraud, with misrepresentation of the invitation, with delayed start due to bad equipment, and mixed conduct of the questioners.
The lady in blue is hostile to Trump. The lady in red (Fox's Harris Faulkner) is more polite to Trump.
The lady in the middle in black is asking tough questions but seems to be trying to represent black people, without the left or right label.
One citizen one vote.
Q: Why did you choose JD Vance?
A: Because of JD's work ethic despite of great difficulties in his childhood. Is
a great Senator.
My Question. Why is available abortion so important to some people? Is it a monetary issue?
"You can't have two systems of justice.". ( IN response to a question about J6, in contrast to Portland, Seattle, 5 days ago in DC.)
They cut Trump's questioning short, due to their technical difficulties delayed start?
My guess is that they made breakfast for themselves and all those that depend on them for it, then did this conference, and were frustrated that the difficulties arose in their planned conference (missing Kamala, equipment malfunction, and schedule messed up, like Trump pointed out).
Abortion. Jesus says all children go right to heaven. Abortion is a moral issue for those would abandon their young...like a male wolf
Abortion is unnecessary for a she wolf with extra milk
Whom is doing the aborting? The single mother? Therein lies an answer that not even donald trump wants to broach.
Disincentivizing marriage for the wrong reasons is better than incentivizing it for the right reasons.
A holy thing cannot defend itself, can it?
I didnt watch the rest of that steaming trainwreck and i doubt many blacks did either.
The more you cater to an audience the more they dig their fingernails into you and screech.
He shoulda fired them all and walked off.
At least the women would have had something good to go home and complain about to their husbands
Look fwiw im not a cyber detective but look at those phones recording the stage as the president comes out...half of them are on loop and dont even see the president. Yeah i better lay off the hooch.
Antifags dont roll in the hood. They come from the broken burbs. they dont even get past the speedway at the corner theyre too busy pretending to be brave
Trump was great! The rude interviewer didn’t even greet him, but started in with a mile-long question designed to take him down. Congratulations Chief!!
Who will be speaking at the National Association of White Journalists?
That's RACIST!!!
... but it was my first thought also. They don't see the hypocrisy, ever!
What a lions den he walked into. He did get in his talking points, and I have no doubt if anyone had an open mind there he won them over but based on the moderators they chose and how he was treated except for Harris, he was screwed from the beginning. Very brave man.
Harris Faulkner is a Warrior Patriot and always professional...Army brat born on a base. Here's more:
Faulkner was born on October 13, 1965, at Fort McPherson in Atlanta, Georgia.[8][9] Her father, retired Lieutenant Colonel Bobby R. Harris, a United States Army officer and Army Aviator,[10][11] was stationed at the base and had served three tours in Vietnam.[12] Faulkner lived in different places as a child, including Stuttgart in West Germany.[12]
Faulkner attended the University of California, Santa Barbara, and graduated with a B.A. in mass communications.
And the sound system...even Harris said she couldn't hear...
He's just comm'ing his ass off here. "17 million illegals, maybe more", "117 shootings in Chicago, 17 deaths".
Great catch Bubblegum!
I noticed that too. It was actually 109 people shot in Chicago that weekend, but the 117 was obvious comms.
Triple 17's for the WIN!!
Bet he won't mimic a black accent like HRC and Kamala did.
I was trying to imagine how it would sound if Trump changed his dialect to a southern one while speaking to a southern crowd lol. Kamala is a mimic propagandist same as Joe.. They both change up the facts depending on what crowd they are pandering to at the time. Joe would make up crazy "growing up stories" constantly.. Kamala changes the way she talks and, actions like, when talking to a group of elder woman, she bashed on the 18-24yrlds calling them stupid.. then turns around with her grinding and dancing and putting on the show of being a wanna be Hollywood actress/party girl rapper and Vegas show girl (instead of a President who is responsible to the nation's welfare... ALL the nation not just a select age group or identifying group) She IS gaslighting the "stupid" 18-24y group.. She is a forked tonged gaslighting liar. I wonder how many of the 18-24y group will prove her right about being idiots and vote for her because, she acts like a raunchy party girl for them.
You are so right AL!
He should ask the black voters if he should since hrc and kamala did
You can mimic whatever you whant sarge Welcome to the 5g meme war Smells likean undying love for napalm eh?
Posted something similar before I saw this.
Well that says it:
"$5 bucks says he didn’t change up his voice like Hillary or Kamaltoe."
Gotta hand it to Trump. He's never afraid walking into the lion's den.
That's why I've been laughing over the "Trump is scared of debating Harris" headlines. Like, REALLY? C'mon man!
I loved when he said Harris used to be Indian before she was black.
That was the key line of the day.
AP is tripping over themselves trying to debunk that one.
That's so laughable. This guy isn't afraid of ANYTHING.
Exactly. POTUS is unafraid and fights on every battlefield!
Trump's probably safer in Southside Chicago than he is with the USSS
Trump is the "star" they are there to see
Get in this now!!!
Fact Checks needed!!
Very hostile first question.
Not fair and balanced. Tainted with fraud, with misrepresentation of the invitation, with delayed start due to bad equipment, and mixed conduct of the questioners.
The lady in blue is hostile to Trump. The lady in red (Fox's Harris Faulkner) is more polite to Trump.
The lady in the middle in black is asking tough questions but seems to be trying to represent black people, without the left or right label.
One citizen one vote.
Q: Why did you choose JD Vance?
A: Because of JD's work ethic despite of great difficulties in his childhood. Is a great Senator.
My Question. Why is available abortion so important to some people? Is it a monetary issue?
"You can't have two systems of justice.". ( IN response to a question about J6, in contrast to Portland, Seattle, 5 days ago in DC.)
They cut Trump's questioning short, due to their technical difficulties delayed start?
Deys should be home makin breffeasto somebody -bubb. R. Ubb
My guess is that they made breakfast for themselves and all those that depend on them for it, then did this conference, and were frustrated that the difficulties arose in their planned conference (missing Kamala, equipment malfunction, and schedule messed up, like Trump pointed out).
Oh well. Praise God anyway, in all circumstances.
Spoken like true .... Christian!
Abortion. Jesus says all children go right to heaven. Abortion is a moral issue for those would abandon their young...like a male wolf
Abortion is unnecessary for a she wolf with extra milk
Whom is doing the aborting? The single mother? Therein lies an answer that not even donald trump wants to broach. Disincentivizing marriage for the wrong reasons is better than incentivizing it for the right reasons. A holy thing cannot defend itself, can it?
I didnt watch the rest of that steaming trainwreck and i doubt many blacks did either.
The more you cater to an audience the more they dig their fingernails into you and screech.
He shoulda fired them all and walked off.
At least the women would have had something good to go home and complain about to their husbands
POTUS comes out with 🔥🔥🔥! I feel sorry for anyone not watching!
Rumble link:
Real America's Voice is broadcasting if anyone wants to DVR
$5 bucks says he didn’t change up his voice like Hillary or Kamaltoe.
Hopefully he calls her out on it
POTUS exits stage at 1:50
Look fwiw im not a cyber detective but look at those phones recording the stage as the president comes out...half of them are on loop and dont even see the president. Yeah i better lay off the hooch.
I was excited to see all of the phones go up filming when POTUS came out!
Are you sure harris isnt a man
Was it around in christs day? Where he was going nobody wanted to follow him. Was it dinner at your house?
How much longer before antifags start causing issues at rally's and fundraisers?
I'm looking forward to this speech standing out a bit from the others. I'll bet he bring's the jokes, and some gasoline
Antifags dont roll in the hood. They come from the broken burbs. they dont even get past the speedway at the corner theyre too busy pretending to be brave
Chicago apparently doesn't have any Black Male journalists. wow.
Black Journalism or journalists with black skin?
Noted. Thanks
Trump regarding Biden…”he’s shot.”……3:45:24 or so.
Info about event:
That politifact fact-checker at the bottom is unbelievable. What a bunch of shit.
Trump was great! The rude interviewer didn’t even greet him, but started in with a mile-long question designed to take him down. Congratulations Chief!!
Yes! And did you notice how when they cut his segment short she called him, "Mr. Trump"?
He's shot.
Nasty BLACK women.....including Harris. Faulkner and the other one....