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This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
I went today to go renew my TDL. I had to make an appointment online. I got there an hour early, and I had to wait because you can not sign in until 30 before your appointment. When I signed in, I had to go to a desk and they asked me for my Birth Certificate. WELL.... I did not know I needed my Birth Certificate. They told me where I could go to get a copy. So I went there and they told me that I needed a copy of my drivers license. 😕 They said since I had an expired license, that I needed to show my Social Security. Well.... they did not accept that because it is Laminated. So they needed two other forms of ID. 😕 Of course I did not have any. So all day long I have waited and drove around just to renew my freaking TDL and could NOT get it done. BUT......... You can vote!!?? FK THAT!!
At first I read it as you wanted to renew your TDS 🤣
Then it started sounding like a commercial for a "digital ID" !
lolololol kek!
Kanye West - River
New song dropped
Isn't it funny how the party of inclusivity is bullying their opponents by calling them "weird"? 🤣
Supposedly Kamel Toe's Key Issues
Has Trump shared his deportation plan yet? Seeing Europe this is making me of more interested in this!
I cliked on "Read more" button at the bottom, but it doesn't say how it will be done, but I've heard military will help.
What do you think goes thru the heads of these corrupt world leaders? They have to realize they are burning the house down on their way out. How do they live with themselves. They would literally rather destroy humanity than be exposed
They look at us as cattle. So they don’t feel anything
They are literally demons, so they do not care for humanity. as a matter of fact, they would like to take as many people to hell with them as possible
I know people are feeling worried about the future, especially now after market crash.. but then I'm reminded God saved Trump from bullets, God must have a plan for all of us, for us to grow and prosper, to save the country. It's all in God's timing.
Hang in there!
Be careful if you are eating Chinese stuff in Australia.
We haven't purchased any food item that comes from China in years.
Link Post: worldJusticeNews.com Tina Peters Trial Live Feed
A song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YbGruMKwi7M&feature=youtu.be
(From two years ago, but relevant to the Tina Peters trial this week.)
Have a blessed day.
Trust In The Lord And Do Good. My Morning Bible Read Was Psalm 37. Theme: " Trust in the Lord and wait patiently for him to act. This psalm vividly contrasts the wicked person with the righteous." God Is Working To Restore Our Righteousness.
I am confused with the John 16:10. Why is righteousness bad? (Or atleast thats how it comes across to me).
John 16:8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;
10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
Reproving the world because they don't accept the righteous one. The world would rather kill righteousness, than have it in their face. The Christian recieves the righteous one, the world does not.
That is the kósmos...............the prince of this world orders the kósmos.
Also known as Babylon in Revelation.
The children of God desire righteousness, which is perfection, which Jesus Christ brings his people, his Church, his body.
I can only share with you the context and what the study note writers wrote in my study Bible.
Context. This is at the time of the last supper where Jesus is speaking with His disciples.
In my Study Bible, there is a heading: Jesus Teaches about the Holy Spirit followed by verses 5-15.
The relevant Study Notes from my Study Bible are:
16:5 Although the disciples had asked Jesus about his death (13:36; 14:5), they had never wondered about its meaning. They were mostly concerned about themselves. If Jesus went away, what would become of them?
16:7 Unless Jesus did what he came to do, there would be no gospel. If he did not die, he could not remove our sins; he could not rise again and defeat death. If he did not go back to the Father, the Holy Spirit would not come. Christ's presence on earth was limited to one place at a time. His leaving meant he could be present to the whole world through the Holy Spirit.
16:8-11 Three important tasks of the Holy Spirit are (1) convicting the world of its sin and calling it to repentance, (2) revealing the standard of God's righteousness to anyone who believes, because Christ would no longer be physically present on earth, and (3) demonstrating Christ's judgment over Satan.
16:9 According to Jesus, not believing in him is sin.
16:10, 11 Christ's death on the cross made a personal relationship with God available to us. When we confess our sin, God declares us righteous and delivers us from judgment for our sins.
16:13 The truth into which the Holy Spirit guides us is the truth about Christ. The Spirit also helps us through patient practice to discern right from wrong.
16:13 Jesus said the Holy Spirit would tell them "what is yet to come"--the nature of their mission, the opposition they would face, and the final outcome of their efforts. They didn't fully understand these promises until the Holy Spirit came after Jesus's death and resurrection. Then the Holy Spirit revealed truths to the disciples that they wrote down in the books that now form the New Testament.
There's a couple more study notes about 16:13. Let me know if you want them.
(Edit. Have now added the Study Notes for John 16:13.)
Does this help?
Thanks, thats really helpful. It tells me that I need to understand Holy Spirit, which I haven't come across in my reading of Bible yet. Would love to see the study notes for 16:13.
Okie dokie. I'm gonna append them to the rest of the study notes, ok?
May I suggest you take a look also at John 14:15-31? This was also from the last supper and is in my favorite chapter of the Bible. It highly influences my search for truth.
"Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled And Do Not Be Afraid." My Morning Bible Read (Again) Was John 14. Jesus comforts his disciples, shows the way to the Father, and promises the Holy Spirit of Truth.
(Repeated link above for convenience.)
Acts 2:1-13 is a good one too...
God Does The Prep Work And He Develops And Provides The Patience We Need Through His Holy Spirit Of Truth. My Morning Bible Read Was Acts 2:1-13. The Heading On This Section Of My Study Bible Has "The Holy Spirit Comes At Pentecost".
Thanks fren!
Nephew texted me for the first time in a long time. "Do you think this is the start of the recession"
I expect we're going to start getting messages from people who thought we were conspiracy theorists.
Market will crash under Biden before the election? Interesting.
What we are seeing is not "the crash". Its simply the Cabal withdrawing cash for the upcoming Iran war.
Exact same thing happened in Feb 2022 when Ukraine war started.
The real crash will be much closer to Nov 5th
Interesting. Did not know that about the Ukraine war.
BTW buying puts on these Big Tech stocks is very expensive. But I noticed that at the same time frame, GME almost doubled. And GME call options are very cheap.
I posted it here: https://greatawakening.win/p/17txVsnqLR/why-is-the-market-crashing-becau/c/
amazing watching some of the normies complain about their online trading accounts- 'grr i can't log in, why don't they fix this?' .. uhh guys? hate to break it to ya but it's a big club and you ain't in it.
Wow, I can log into mine. I am in the big club?? Nah, I am in the upsidedown club
Everybody's hiney hole is puckering right now with markets tanking...
Interesting that gold dropped $55 this morning as well - I would have thought the opposite would be true...
Is this just a dry run to gauge sentiment? To see how everyone reacts? Or THE big drop? 🤔🤔🤔
Yes, came here to say this, I was expecting great news on my metals, and then this, does not follow my experience since I started stacking in 2007.
came here to ask about this, why are gold and crypto down when they're supposed to be shelters from the rest of the bullshit?
1 of 2 possibilities, this could be a USD rising against everything else situation, or traders are selling gold and silver to stay solvent on all the bad trades on everything else.
I can only surmise it has something to do with unlimited paper silver & gold manipulation... don't know about BTC, but since they literally screw with EVERYTHING, I wouldn't be so naive to think they didn't manipulate that too in some way nobody has discovered yet.
Let's not forget, Blackrock and alladin has been quite prominent...
yes i've heard they manipulate BTC too
Wasn't one of Q's trip passwords published once?
wasn't it like P@inIn24 or something
Hoping anyone who invested in GME can answer my question for me before the stock market opens:
I'm looking to invest in GME but it's complicated for me. I've read everything I could on SuperStonk but I'm still not understanding everything.
Regardless of that, I suppose I will just open an account on ComputerShare and DRS some shares from there.
But I need to know something before I do that, if I buy some shares and HODL until the end, do I have to pay taxes on that every year until the end and/or report it to that nefarious three lettered agency?
No, only things that currently matters is the price at purchase, the price at selling, and the time gap between those 2.
Less than a year and it's the profit between the sell and the buy charged as normal income tax.
More than a year and that profit is charged as long term capital gains, which currently max out at 20%
Love it when shit is about to get Biblical
I pray for Japan, as they're going through another crash on the level of what started the Lost Decades.
America First, yes. But I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the Land of the Rising Sun.
The Lost Decade was nothing but a country refusing to play the central bankers' inflation game. Yes, it can be said that it "stagnated", but only when compared to the rest of the world that had been put on the rocket charged treadmill.
This allowed Japan to stay "Made in Japan" through out the decades.
This is why, even after all these years, you get amazing products and services while Japan has retained its distinct culture.
Yes, an average Japanese earns less than his western counterpart, but leads a much better quality of life. The only Japanese who suffer most are those who put themselves on this same treadmill, working for multinationals in Tokyo.
Right now what is going on? Stock market is the least of our worries. Its the debt market and currency market that really matters.
This. graph is all you need to see.
Yen had been falling so badly for a while now? Why? Because Japan was being forced to prop up the dollar as the Cabal is dragging their heels on the inevitable dollar collapse.
And it looks like Japanese are finally saying they are done. Yen has. started shooting up. Whatever is happening now is just the Cabal's retribution. Probably pulling all their money out of Japan's stock market.
Good riddance. They will be all the better for that.
Lets brace for what happens when we finally break free as well!
Wow. I mostly understood that. Thank you.
The best thing that happened to me through this journey was understanding the role of Russia and Japan in fighting the Cabal, leading me to decide to learn Japanese (and next aim is Russian) and start reading a lot of old books and listening to videos of Japanese patriots. Truly started understanding their culture.
We are planning to love in Japan for a bit after all this is done.
There's a story I read a long time ago, it may be lost now, but it had the goddess Amaterasu say that, as much as it pained her to say it, Japan deserved to get nuked, and that her country became so much better once it learned its lesson.
Lest we forget, they were doing some...really, really bad stuff at the time, thanks to warlord generals like Hideki Tojo, and Emperor Hirohito being too hands-off to deal with him.
I have noticed that post war Japan has been flooded in many many ways culturally with various levels of self hate.
Before Captain Perry sailed into Yokohama and terrorized Japan, Japanese had 250 years of isolationism (Sakoku) where they did very limited trade via the Portuguese and had no other contact with the rest of the world.
They were not blood thirsty, nor were they raving mad. They didnt attack any other country nor did they destroy any.
From the day Perry landed in Yokohama, before he forcefully opened up Japan to the world, there were number of mysterious occurences. Multiple shoguns passed away, multiple emperors passed way. Multiple palace fires. Even 2 major earthquakes and multiple large fires.
One way or another they forced Japan open, and replaced their rulers with Meiji bloodline.
Then Japan was forced on 3 bloodthirsty wars and when they won them all, had nothing to show for it. They realised all the wars were for Americans/British to take control of opium in Manchuria, so they could continue the opium wars in China to balance their books. Their gold and silver went off and disappeared into banks in London.
No one ever questions why Japan, that had been so faithful to Americans and British for more than 6 decades, suddenly turned against them in WW2.
The reason they had to be destroyed and nuked (amongst many other strategic reason) was to ensure they would never be able to claim the debts owed to them.
Only thing Japanese wanted before they would surrender was to ensure that the emperor would not be treated with indignity. That was the only "condition" they insisted on, and were not promised that purely because nukes were very much part of the strategy.
Lot of countries carried out atrocities during WW2 on all sides. A famous American general once was quoted as saying that if they lost the war, they would all be hung for being war criminals and hence losing was not an option. Once they nuked Japan, suddenly all the focus was only on the Japanese atrocities, so their guilty conscience can be assuaged.
Thats. a very long winded way of saying - no people in the world, and especially not Japanese, deserve to get nuked.
Huh. I wish I'd known all this a long time ago. Saved for future reference. Thanks.
I want to add just one more bit you might find interesting. History books paint Japan's isolationism as some kind of backward thing and most Japanese accept it as a fact as well.
However, just one example of just how far beyond the Western world that Japanese were during that time - when Americans finally opened up Japan and started trading, they found out that even the cheapest penny coins were so exquisitely done with craftsmanship that was unmatchable, that they started buying up these penny coins for hundreds of times their value, sometimes in actual gold.
Villagers were lining up to exchange their pennies for gold! So much so that soon the country ran out of small coins for day to day usage.
If you are interested in this stuff I would suggest the book "Before the Dawn" by Shimazaki Toson. However, I cannot vouch for the English translation. But the Japanese original is an incredible book.
excellent info, ty.
Financial Collapse? Check. u/#trumphappening
I just realized most people on my facebook who used to be vocal about hating Trump have not posted anything about him in the past 3 years. They are all embarrassed. Just my anecdote
What has happened to train de-railings? There used to be several every week.
Food plant fires? There were hundreds over the past couple of years.
Are those shenanigans still happening, but just not being announced?
Proverbs 3:5&6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Bridging the Divide....In Memorial of Vincent Boccarossa