posted ago by LoneJury ago by LoneJury +38 / -3

I have vehemently supported Tucker for years, but there’s something…. something off about him.

Yesterday, on his Tucker Carlson Network, I watched a video broadcast of him trying out a new Tesla truck for a week in his rural main neighborhood. And he starts the broadcast saying “We’re all going to be driving electric cars soon because that’s what the global warming cult wants, so, I’m here to test drive this Tesla for the week,” etc.etc.

How about saying this instead Tucker? “Don’t be forced into driving an electric car, if that’s not what you want to drive. Resist!”

So, he and all his Maine friends spend a week driving a Tesla truck and they’re all mostly gushing over it, how well it handles, how much it can tow… Never does he ask any of his neighbors if they’d like to rebel against what we’re being told to do, nor does he ask them if they’re sick of the Deep State encroaching on their back door or in their lives. Not a word.

Also, he never once explained what he was doing in the audience at a WEF presentation in Belgium after his trip to Russia. Or why he had dinner with George Bush in the past few years at his wealthy Florida enclave. Carlson has always been an elitist who remade himself into an “Everyman”

I’m also sick of his Zen nicotine marketing. He’s obviously making money from product placement, and he has boxes of the stuff, always in view of the camera, or he’ll verbally talk about the product during a speech or interview. I know we all have to make money, but really Tucker? How much money is enough?