Agreed, but this isn't Vigano's account. It even says so on this account's profile. The real Vigano's account tweeted and asked that it be taken down for this reason today. Don't get cucked by lazy OP research
Catholics are going to be called to be doctors of the church.
I do believe were going to see a schism of Christianity where Episcopal, Methodist, and Presbyterian have split over the LGBTQ+ and woman priests becoming the anti-church and a reunification of orthodox churches being the true christian church.
As a life long Catholic who thought seriously about becoming a priest at several times during my life, I really wish they would dump Bergogglio and make Archbishop Vigano the pope! Along with President Trump as US president, the Archbishop is just what the world needs right now!
Everyone was confused by Pope Benedict "retiring" as Pope, then Francis coming in. A pope hasn't "retired" in ~600 years IIRC. Now Francis appears to be deep state, and there was money laundering going on ( We're hanging tough and looking for the credits on this movie.
That's an interesting thought. I don't know if the hierarchy of the Church would be able to do anything like that, but there sure is a lot of craziness coming out of the pope. I wonder if he has ever met Corn-Pop? LOL.
I had to google forswear!
Matthew 5:33
Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord.’ 34 But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 nor by the earth, for it is His footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 Nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black. 37 But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.
Can somebody halp me out with an explanation of proper oaths before God?
Edit: the teaching of Christ is primarily to not make trivial oaths, and not to get into the habit of making perfunctory oaths.
For instance, lets say you win an election. Don't put your hand on a Bible. Don't make an oath. Just say "You all know me, You know my yes is yes and my no is no." If people get upset that you don't make an oath, just rebuke them and leave.
Think about Biden, his oath was worthless, and he'll regret making that oath when he enters hell.
There is no reason to make an oath, so don't. When it comes to oaths, just don't. There is no upside, and only downside. If anyone ever wants you to make an oath, I guess you can do it, but you MUST KNOW at the time you give an oath that you are capable of keeping it and are willing to pay the price.
Legal attestations are probably okay but are still stupid and they are a type of bondage.
The Anabaptists, and other Christians, refuse to make any oaths. Vows are different. Vows are just between you and the other person, but not God.
All 7 mountains of influence of society have been infiltrated by deep state. What are the seven? Religion, Education, Family, Business, Arts&Entertainment, Government, and Media. After the last four years, we all can easily see this now. We needed this 'pause' to learn how brainwashed we have been and the evil done to humanity and this world.
Well said KathrynMarie. The focus on blue-haired Antifas and transgender boxers is a "look here not there" DISTRACTION from the fact that the establishment is now totally captured.
Still glad to see Vigano redpilling people but still think he is kind of working for the "deep church" and pretending not to, because he doesn't seem to get to the root of the problem:
(Vatican 2 not being Catholic, the recent papal elections being "stolen", that Catholics have no pope and need to become aware of this and Vatican 2 not being Catholic and then to elect a pope)
I think he is attempting not to alienate Novos Ordo Catholics; a shepard that has to lead us back to tradition.
I personally believe Vatican II was a Judeo-masonic eclisistical coup; I can't wait for Normie Catholics & the world at large to learn that Catholic Church has been at war with the synagogue of Satan for Centuries & Child Martyr Saints like Saint Simon of Trent were removed to appease the Synagogue of Satan (look him up, removed after Vatican II).
Interesting, I’ve never heard of this Saint Simon of Trent. And he’s been removed as a Saint? Wikipedia is saying that after his death people attributed 100s of miracles to him, then it referred to this following as a
a cult. You got any good sauces on this topic other than this garbage?
Sadly, I dont have many pro (pre Vatican II) Catholic docs on the topic sadly. After Vatican II, all these child Saints were removed from canonical history:
▪️Saint Simon of Trent..
▪️Saint Robert of Bury.
▪️Saint Hugh of Lincoln.
▪️Little Saint Hugh or Little Sir Hugh.
▪️The Holy Child of La Guardia.
▪️Harold of Gloucester.
▪️Saint William of Norwich.
▪️Saint Robert of Bury.
▪️Gabriel of Bialystok.
Holy Child of Lagardia in particular, this child murder pushed Queen Isabella & King Fernindad to kick the synagogue of Satan out of Spain. These Spanish monarchs would go on to fund Christopher Columbus's voyage to the America's. Makes you wonder why BLM attacked catholic Churches, statues of King Louis (the French King who put the Talmud on trial,kicked them out of France after the Desputation of France) and HATE Columbus for bringing Christianity to the America's.
Makes you wonder by "Catholic" Joe Biden's FBI is targetting traditional Catholics that reject Vatican II & know true Christian history.
Because for over a millenia there was ONE Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles who assembled the bible. Then the Russian Orthodox split in the 10th century. Then in 1517, Martin Luther came along, edited the bible, removed books , added words & proceeded to lead a movement that would bore 45,000 denominations over the past 500 years.
These is a inrefuitable fact. As difficult as it maybe, I chose to remain loyal to the original Church, but I understand why people chose to leave her.
This is a matter of salvation, I simply cannot be indifferent & say that there are thousands of avenues to salvation, when Jesus himself self that the road is narrow. We're in a mess & lets be clear, Prots & Catholics have to work together, but the facts will always remain:
Sorry, if you are not Catholic, you have NO link to history beyond 500 years, if you identify as Protestant (protesting the original Church). You have NO link to the Apostolic succession if you are not Catholic; these are simple truths. Jesus was no polygamist, he had but ONE bride & estsblished ONE Church, not the 45,000 protestant Church's that have come along over the past 500 years.
I don't doubt your sincerity, but all sincere Christians have an obligation to research the truth & ask themselves why Luther removed seven books from your protestant bible (he wanted to remove MORE but the early reformers disuaded him, unfortunately, he is the founder of ALL Prot Churches).
While we are here on earth, we all have the free will to research history & accept his original Church or not. I respect your free will to reject the Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles.
Destroying the synagogue of Satan & having a revival is great, but I would love to see Christiandom unite & his church revived & harvest as many souls for him as possible.
"cult" - this word was used in the past without modern connotations I think, more of a synonym of "following" or "group"'; I'd read it as saying "a group of people venerating [person] as a saint"
In the English speaking world, the word often carries derogatory connotations, but in other European languages, it is used as English-speakers use the word "religion", sometimes causing confusion for English-speakers reading material translated from other languages.
Nope. Jews had a Priesthood, tradition, and a sacrafice. Jesus & his early Church was the continuation of the ancient Israelite religion. It has been so now for 2,000 years.
You are either part of his original Church or you exercise your free will to reject his Church.
Jesus is not a polygamist;,I sincerely doubt he wants to be worhipped 45,000 different protestant ways. I say this, having been a Protestant for a period in time of my life.
Please understand that I don't see Prots as my enemy; although many see my church as their historical enemy. I believe we we are all in this mess together, however, I am looking at the situation from a 500 year old perspective. I BELIEVE that Mystery Babylonian secret societies were behind the Protestant revolution to divide & conquer Christiandom. I respect your free will to reject the ORIGINAL Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles.
I hope you respect my belief that Protestantism was the beginning of the Great Apostacy, encouraged by the Illumaniti & the Synagogue of Satan, to divide and destroy Western- Christian civilization.
Furthermore, I hope you respect my opinion that, I believe it was Lucifers intent to harvest as many souls as possible & what better way to do that, than to confuse Christians & give them 45,000 other options to chose from.
Sorry, this is about souls & my fear is that those souls that reject the church & the sacraments handed down to us by the Apostles, will not inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Ultimately, like yourself, God has given us intellect & free will to research these topics.
You get mad at me because I chose to be faithful to the Original Church (currently being held hostage by Freemasons, same as our Country). Sorry man, that's what I believe. Accept or reject, you have been told the TRUTH at least once in your life. Plan accordingly.
You may not know much about secret societies, however, look up the crest of the Rosecrutian (Rose & Cross). Look up the Crest of Luther, its a Rose & Cross. Luther himself said he was influenced by the Kabbalah.
So put it all together: catholic Church was the original, united Church for 1,500 years. Catholic governments were hunting down secret societies for centuries. Here comes along a heretical monk, takes out seven books from the Bible that Jews wanted removed, he followed the Kabbalah, he broke his vows & married a Nun & his rebellion led to the desolution of Christian Europe & the eventual creation of 45,000 watered down, divided protestant religions.
You can believe whatever you want, however, if your free will prevents you from serving God & belonging to his Church, my fear is that, that was the objective of Lucifer; harvest as many souls as possible for Hell. What if there really is no salvation outside of the Church & sacraments established by Jesus & his Apostles? It would mean millions upon million upon millions of souls have gone to hell over the past 500 years, since the great Apostacy. Ultimately, people have the free will to research this stuff, so they themselves, through participating in the rebellion, sent themselves to hell.
ehhhh, I'm of the other opinion, need to speed things up, it's been 60 years of Vatican 2 confusion, Vigano is sadly probably trying to slow this down by misdirecting people into the wrong directions (accepting '62 missal, creating some broken "independent" church, giving the "recognize and resist" position more life instead of fundamentally rejecting Vatican 2 and its papal claimants, etc.)
I think basically sedevacantists should work on strengthening or just spreading their case and then eventually people will have to accept it which will probably more rapidly "flip" the Vatican back to pre-Vatican 2 norms.
Buddy, no one wants things to speed up faster than me. Hopefully Epstein crimes against Children will be the catalyst. People will be lost, looking for answers about Satanic ritual abuse & both Catholics & Orthodox can offer answers to these difficult questions.
Its exciting that Mel Gibson sides with Vigano. Gibson's dad is a Sede & he believed the Holocaust was a hoax. The only thing that can defeat the Synagogue of Satan, are traditional Catholics; which is why the FBI is targeting them.
God bless and Protect Vigano! 🙏🙌
Indeed, he is being persecuted by demons.
We all are. What do you think our enemy is?
schumer, pelosi, harris; all of them. Demons from hell.
Isn't that what we talk about all the time here? Spiritual Warfare & the like?
Agreed, but this isn't Vigano's account. It even says so on this account's profile. The real Vigano's account tweeted and asked that it be taken down for this reason today. Don't get cucked by lazy OP research
But, but, it's a screenshot of a tweet. Nothing is a more valid source than that! Why else would so many people constantly just assume it was true?
(Sarcasm, because I just know someone will not catch on.)
Catholics are going to be called to be doctors of the church.
I do believe were going to see a schism of Christianity where Episcopal, Methodist, and Presbyterian have split over the LGBTQ+ and woman priests becoming the anti-church and a reunification of orthodox churches being the true christian church.
As a life long Catholic who thought seriously about becoming a priest at several times during my life, I really wish they would dump Bergogglio and make Archbishop Vigano the pope! Along with President Trump as US president, the Archbishop is just what the world needs right now!
Everyone was confused by Pope Benedict "retiring" as Pope, then Francis coming in. A pope hasn't "retired" in ~600 years IIRC. Now Francis appears to be deep state, and there was money laundering going on ( We're hanging tough and looking for the credits on this movie.
Yes. Lots of shady stuff going on. That's why it's always interesting when Q mentions "Godfather III."
Me too brother, this is the Crusade of our generation! Dues Vult!
Might be good for that role, but I would prefer him to head a revitalized Holy Inquisition tbh.
I wonder sometime… Is he is church CIC? Secretly?
That's an interesting thought. I don't know if the hierarchy of the Church would be able to do anything like that, but there sure is a lot of craziness coming out of the pope. I wonder if he has ever met Corn-Pop? LOL.
I done know much about the Catholic church and their organizations... But it is an old structure, and it seems plausible.....?
It sure does seem like that’s what’s going to happen.
Would not be surprised if we find out he is and has been the pope for some time now.
Thank you for that definition! It helps a lot.
I had to google forswear! Matthew 5:33 Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord.’ 34 But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 nor by the earth, for it is His footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 Nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black. 37 But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.
Can somebody halp me out with an explanation of proper oaths before God?
Edit: the teaching of Christ is primarily to not make trivial oaths, and not to get into the habit of making perfunctory oaths.
For instance, lets say you win an election. Don't put your hand on a Bible. Don't make an oath. Just say "You all know me, You know my yes is yes and my no is no." If people get upset that you don't make an oath, just rebuke them and leave.
Think about Biden, his oath was worthless, and he'll regret making that oath when he enters hell.
There is no reason to make an oath, so don't. When it comes to oaths, just don't. There is no upside, and only downside. If anyone ever wants you to make an oath, I guess you can do it, but you MUST KNOW at the time you give an oath that you are capable of keeping it and are willing to pay the price.
Legal attestations are probably okay but are still stupid and they are a type of bondage.
The Anabaptists, and other Christians, refuse to make any oaths. Vows are different. Vows are just between you and the other person, but not God.
Thank you!
They're called Jesuits
That's not his account, this is his account
All 7 mountains of influence of society have been infiltrated by deep state. What are the seven? Religion, Education, Family, Business, Arts&Entertainment, Government, and Media. After the last four years, we all can easily see this now. We needed this 'pause' to learn how brainwashed we have been and the evil done to humanity and this world.
Well said KathrynMarie. The focus on blue-haired Antifas and transgender boxers is a "look here not there" DISTRACTION from the fact that the establishment is now totally captured.
Wow that is a powerful statement!
Yeah, they are called counterfeits and Satan is the engineer.
Wait wasn't Godfather 3 about something similar to what is going on now?
Next year is the 17th centennial of this Deep Church.
Wolves EVERYWHERE. Beasts need to be dealt with. Humanity need to get better at this.
Still glad to see Vigano redpilling people but still think he is kind of working for the "deep church" and pretending not to, because he doesn't seem to get to the root of the problem:
(Vatican 2 not being Catholic, the recent papal elections being "stolen", that Catholics have no pope and need to become aware of this and Vatican 2 not being Catholic and then to elect a pope)
I think he is attempting not to alienate Novos Ordo Catholics; a shepard that has to lead us back to tradition.
I personally believe Vatican II was a Judeo-masonic eclisistical coup; I can't wait for Normie Catholics & the world at large to learn that Catholic Church has been at war with the synagogue of Satan for Centuries & Child Martyr Saints like Saint Simon of Trent were removed to appease the Synagogue of Satan (look him up, removed after Vatican II).
Baby steps... baby steps.
Interesting, I’ve never heard of this Saint Simon of Trent. And he’s been removed as a Saint? Wikipedia is saying that after his death people attributed 100s of miracles to him, then it referred to this following as a a cult. You got any good sauces on this topic other than this garbage?
Sadly, I dont have many pro (pre Vatican II) Catholic docs on the topic sadly. After Vatican II, all these child Saints were removed from canonical history:
▪️Saint Simon of Trent.. ▪️Saint Robert of Bury. ▪️Saint Hugh of Lincoln. ▪️Little Saint Hugh or Little Sir Hugh. ▪️The Holy Child of La Guardia. ▪️Harold of Gloucester. ▪️Saint William of Norwich. ▪️Saint Robert of Bury. ▪️Gabriel of Bialystok.
Holy Child of Lagardia in particular, this child murder pushed Queen Isabella & King Fernindad to kick the synagogue of Satan out of Spain. These Spanish monarchs would go on to fund Christopher Columbus's voyage to the America's. Makes you wonder why BLM attacked catholic Churches, statues of King Louis (the French King who put the Talmud on trial,kicked them out of France after the Desputation of France) and HATE Columbus for bringing Christianity to the America's.
Makes you wonder by "Catholic" Joe Biden's FBI is targetting traditional Catholics that reject Vatican II & know true Christian history.
Welcome to the revolution. God bless.
Because for over a millenia there was ONE Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles who assembled the bible. Then the Russian Orthodox split in the 10th century. Then in 1517, Martin Luther came along, edited the bible, removed books , added words & proceeded to lead a movement that would bore 45,000 denominations over the past 500 years.
These is a inrefuitable fact. As difficult as it maybe, I chose to remain loyal to the original Church, but I understand why people chose to leave her.
This is a matter of salvation, I simply cannot be indifferent & say that there are thousands of avenues to salvation, when Jesus himself self that the road is narrow. We're in a mess & lets be clear, Prots & Catholics have to work together, but the facts will always remain:
Sorry, if you are not Catholic, you have NO link to history beyond 500 years, if you identify as Protestant (protesting the original Church). You have NO link to the Apostolic succession if you are not Catholic; these are simple truths. Jesus was no polygamist, he had but ONE bride & estsblished ONE Church, not the 45,000 protestant Church's that have come along over the past 500 years.
I don't doubt your sincerity, but all sincere Christians have an obligation to research the truth & ask themselves why Luther removed seven books from your protestant bible (he wanted to remove MORE but the early reformers disuaded him, unfortunately, he is the founder of ALL Prot Churches).
While we are here on earth, we all have the free will to research history & accept his original Church or not. I respect your free will to reject the Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles.
Destroying the synagogue of Satan & having a revival is great, but I would love to see Christiandom unite & his church revived & harvest as many souls for him as possible.
What more is there to say?
"cult" - this word was used in the past without modern connotations I think, more of a synonym of "following" or "group"'; I'd read it as saying "a group of people venerating [person] as a saint"
I would agree with you, but seeing as they removed this young child as a saint, I’m going to assume the term is used negatively in this explanation.
ehhh they removed the young child as a saint because they are trying to politicize the topic like with nostra aetate
Nope. Jews had a Priesthood, tradition, and a sacrafice. Jesus & his early Church was the continuation of the ancient Israelite religion. It has been so now for 2,000 years.
You are either part of his original Church or you exercise your free will to reject his Church.
Jesus is not a polygamist;,I sincerely doubt he wants to be worhipped 45,000 different protestant ways. I say this, having been a Protestant for a period in time of my life.
Please understand that I don't see Prots as my enemy; although many see my church as their historical enemy. I believe we we are all in this mess together, however, I am looking at the situation from a 500 year old perspective. I BELIEVE that Mystery Babylonian secret societies were behind the Protestant revolution to divide & conquer Christiandom. I respect your free will to reject the ORIGINAL Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles.
I hope you respect my belief that Protestantism was the beginning of the Great Apostacy, encouraged by the Illumaniti & the Synagogue of Satan, to divide and destroy Western- Christian civilization.
Furthermore, I hope you respect my opinion that, I believe it was Lucifers intent to harvest as many souls as possible & what better way to do that, than to confuse Christians & give them 45,000 other options to chose from.
Sorry, this is about souls & my fear is that those souls that reject the church & the sacraments handed down to us by the Apostles, will not inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Ultimately, like yourself, God has given us intellect & free will to research these topics.
You get mad at me because I chose to be faithful to the Original Church (currently being held hostage by Freemasons, same as our Country). Sorry man, that's what I believe. Accept or reject, you have been told the TRUTH at least once in your life. Plan accordingly.
You may not know much about secret societies, however, look up the crest of the Rosecrutian (Rose & Cross). Look up the Crest of Luther, its a Rose & Cross. Luther himself said he was influenced by the Kabbalah.
So put it all together: catholic Church was the original, united Church for 1,500 years. Catholic governments were hunting down secret societies for centuries. Here comes along a heretical monk, takes out seven books from the Bible that Jews wanted removed, he followed the Kabbalah, he broke his vows & married a Nun & his rebellion led to the desolution of Christian Europe & the eventual creation of 45,000 watered down, divided protestant religions.
You can believe whatever you want, however, if your free will prevents you from serving God & belonging to his Church, my fear is that, that was the objective of Lucifer; harvest as many souls as possible for Hell. What if there really is no salvation outside of the Church & sacraments established by Jesus & his Apostles? It would mean millions upon million upon millions of souls have gone to hell over the past 500 years, since the great Apostacy. Ultimately, people have the free will to research this stuff, so they themselves, through participating in the rebellion, sent themselves to hell.
Good luck!
ehhhh, I'm of the other opinion, need to speed things up, it's been 60 years of Vatican 2 confusion, Vigano is sadly probably trying to slow this down by misdirecting people into the wrong directions (accepting '62 missal, creating some broken "independent" church, giving the "recognize and resist" position more life instead of fundamentally rejecting Vatican 2 and its papal claimants, etc.)
I think basically sedevacantists should work on strengthening or just spreading their case and then eventually people will have to accept it which will probably more rapidly "flip" the Vatican back to pre-Vatican 2 norms.
Buddy, no one wants things to speed up faster than me. Hopefully Epstein crimes against Children will be the catalyst. People will be lost, looking for answers about Satanic ritual abuse & both Catholics & Orthodox can offer answers to these difficult questions.
Its exciting that Mel Gibson sides with Vigano. Gibson's dad is a Sede & he believed the Holocaust was a hoax. The only thing that can defeat the Synagogue of Satan, are traditional Catholics; which is why the FBI is targeting them.
It's called the Roman Catholic Church