posted ago by Malachi3vs16 ago by Malachi3vs16 +36 / -3

For anons interested in evaluating Mr. Juan O’ Savin and his words, here's a link to one of his recent interviews, wherein at 1hr. 54 min. 47 sec. AlphaWarrior.TV host asks, Have we seen the last of Q, Juan”? ____ Mr. “Juan” answers, “Well, yes and no.” https://rumble.com/v5ba6id-juan-o-savin-intel-the-near-death-experience-of-america.html ____ Juan explains, Q achieved its goals of educating, mostly young people. Q has not gone away forever, but will be more understood in time. Q was aimed at a gaming community, but not for gaming, but for teaching research and problem solving.____ Mr. Juan of course does not state whether Q would post again, and does not state that Q team would never post again. prior to this section of the video, nothing new from him, tells a disconcerting story from WW2 pilot injury, so I would not listen with children. My thoughts, question was evaded, or answered in a way that seemed to mean Q lives on and its effect will continue growing, but don’t expect a Q post again. This contrasts with Q 4965 “In time”. https://qalerts.app/?n=4965