Scientists stopped doing real science many years ago (I am a Geo-Physicist by training that shifted into computer science).
The key to identifying propaganda masquerading as "science" is whether or not it can be independently reproduced. That capability is not optional - it is critical in catching and correcting mistakes in experimental data, etc.
Almost no science can be reproduced these days... it is all fake, designed to support political agendas and narratives for the most part. That trend really accelerated with the fake climate science of the mid-2000's, and has only spread and gotten worse ever since.
By the way, the PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) and the AMO (Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation) have a significant impact on Earth's temperatures, especially when they are either both hot of both cold at the same time.
So does the Beaufort Gyre in the Arctic Ocean. The gyre is an anti cyclonic current where sea ice can accumulate to great thickness as it flows around the gyre for several years. There is an abundance of freshwater associated with the gyre due to ice melt.
The current that goes up the west coast of North America enters the Beaufort Sea and before it heads back south to Japan, an arm splits off into the Arctic Ocean. Since the Arctic Ocean is a nearly closed system it spins around over top of Alaska and western Canada before it finally releases and enters the North Atlantic near Greenland.
I couldnt find any good articles on it cuz, you know, muh global warming. But that last studies Ive seen on Arctic Ocean sea ice was that it is nearly stable or growing. Also, over the last 15 years global temps have actually dropped as we near a grand solar minimum. Remember Trump saying it was gonna get colder? Yea, its gonna get colder.
Research the Maunder Minimum from the early 1600s to the early 1700s to see the effects on North American and European climate. This is why we have stories of the rivers of Europe freezing (including the Thames) and where the Dutch get their now odd looking affinity for speed skating. The book 'Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates' was written about the period shortly after when Dutch rivers still froze over. I have a beautiful leather bound first edition of this book. I read it to my kids when they were young. It was written in 1865 and this is the place we get the story of the boy sticking his finger in the dyke.
Don't forgeth...THESE ARE US GOVERNMENT METEOROLOGISTS...they will be told anything and lie to protect their jobs...However, once PDJT gets in...WOWZA!!!!
Serious Question: Why do does the USA NEED a WEATHER SERVICE ALONG WITH THE OTHER 50 STATES?...Consider me riddled with a riddle, if you don't mind...
Serious answer - because accurate weather information can have serious strategic and tactical national defense implications.
As an amateur radio operator and Skywarn member, I know that state, county and local emergency operations get their weather data from the National Weather Service.
I don't believe a damn thing scientist have to say about anything. In my view, science, just like medicine has totally lost all credibility.
Individual scientist, just like most all doctors decided to go along with a narrative they knew was wrong, and harmful to humanity just to protect their Grant Money.
Two adages I grew up with:
A man that will lie to ya will steal from ya.
Once a person lies to ya, you can't believe anything else they say.
They don't have enough knowledge or data to figure out what caused the cooling and yet somehow we have enough data and knowledge to prove that it is "human caused climate change"?
Good! Means less hurricanes for us. I live in the Coastal Plains of NC. Debbie was a nail biter due to the slow moving drenching waters she left as she went over us. She was the first significant amount of precipitation since Hurricane Flo flooded us out of our home.
We spent three days watching the river gauge predictions that kept going up and down.
I am landlocked in middle America. What do I care if the oceans heat up or cool down. By the time that happens and the Earth is permnantly harmed I will be long dead. I chuck it up to God's will be done and if it is, then there is absolutely nothing I want to do about it or care about doing. So, to me it's a big nothing burger and stories like this are only meant to seperate regular folks from their hard earned money via taxes to fix the non-fixable problem.
So the saying, "When it's your time, it's your time, ain't nothing you can do about it", applies not just to living things, but to all objects in creation.
This is how my wife things about all politics and news outside her immediate world/control. If she can’t affect something then she’s not going to worry about it.
Why does everything always puzzle scientist? I thought they claimed to be the intellectuals that trust the science. What a clown ass world we live in.
Baffled, puzzled, and shocked, because even nature goes against their narrative 😂
Scientists stopped doing real science many years ago (I am a Geo-Physicist by training that shifted into computer science).
The key to identifying propaganda masquerading as "science" is whether or not it can be independently reproduced. That capability is not optional - it is critical in catching and correcting mistakes in experimental data, etc.
Almost no science can be reproduced these days... it is all fake, designed to support political agendas and narratives for the most part. That trend really accelerated with the fake climate science of the mid-2000's, and has only spread and gotten worse ever since.
By the way, the PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) and the AMO (Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation) have a significant impact on Earth's temperatures, especially when they are either both hot of both cold at the same time.
So does the Beaufort Gyre in the Arctic Ocean. The gyre is an anti cyclonic current where sea ice can accumulate to great thickness as it flows around the gyre for several years. There is an abundance of freshwater associated with the gyre due to ice melt.
The current that goes up the west coast of North America enters the Beaufort Sea and before it heads back south to Japan, an arm splits off into the Arctic Ocean. Since the Arctic Ocean is a nearly closed system it spins around over top of Alaska and western Canada before it finally releases and enters the North Atlantic near Greenland.
I couldnt find any good articles on it cuz, you know, muh global warming. But that last studies Ive seen on Arctic Ocean sea ice was that it is nearly stable or growing. Also, over the last 15 years global temps have actually dropped as we near a grand solar minimum. Remember Trump saying it was gonna get colder? Yea, its gonna get colder.
Research the Maunder Minimum from the early 1600s to the early 1700s to see the effects on North American and European climate. This is why we have stories of the rivers of Europe freezing (including the Thames) and where the Dutch get their now odd looking affinity for speed skating. The book 'Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates' was written about the period shortly after when Dutch rivers still froze over. I have a beautiful leather bound first edition of this book. I read it to my kids when they were young. It was written in 1865 and this is the place we get the story of the boy sticking his finger in the dyke.
Exactly. Shame there's no one to trust anymore, only yourself.
Yet they know with certainty what happened one trillionth of a second after the so called "big bang".
From 'nothing to something', like the Fed. does.
Even Billy Preston back in 1974 understood this.
The only thing that doesn't puzzle scientists is that global warming is real.
Don't forgeth...THESE ARE US GOVERNMENT METEOROLOGISTS...they will be told anything and lie to protect their jobs...However, once PDJT gets in...WOWZA!!!!
Serious Question: Why do does the USA NEED a WEATHER SERVICE ALONG WITH THE OTHER 50 STATES?...Consider me riddled with a riddle, if you don't mind...
Serious answer - because accurate weather information can have serious strategic and tactical national defense implications.
As an amateur radio operator and Skywarn member, I know that state, county and local emergency operations get their weather data from the National Weather Service.
“It will get cooler just watch” -DJT “Science disagrees with you” -douche reporter “Science doesn’t know” -DJT
I would guess the science will swing in the direction of the largest pot of grant money.
Scientist, Doctors, and whores will fuck any thing and anybody for enough money.
Trumps gonna make science great again.
Exactly this. Time Travelling Trump knows.
I don't believe a damn thing scientist have to say about anything. In my view, science, just like medicine has totally lost all credibility.
Individual scientist, just like most all doctors decided to go along with a narrative they knew was wrong, and harmful to humanity just to protect their Grant Money.
Two adages I grew up with:
Wise words, fren.
New International Version Ecclesiastes 1:4 Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.
The article, of course, is beating the CC-drum as usual ..... but: ....
but it is " Climate Change!
What a boatload of crock. ....
Good! Means less hurricanes for us. I live in the Coastal Plains of NC. Debbie was a nail biter due to the slow moving drenching waters she left as she went over us. She was the first significant amount of precipitation since Hurricane Flo flooded us out of our home.
We spent three days watching the river gauge predictions that kept going up and down.
I am landlocked in middle America. What do I care if the oceans heat up or cool down. By the time that happens and the Earth is permnantly harmed I will be long dead. I chuck it up to God's will be done and if it is, then there is absolutely nothing I want to do about it or care about doing. So, to me it's a big nothing burger and stories like this are only meant to seperate regular folks from their hard earned money via taxes to fix the non-fixable problem.
I like your thinking there.
So the saying, "When it's your time, it's your time, ain't nothing you can do about it", applies not just to living things, but to all objects in creation.
That a pretty profound thought my fren.
This is how my wife things about all politics and news outside her immediate world/control. If she can’t affect something then she’s not going to worry about it.
Some spicy comments in that article, too.