DOJ in Full-Blown Panic as Wisconsin Towns Thornapple and Lawrence Ditch Electronic Voting Machines in Favor of Hand Count — DOJ Threatens to File Lawsuit
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
Since when does the federal government have say so on how elections are run in the states?
They have none. But then nothing stops them from using lawsuits to intimidate and stall...
Just one Judge needs to stand up and say the Feds have no standing to bring any cases here.
Exactly, we were told over and over again in 2020 that the Feds have zero say or control over how individual states run their elections.
Their lack of control is the reason they have to cry foul to the referee. The only question is if the referee is corrupt.
... there's no question
Exactly, the Fed was implemented by the Gov and now the Fed wants to control the government. Doesn't work that way. Checks and balances for this very reason.
Since people started to believe they can.
The DOJ needs to keep their nose out of this. The States run the election, not Washington.
Exactly. Great point and reminder.
Hand counting is fun to do. After the poles closed at 6:00, it took like an hour tops. It's tough to cheat that system whichever side your on. I'd did this back in Colorado, hand counting was still legal then. When the computer tabulating started it all went to "h.... in a hand basket".
Take godless Computers out, Leave We the People In.
All mail in ballots elected Hickenlooper after the rep incumbent was leading into the late evening. Trunkfuls of ballots ‘found’ in Boulder. And the slide into shitholism accelerated to warp speed.
Exactly and in Third World Countries they counted them up that very day.
We did have a strict rule for all election officials and poll watchers. No beer could be opened until the count was signed off as full and complete.
Man come the fuck on. We can't just abandon what works in 99% of the situations for every little fringe group. Make special accomidations for them, not us. And definitely don't compromise the entire system just for them!
anyways we know that's bullshit and they are just mad they can't cheat as well. Kek
This is a bullshit argument and they know it.
It's pure lawfare.
Exactly. all smoke and zero substance coming from them.
Shows they are participating in a preplanned fix that they are pushing themselves into what should be local politics.
Obviously a nerve was struck.
Optics doesn't even matter anymore. Why bother trying to hide the corruption.
This is to wake up those still in denial.
We need to dip our fingers in ink like they did in Iran at one point.
I remember reading about that.
The ONLY reason the DOJ would threaten them is because they know the "machines" can be manipulated on the count. I smell treason at the highest levels of Government! AN accurate count is what should be confirmed.
I highly suspect they have always known. Looking back at mnay elections where people complained their vote was switched and nothing was done.
No one finds this weird?
This is more for public consumption. Making people aware .
Just saying, the people have the right to conduct elections any way they see fit. How does the DOJ have any standing for a lawsuit? Of course taxpayer foot the bill for a political agenda that the majority doesn't necessarily want.
Over reach .
So Thronapple and Lawrence will have Trump winning with 90% of the ballots and the rest of the state will go to Kamala. I see it happening now.
I suspect you are correct.
Doj needs to be dismantled. What a joke they are.
Amen. Declass in progress ?
Why would the DOJ care about how votes are counted?
Everything goes back to Obama. We have no Congress, no Senate, and no Supreme Court. We do have a couple clowns trying to run things. Who the hell is making the decisions now. Biden? Harris? Obama? Military? Whoever it is, it isn’t in the best interest of any United States Citizen.
Their past will convict them in the future ?
Of course they threaten to file lawsuit.
You can't cheat systematically with paper ballots and hand count.
I doubt they will. It would expose this wide open.
DOJ should stay out of state and local business. Seems it should be up to the state to file charges, if they disagree.
DOJ should be doing their job buy the book. Not bringing the innocent to trial while covering up for the guilty.
"Do it then, bitch! You wont!"
Lets see how this plays out.
Almost like an admission of guilt.
Reminds me of the saying. Guilty dogs bark the loudest.