Hey all. What are you thoughts and plans with your DJT stock? I'm in the "not selling" camp but wanted to see what my Internet friends are thinking. Do you think the stock is down because Trump's Twitter activity? Thanks.
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I think Wall Street Bullshit is behind most of the suppressed prices of stocks.. and they have a huge short position to unwind.. so treat it like a spring. Trump winning will pop that spring.
I'm holding DJT.. and GME.. and a ton of other 'meme' stocks because I flat out refuse to believe all those companies are just gonna go bankrupt.. or the US dollar is somehow going to just keep gaining value.
Amen brother.
It’s at $17.76 right now.
I saw that too. Interesting right?
Yes, very.
17.45 just now.
Whoa. Back over 18.00
I think if you are here on this site then you probably believe Trump's signature stock is a good investment in the long term.
Yes sir. I wanted to post this because I'm sure there are other holders of DJT that are getting worried. As expected, the majority of the comments here are positive and will uplift anyone who is feeling down. Thanks.
I'm pretty deep in DJT (XXXX) and i'm not worried one bit.
If I remember correctly, Trump mentioned where it should be evaluated during it's launch, and it's much higher than where it currently sits. I think at the time some anons did the math based off the information Trump gave at the time, and put it at $150-200 per share.
That was even during TMTG's infancy stage. Once it's the media empire it's going to be, I would wager we are looking at $800-1000+ per share, but that would be long term once it absorbs the market, and takes over the current corrupt beasts such as youtube, facebook, etc...
I hold some and I'm not considering selling.
Sell? I didn't get into this to sell during a recession. Wait it out, it's gonna be good!
It's good practice to buy on the down and sell on the up
When they tank the big three, Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street that control the market everything will rebound. Those three have to be split up for the markets to be made honest, and the control of corporate America by them ended.
You can bet DJT is being suppressed hard by that group.
I'm long on DJT with over 2K in shares and I will watch and grab more. In fact this is a great chance for me to bring down my average cost per share.
I do wish Trump had stayed off X. I think that may be hurting his stock, but I realize X (Twitter) was always a part of the plan. If I lose my ass backing the boss I am not going to be a happy camper.
I am long DJT as well; I think it will go far beyond Truth. Has to be another play; I think when the market crashes it will be used to acquire other companies. Markets are clearly rigged...its interesting watch how stock like GME, DJT trade. Almost every day they start with a strong uptick, followed by a deep drop. I should have been more diligent tracking it all but sure others are seeing this patterns.
In future retrospect, the original name being DWAC was a bit of a giveaway…
Exactly, digital world acquisition company. The stage was already set
You can average down easy.
Not financial advice....
I'm in same spot. Lost my job too. Would buy more if had more and like you my cost basis is pretty high. Hang in there brother, all we can do and Trust the Lord
Sorry to hear that,maybe you can sue the bastards.
The entire stock market is rigged. Hedgefunds literally admitted to setting the prices to what 'they believe is fair market value.'
Right on!!
I think the stock is down,because it has Trumps name on it....
I expect more of a dip. I don't want to be negative,but I am holding off buying for now.
Just bought more. I sold a small % at peak to cover my entire initial investment, and at each major dip I buy back. So, I have more now than ever, but my net loss is minimal.
My personal thinking: "Load 'em up baby, its a bargain sale!"
“I hear the shorts are working, they’re working so hard, but shorts can get hurt very badly.” - DJT quote from 4/20/24
I am down a LOT of money on this one (but I'm up 27k from the original merger of DWAC) and I haven't lost an oz. of faith
This sucks but be assured that this will be king in the future.
Bet on America folks
Yup, we have to stay in the fight!
My honest opinion, it's down for the same reason almost everything is down, the market is about to crash, for real.
In the past month the Dow is up 7%.
DJT is down 32%
They are not in unison.
I’m holding through the election. It’s only a loss when you sell. Make a plan and stick to it.
I've been buying up more, anytime the media tries to squash it I see that as a buy signal. At 17.76 pre-market. I believe Red October will be markets crashing and praying DJT will come out on the other end in a position to acquire something big.
I have 275 shares still at an average price of $31.50 I will probably buy some more tomorrow and just HODL
What happened in 1787? "The Constitutional Convention convened at the Philadelphia State House (Independence Hall) in May 1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation. After some debate, the convention decided to instead frame an entirely new government, which would include an executive, judiciary, and legislature comprised of two houses."
I am banking the loss and looking to buy back as soon as the 30 day wash sale limit runs out. Two weeks to go.
Does that mean you sold. And will buy back soon?
Exactly. Sold and expect to hopefully buy back cheaper. If I wait at least 31 days In between I get to also write off the loss.
I'm in no way qualified to give an investment advice on the internet. But if I was long-term holding I would do exactly what you're doing.
Cuz I think it's going to be a lot worse in the next month.
Trump's appeal for his NY fraud case is later this month. He's still on the hook for like $470 million.
Lets say he just wanted to cover it with Truth Social money. I think he would have to sell more than 470 million in stock. I think there's tax considerations if he wanted to clear 470 million, he might have to sell a lot more.
I'd be very surprised if he didn't sell something this month.
Wait reverse that
Pillar, I would say the stock is down, because the lockup period for insiders is abiut to end.
Just looked at headlines
Trump Media stock keeps sinking as Donald Trump's share dump nears
Top Truth Social execs—including the CEO—are shedding stock before Trump even can
Judge allows insiders to sell 18 million shares
Some of these folks are lenders or vendors to Trump Media.
This some of what people are seeing
Thanks brother!
I would say only hold if you can afford to lose.
Insiders are going to be selling their stock in September. This includes Trump. This will put downward pressure on the price.
Remember, as of this moment Trump still owes quite a bunch of money for his civil lawsuits.
Woah, you had a conversation with Trump and he told you this?! Or this is what the propaganda media told you to believe?
Yep. I just don’t see him selling his majority stake.
Kek, you're shorting Trumps's stock?
Bold move fren!
Better get your licks in before the election