This might sound like complete BS but it is not. There are many scientific experiments that have detected DNA communicating (through something) outside our known 3D senses. The experiments prove this communications exist but (as far as I know) have not identified what this communications channel actually is. They can only see the result of the communications and not the com channel itself. Too long to explain these experiments here but they are compelling.
The reason to bring this up... applications can be built to utilize this com channel directly to your DNA. At a minimum, this means any human being can be identified and contacted via this communication. You cannot hide from your own DNA signature.
FYI... the "can be built" reference is from the 1990s. I doubt this has been left unattended in our R&D labs' shelves. More probable that it has been fully developed by now.
Hard to say. Classical teaching says 3 fundamental states. The conscious, subconscious and unconscious. I say it is really 2. You are either consciously aware or you are unconsciously participating. Also there are our human frequency ranges. In our Gamma, Alpha, Beta states we are fully aware. In our Delta state (rim sleep) we are unaware. And then there is the Theta state in-between...this is where hypnotic suggestions are inserted.
There is a reason (yet to be discovered) why we are mostly operating from our subconscious and are unaware of what our subconscious is doing. This human design has a purpose.
Since we are created in the image of God and the devil likes to copy everything i have this nasty feeling they are going to attempt to extract from us our godliness and create their own “humans” using A1 robots with computerchips programmed with their manufactured dna. Anyone who watched Westworld will know what I mean.
A topic rarely covered is the part of the plan to program the remaining 500 million people because they are transformed into trans-humans.
Most people are completely unaware of the inflection point we are planned to reach and that is the real war between the population of biological humans vs. trans-humans that are completely controlled and programmable. But this inflection point is now in view. That is where this is all headed.
I think its wise to remember Yuval Harari who stated that humans were now hackable beings. This statement and others he's made have haunted me me ever since I first saw the clips. If he wasn't lying about people being hackble (whatever that means) ...
Electronically? Through medical products? Food, water, even the air is sprayed. I don't know how its all connected but it is and our DNA plays a role somehow.
So what do we do? Trump can maybe delay it for 4 years but what about after that? This is so crazy. John saw the future, saw technology, saw people buying and selling by getting their hands scanned or head from cctv.. Wow.. can we set up a community in the woods somewhere w/ many acres of land and call it our sanctuary city where DNA can't be bought? lol
Someone said “there’s no avoiding this”, kindof like how “every state is a border state” now.
In the past, when they came and took our cities, we moved to the suburbs. If they took the suburbs, we just moved farther out.
God does not call us to perpetually retreat. No judgment. It’s not like I haven’t done it, myself. Just that somehow we have to turn around and engage.
I don't have a real good handle on this because the video I saw on it was quite a while ago. I do remember, however, hearing that, as human beings, we have inalienable rights that were given to us by our Creator. God created us with the DNA we were born with, and I don't think it ever changes naturally.
If I remember correctly, I think the WEF had a goal of changing people's DNA with the Covid vaccine. If their DNA was changed, they believed that then, our God given rights no longer applied to us, and we could then potentially be enslaved without any right to change the situation. A very sinister plan, to say the least.
Does this sound familiar to anyone else? I'm guessing I heard it from a guest on The Mel K Show on Rumble. If I can figure out who it was that was talking about it, I will definitely post it.
Think about how much we DO NOT KNOW. We are morons when it comes to understanding life and the universe. Anything humans attempt to do will fail, and will ultimately be thwarted by God when His patience runs out.
i know, i think about it every time my dr orders a blood test, if they aren't taking my DNA from that. it's a BS world we live in. how do you protect your DNA from that?
This might sound like complete BS but it is not. There are many scientific experiments that have detected DNA communicating (through something) outside our known 3D senses. The experiments prove this communications exist but (as far as I know) have not identified what this communications channel actually is. They can only see the result of the communications and not the com channel itself. Too long to explain these experiments here but they are compelling.
The reason to bring this up... applications can be built to utilize this com channel directly to your DNA. At a minimum, this means any human being can be identified and contacted via this communication. You cannot hide from your own DNA signature.
FYI... the "can be built" reference is from the 1990s. I doubt this has been left unattended in our R&D labs' shelves. More probable that it has been fully developed by now.
That communication is GOD.
Sounds a lot like Quantum Entanglement, only via the DNA.
Do you have any sauce for this? Sounds very interesting.
Is this what Simon Parkes was referring to? many levels of consciousness are there
Hard to say. Classical teaching says 3 fundamental states. The conscious, subconscious and unconscious. I say it is really 2. You are either consciously aware or you are unconsciously participating. Also there are our human frequency ranges. In our Gamma, Alpha, Beta states we are fully aware. In our Delta state (rim sleep) we are unaware. And then there is the Theta state in-between...this is where hypnotic suggestions are inserted.
There is a reason (yet to be discovered) why we are mostly operating from our subconscious and are unaware of what our subconscious is doing. This human design has a purpose.
Since we are created in the image of God and the devil likes to copy everything i have this nasty feeling they are going to attempt to extract from us our godliness and create their own “humans” using A1 robots with computerchips programmed with their manufactured dna. Anyone who watched Westworld will know what I mean.
A topic rarely covered is the part of the plan to program the remaining 500 million people because they are transformed into trans-humans.
Most people are completely unaware of the inflection point we are planned to reach and that is the real war between the population of biological humans vs. trans-humans that are completely controlled and programmable. But this inflection point is now in view. That is where this is all headed.
No surprise this is from a Chinese bank. Hong Kong is officially part of China now, right?
The only thing an Asian Massage has with the Great Awakening is a Happy Ending.
I think its wise to remember Yuval Harari who stated that humans were now hackable beings. This statement and others he's made have haunted me me ever since I first saw the clips. If he wasn't lying about people being hackble (whatever that means) ...
Electronically? Through medical products? Food, water, even the air is sprayed. I don't know how its all connected but it is and our DNA plays a role somehow.
Not sure it is in our DNA ( Unvaxxed) , but I believe we have all ingested Microbots..either Air or food or water.
Correct.we inhale daily things that are bad for our body like metals the freaks are throwing in the air every day.
Creepy creepy creepy ugh.
So what do we do? Trump can maybe delay it for 4 years but what about after that? This is so crazy. John saw the future, saw technology, saw people buying and selling by getting their hands scanned or head from cctv.. Wow.. can we set up a community in the woods somewhere w/ many acres of land and call it our sanctuary city where DNA can't be bought? lol
Someone said “there’s no avoiding this”, kindof like how “every state is a border state” now.
In the past, when they came and took our cities, we moved to the suburbs. If they took the suburbs, we just moved farther out.
God does not call us to perpetually retreat. No judgment. It’s not like I haven’t done it, myself. Just that somehow we have to turn around and engage.
Who the hell would see this mark of the shit beast and think, yeah sign me up?
People that care more about this short life than the eternal one that comes after it.
I only give my DNA to my wife 🤷♂️
I don't have a real good handle on this because the video I saw on it was quite a while ago. I do remember, however, hearing that, as human beings, we have inalienable rights that were given to us by our Creator. God created us with the DNA we were born with, and I don't think it ever changes naturally.
If I remember correctly, I think the WEF had a goal of changing people's DNA with the Covid vaccine. If their DNA was changed, they believed that then, our God given rights no longer applied to us, and we could then potentially be enslaved without any right to change the situation. A very sinister plan, to say the least.
Does this sound familiar to anyone else? I'm guessing I heard it from a guest on The Mel K Show on Rumble. If I can figure out who it was that was talking about it, I will definitely post it.
I can’t recall where but I’ve heard that a few different times.
Humans have always been the worlds most valuable resource.
Q's last post - #4966 Nov 27, 2022
What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.
Should read - Will be OUR data
All your DNA are belong to us
HSBC bank - the #1 preferred bank of the drug cartels!
Never. Don't put your DNA into computers.
Think about how much we DO NOT KNOW. We are morons when it comes to understanding life and the universe. Anything humans attempt to do will fail, and will ultimately be thwarted by God when His patience runs out.
Didn't read all comments, sorry if asked. What about blood types? Specifically blood types?
i know, i think about it every time my dr orders a blood test, if they aren't taking my DNA from that. it's a BS world we live in. how do you protect your DNA from that?
It’s impossible. If any fairly close relative ever did 23 and me or some bs like that the feds have your dna
If you had a COVID test that was sent off your DNA has been collected. Especially those that probed your brain through your nose.
Great question. Maybe the future has our DNA up for sale? Cloning? Let me know if you discover an answer, willya? Your guess will be as good as mine
I have heard that people who have Rh negative DNA - cannot be cloned 🤷♀️