Check out tomorrow delta.
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Good find u/Joys1Daughter.
Does anyone else ever wonder how Q knew/knows future events?
March 5th, 2001
"Instead of talking about specifics you should be bored from your awareness to them."
John Titor, 177th Temporal Recon Division:
"Not at all, I find the subject fascinating. There are two real issues I hope people think about when I’m gone. One, how will you react when another time traveler shows up and two, how are we going to handle the responsibility of time travel when it's invented."
Think deeply friends...
u/#q3555 u/#q3585
Its always easier to point people to Looking Glass to show how Q might know the future. I do it all the time when explaining Q to new people.
However, I think Project Looking Glass (assuming it exists) is used only for broad level events, not specific events on specific dates.
How does Q know the future? Q creates the future according to the operational plan. When Q has full control of everything, its not as hard as people believe.
One thing people miss is that, this is how the world has been running for centuries. People at the levers controlling all events, sometimes to the precision of minutes.
(Classic example is the end date of WW1 = It was set to Nov 11, 11 AM)
Q has just taken the same control system, and used it against the Cabal (or more precisely, changed the goal of the control system to "Great Awakening")
"You are watching a Movie" - World has always been a Movie, but it was produced so carefully that we never noticed it was a movie. Only now, the dfference is, by design the movie is being exposed.
It's called manifestation. This whole Q thing finally opened my eyes up to it. I never believed in manifestation. I thought it was all hocus pocus mumbo jumbo b.s. Then came the Looking Glass related posts. And it suddenly dawned on me, in order for a potential reality to exist, it's creator(s) must buy in 1000%, to the point where they believe with every fiber of their being that the potential reality is actually real, it's already happened in some future timeline, and that we're all just along for the ride. It's a very hard, very abstract concept to try to wrap your brain around, which is why there's really only a relative few (in relation to the global population) who can actually bring this level of manifestation about. It's why there's only a certain number of billionaires and super millionaires, it's why there's only a certain number of highly successful people in any particular industry or group/demographic, and it's why most people struggle their whole lives to achieve any meaningful spiritual progress. Yes, talent plays a part in everyone's success at any one aspect of life, but that's only about 10% of it. The other 90% is thru manifestation. Some will call it "a lot of hard work and little bit of luck," but one thing they ALL will say is, that they 100% believe in themselves and what they want to accomplish. THIS is the true power of humanity, the ability to believe in oneself and one's goal in such a. profoundly fundamental way, that they end up manifesting the very success they want to achieve.
Ahh u/Bubble_Bursts I'm always happy when you make an appearance.
Q has posted pictures produced by the Looking Glass. This was understood by Anons at the time. Q said many times "all the pictures we post are originals"… "Think about what that means."
There are pictures (can't find them, can you?) over Hillary Clinton's shoulder of her phone (incriminating) as she is using it (on AF One?) I believe these specifically were looking glass pictures because nobody in her inner circle would risk their freedom and life to snap pictures mere inches away from her ear. Don't you think everyone's phone in her inner circle was compromised to ensure loyalty/prevent sabotage? It would be laughable to think otherwise.
These are Looking Glass images. This machine can see in any point in time and space… That includes any angle/perspective.
Did anyone else thoroughly read all of SerialBrain2's decodes?? So many things people vehemently disagree on were quite clear and understood by Anons. I saw these things in real-time.
Miss SerialBrain!
The Twitter pages linked in those posts no longer exist. Kind of like a time traveler telling someone to meet them at a Pontiac dealership in 2024 isn't it?
Nothing is ever truly deleted… I wouldn't be surprised if there's an entire multi-gig codex available in the future.
Oh, please, please, please be true!
I remember reading from this guy a while back, he breaks down codes and shows how they talk to each other. I read one once about the end of silent film, if I remember correctly, it started the same day that Gone With the Wind came out and one of the premier silent filmmakers passed away. He said the name gone with the wind was a code for silent film ends with talking. something like that
Margaret Mitchell was on the payroll too....and all those people who loved the book before the movie? Got to think about that.
Project Looking Glass.
Notice Biden "camp" u/#q4657
Bravo LBT! 🫡
I just want to know the numbers for the lottery. LOL
Just joking, I don't even buy those dumb thing.
the quotes aren't even the same. you want me to believe "Q" knew this actor was going to die this week? and i'm somehow expected to understand that "the hunt for the red october" is oh-so relevant when it's currently september, the election is november, and the quote is from a different fucking movie altogether?
i'll open my eyes to anything when I have proof. i've come a long way in the last 4 years, things have been truly eye-opening. but I have yet to see "Q" make a non-cryptic non-ambiguous prediction that isn't contrived into meaning by nothing other than the Q-believer's mental gymnastics and pattern-seeking COPIUM, rather than something that is unequivocal proof that cannot be misinterpreted.
downvote me, ban me if you want, see if I give a shit, tired of this date-larping "trust the plan" bullshit while the world goes to utter shit and the west is raped in their beds. can't wait to see what you all have to say after they steal the 2024 election. probably another 4 years of date-larping and "trust the plan" nonsense. pathetic
Whats the delta we are talking about?
“Make it and they will crumb” on September 10th
James earl jones was the voice in the movie field of dreams that said “if you build it they will come” which is a well known line and obviously the play on words Q was referring to. His passing was just announced around September 10th. He was also in the hunt for red october.
Also on today's delta (head on a swivel, people!):
Excellent discussion in post and comments. Thanks for the post!
You're welcome fren...
Someone make the graphic and post it.
Coincidence? With 4500 Q posts, the probability of a "delta" with a future event is not that low. Coincidence is much more probable, than time travel.
Your math is off. Try again. The probability of any one given coincidence, sure that might be within expected norms. But the probability of 10? 100? 1000? Consecutive coincidences? Impossible!
Q said this in 11 posts:
"How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible,"
Yes Q said that many times, but not in reference to examples like what you linked to. See my other post in this thread.
You cannot consider examples like OP's link, as consecutive coincidences.
The probability of finding some tweet today, that matches in some small way with any of the 4600+ Q posts, is let's say, X. The probability of finding a new tweet tomorrow that matches with any of the 4600+ Q posts, is also X. It is not a new coincidence, it is the same probability.
One could also argue, that there is a component of confirmation bias involved. In the above example, the link tries to match "if you build it, he will come", with a Q post saying "make it and they will crumb". I find this reaching. the only thing that validates the example is the date, but the Q post has nothing to do with James Earl Jones.
I am not trying to belittle or cast doubt on the Q posts, but I would like the discussions to be more sober, and not to the likes of gematria. Q never mentioned examples like this, as coincidences. Coincidences (that really wasn't a coincidence) to Q was an event that took place shortly after a post, or that Trump tweeted within seconds of a Q post of the same subject matter. Now those are definitely not coincidences!
It’s okay. We all start from somewhere. Being open to new possibilities and curiosity are all you need to find the truth eventually if you are persistent.