Has Joe Biden's role in the Q film changed? President Trump mentioned in yesterday's 𝕏 Space that Biden called him after the attempt on his life. He was "very nice" and "asked if I was okay. He couldn't have been nicer." Seems like a definite narrative shift is at work here . . .
🔍 Notable

It's a scripted movie. Central casting. How do people on a Q research board not understand this yet?
The military literally did a 21 gun salute for a FUNERAL on inauguration day.
yes and its starting to get good except for the assassination attempts
I'll gladly take the down votes for saying this, but I think the "attempts" are also part of the movie.
Case being: My loony lefty coworker actually reached out to me and said he was shook when he head about the (first) attempt on Trump. He also said he couldn't imagine that happening to his "hero" 0bama. He was 100% on-board with oBiden winning and then like a switch, he flipped to oHarris as being more than capable of beating Trump.
He's been very quiet after this second attempt, so I'm wondering if his critical thinking gears are finally starting to turn. Especially with the shooter's strange connections and some media asking how he got so close.
You can also point out this little fact to your coworker:
If your side is actually winning, then there's no need to take out your opponent.
Ooooohhhh. That's a great perspective! His head's going to explode.
He has little kids though, so I don't think I'd want them to see that mess.
I'll take even more downvotes for this, but calling all this a scripted movie is not helping anyone. It's confusing noobs coming here and reading this shit. Every time I see "This is a movie" in a post anymore, I cringe. THERE IS REAL WORLD SHIT HAPPENING and GOING DOWN. We are WITNESSING FACTIONS of a GLOBAL ELITE CABAL fight a CIVIL WAR for control of the planet! Sure, their pawn/puppets have a "script" to follow, but lets put things in some better context.
More improv than a movie, the goal here is to reprogram people with the methods they were programmed with to begin such as TV, news, their favorite stars....
By a movie, there are clear checkpoints and context that make it a good movie. Sheep love movies and they get emotional and attached to them, this is what Hollywood did and now their system has been hijacked by the whitehats.
To the new people here, what took so long? You see how hard it is to wake people up? Welcome to the battlefield.
It's three movies playing at once. It is supposed to be confusing.
Autists get it because three plots at once is nothing to them. Non autistic Q researchers get it because they take the time to piece the plots together. That is also where the 5000ft view comes in so you can see them all at once.
Wrestling, the actual parallel to the Q op, regulaly does this. One overarching storyline, with a parallel seemingly unrelated story line running beside it, and an under the surface storyline brewing behind it all that can easily intertwine into both. Right now in WWE it is Bloodline as the main, Judgement Day alongside it, and Wyatt Sicks beneath it all. It is specifically WWE because of the Trump connections but also because WWE is unique in how it does it. Japan presents wrestling purely as a scripted sport. Mexico presents wrestling as pure theatre. WWE is the only one who tries to present it both as a sport but also a soap opera.
but is it 'real world'? Q told us this is like the Matrix...
They'll remain confused until they see it. There is no way to ease them into it, nor the time.
It’s a war!
I don’t understand why people keep missing this key/main point. A 5th gen war for the mind of the masses. There are casualties in war.
What we have now compared to what they had planned doesn’t compare.
That is why it feels (is partial) scripted. Moves and counter moves in game theory where the chess game (war) is already won, we just need to play out the game to checkmate.
Considering how many decades / centuries they’ve been gaining control, crushing them in 8-10 yrs is a miracle.
+1 upvote
Thanks Fren! 🙋♂️
if these attempts are part of the movie....its to close to home for my taste
" Scare Event Necessary ". Actually there have been many already, not just assassination attempts. " The End is NOT for everyone ". This could mean this last 4 years is just for the sheep's de" education " program. Also could mean when all of the SRA drops start happening as it's too jarring and heartbreaking. People will deny, run, and take fetal position.
I like to assume that it was a blood capsule as I don't see any deformations on his right ear. But then again, I have faith in God as well.
I'm skeptical as well.
But are they or are they scripted? Just when I think I think I know the answer, something makes me question it.
what makes a good movie?
Some great actors and some shitty ones.
I don’t think it’s scripted in the context we think of as scripted like a movie. It’s scripted cosmically, with an unbelievable amount of moving parts and other worldly entities pulling the strings.
who knows at this point we are just spectators....
This forum reminds me of a meme with the different levels of Pepe Anons! We have it all; seems to mean different things to pedes!
Exactly. 💥