Dan Scavino posted this on FB two days ago. Where have we heard this from before? I keep seeing signs that the precipice is upon us. Put on the whole armor of God.

I don't believe in god or devil but it is an effective metaphor.
Max Romeo - Chase The Devil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9oLSMSW4SI
I respect your beliefs.
But I do hope you find Jesus one day. Hopefully you'll seek him one day.
God bless you.
I try to stay outside the belief paradigm. I think settling on a belief is folly. All of existence is out there and it is possible to learn so much more than we know. Why should I limit my understanding with a strange tale that appears to be meant to control ancient populations on Earth?
How much evidence would you need to challenge the unbelief of belief? For evidence of a painter you have paintings. For evidence of a builder you have buildings. For evidence of a creator you have the creation.
How can we know existence was created? What if it always was? No beginning.
For you to believe you would need the answer to how much evidence is required for you. I have seen enough for me.
A shred would go a long way.
I've heard people talk about the bible being full of metaphors, it's hard to find people willing to share their ideas on them. What is your understanding for god and devli metaphorically?
Good and evil are real. God and devil are not clear entities...but the substances of good and evil are real.
The parables of Jesus would be one example: say, the man who hired servants at all hours of the day to harvest, but then paid them all the same is a metaphor of heaven, where you still have access even if you repent at the last minute.
Just good vs. evil. Not that I think god lives up to the hype in the bible itself. He wiped out virtually all life on the planet in that book.
For cause I might add.
Not only were all the people evil then but all the plants and animals were too.
Scavino post this meme on Twitter
What always resonated with me with the modern pro abortion, pro war, anti Maga crazy minds of the left is Jesus saying "those who hate me, love death."
I believe evil and good are 100% real regardless of what you call the entities. Every religion worldwide recognizes good and evil.
I think metaphorically everything that is fruits of the spirit is what the Bible is about (even people who are new age spiritual would call those high frequency emotions) and anything negative is bad for your health, body, mind, etc. Transcending vs. Existing.
Respectfully, we were created to believe, there is no such thing as not believing, unbelief is not none belief. You believe you don't believe, that's still believing, you believe you don't believe and it's your choice, it's the freedom God gave to all,to believe in him or to not believe in him, but believing you are.
Belief might be the human condition but maybe that is because we are conditioned to do so by people who want to control us. To me experience seems superior to belief in the quest to know reality.
"Condition to do so by people who want to control us"(you say) Who conditioned the people that you say are trying to conditioning you? Now follow that far enough back, and you can throw out your theory, and see that the first man was programmed (by his creator) TO BELIEVE, but the purpose is not to control, since man can choose what to believe or what not to believe. You say, "To me experience seems Superior to belief in the quest to know reality" It is true experience is a teacher, but it is a poor teacher, by the time you're experience tells you not to do something it's too late you already did it. Whereas the word of God will teach you, what not to do, without ever experiencing the ill effect of of doing it. PSALMS 119: 97-104 "Oh how I love all you've revealed I reverently ponder it all day long YOUR COMMANDMENTS GIVE ME AN EDGE ON MY ENEMIES, they never become obsolete, I HAVE BECOME WISER THAN MY TEACHERS since I pondered and absorbed your counsel I I HAVE BECOME WISER THAN THE WISE OLD SAGE (EXPERIENCE) simply by doing what you tell me. I watch my step avoiding the ditches, and ruts of evil so I can spend all my time keeping your word. "With your instruction I understand life that's why I hate false propaganda"
"It is true experience is a teacher, but it is a poor teacher, by the time you're experience tells you not to do something it's too late you already did it."
That is not really what I mean. Experience as in 'observation of existence,' not as in "life lessons." Why are all the religious guys who engage me here consistently...obtuse?
"Why are all the religious guys who engage me consistently obtuse (you ask) could the answer be,you're on such a higher plane intellectually,everyone else seems obtuse? Be interesting to hear your thoughts on the teachings of Christ. Jesus Christ was called by the intellectuals of his day a babbler, who can understand him? I'm in good company, not so sure if you are.Talking with you,about what you consider religion,doesn't make me religious, I mean I could say (for instance) you are a religious person, and your religion is experienced, would I be right? Can you see it. Or is that too obtuse.
It's not everyone though. It's mostly you guys. Your example about my "religion of experience" is a good example, yes. That's actually ridiculous. How is my philosophy a religion?
How could you know what anyone said about jesus? There are no accounts from his lifetime. No one recorded one single thing about all those supernatural miracles by the god-man. It was the most amazing series of events ever and no one thought to even mention it for posterity.
For posterity? What do you think the Bible is? Let me ask you,Who would have had to written for posterity in order for you to believe it? Those who wrote, the Gospels were eyewitness of what Jesus did and said, every one of them died, a horrific martyr's death because of their testimony about Christ, except for John, who died ad a prisoner for his faith in Christ on the Island pathamus. All they would have had to do, to escape crucifixion, thrown to the Lions, and burnt alive would have been to deny that what they testified about Christ was a lie, but they didn't. If that is not proof, nothing is.
I have been through this with every one of you guys and it is so boring.
Google query: Were the gospels written by eyewitnesses?
"Most scholars agree that they are the work of unknown Christians and were composed c.65-110 AD. The majority of New Testament scholars also agree that the Gospels do not contain eyewitness accounts; but that they present the theologies of their communities rather than the testimony of eyewitnesses."
"So these gospels, even if traditional authorship is granted, would not be eye witness testimony of Jesus."
"Even if the author of Luke was not himself an eyewitness, it does appear that he believed he was recording true history as delivered to him from eyewitnesses."
"The consensus among serious Biblical scholars is that none of the Gospels were written by eyewitnesses to the events in them."
"Despite patristic traditions to the contrary, it seems unlikely that any of the gospel writers were eyewitnesses themselves."
"For this reason, Ehrman concludes that the four Gospels could not have been written by eyewitnesses, but were written by others much later, who had not seen ..."
"There is nothing to indicate the authors of the Gospels thought they were eyewitnesses or using eyewitness testimony."
"The simple truth is that there is no verifiable basis for the historical claim that the gospels preserve reliable, eyewitness testimony about the events of ..."
It goes on and on.
"Who conditioned the people that you say are trying to conditioning you? Now follow that far enough back, and you can throw out your theory, and see that the first man was programmed (by his creator) TO BELIEVE, but the purpose is not to control, since man can choose what to believe or what not to believe."
Very circular! "Might there not be a creator?" "There is a creator because as you can see, man was programmed by his creator."
"There is a Creator because you can see man with programmed by his creator" Now the situation is reversed and you have misunderstood. If we were programmed we would do what he program us to do. That is not what I would use for proof that there is a creator. I would use you as proof of a creator "since you did not create yourself, someone or something did" Therefore a creator.
I mean my parents created me but jesus fucking christ your replies are living up to the obtuse brand.
Ever notice, whenever someone swears, they never say f****** Buddha, or effing Muhammad, it's always effing Jesus Christ, you're super intelligent why is that? Why did you cry out the name of Jesus Christ in anger, and not any other religious figure or God? I have heard too many times to count people cry out when they're angry or scared Jesus Christ, but never have I heard someone cry out Buddha or Muhammad, or tooth fairy. That alone should tell you something, but I doubt if it will, I'm guessing it would be too obtuse for you. Sad.
Because people use it as a swear word it means jesus is real.
Finally, a voice of reason!! Thank you!
We’re in an existential spiritual battle of good vs. evil right now. You must choose between Jesus or Satan there will be no third choice.
The armor of God is said to have several pieces, each with a specific purpose:
Helmet: Protects the head, and is represented by following Jesus and doing what he wants.
Shield: Represents faith in Jesus Christ, which helps people make good choices.
Girdle: Represents knowing what is true, and living the gospel.
Breastplate: Protects the heart, and is represented by loving God with all your ❤️.
Shoes: Represent following Jesus Christ's footsteps.
Sword: Represents the Spirit, which helps people when they face hard things
These items are something that is needed everyday. The devil does not rest to try and make you stumble and fall. This armor is all encompassing and needs to be worn constantly.
Precipice isn't til just after the election, and the closer to January 20th we get, the more dangerous it will be.
What "signs" do you see? Portends, or just what people are parroting because it fits a particular narrative or fits their own cognitively dissonant political bias?
We are nowhere near any sort of precipice. We are nowhere near the levels of inflation that the world saw in the lead up to WWII, we are nowhere near the levels of brutality from our own govt that we saw in the lead up to the American Revolution or the Civil War, we are certainly nowhere near the levels of brutality we saw under Jacobin oppression during the French Revolution, much less anywhere even remotely close to the Communist and Fascist Revolutions of the 20th Century, nowhere near the levels of stupidity we saw during the Cuban Missile Crisis (remember, Putin and Trump lived thru it, so don't think we're remotely close to that current day MSM/CIA talking point now because if we were we'd all be busy little bees buying up iodine tablets and gas masks while our children play stupid games of "hide under your desk"), and are certainly nowhere near the levels of human depravity that brought on Noah's Flood or the razing of Soddam & Gammorah where whole societies, top-down were preying on people like us.
We are only in the middle of multiple psyops designed to capture our minds for one side or the other. And when you look at everything being said from all sides, that fact becomes readily apparent to anyone paying close attention. We are still in a relative comfortable era in human history, where the vast majority of humanity is still free to do what it wants, when it wants, where it wants, how it wants, and with whoever we want to do whatever it is we want to do! People are still able to buy most luxury items (yes, your favorite popcorn counts as a luxury item, so does your "cofefe") they want to buy (even if it's only a cinema ticket, a cheese burger, a six-pack of beer, a ticket to a sold out sporting or concert/festival event, etc, etc, etc). If we weren't able to do those things still, we would all know it because we would all be in the streets protesting or would be in a 16 hr long bread line, or lined up awaiting the guillotine, or in concentration camps awaiting giant gas chambers, or slaving away in some frozen tundra gulag, or hanging from trees and lamp posts, or hiding under kitchen tables while our tech devices are busy alerting us to potential incoming ICBMs, or using our less than 5 yr old $80K-$100K vehicles for hauling trailers loaded down with pallets of cash around just to buy a loaf of bread and some eggs (this is adjusted for inflation from the time of Weimar Germany), or we'd be melting down our gold and silver jewelry for bartering, or we'd be in a full on kinetic war with ourselves, or our govts, and warring for the left over scraps of humanity with each and every separate "tribe," (aka demographic and sub-demographic) known to mankind.
THAT is a world shaking, humanity changing precipice, and all those examples I've listed above, purposely in the form of a run-on sentence because they were ALL world changing events for the people who lived them. If you can still turn your lights on, use electricity to cook your foods, drive your vehicles to work or school or wherever, are still able to fall asleep at night in a relatively comfortable setting (even if you're "poor" by today's vain standards), if you're able to use your phones and vehicles to transport yourself or family to any social event, buy ammo for your thousand dollar rifle you just bought last year, or buy whatever it is you consider food fit for consumption without truly fearing for your lives, you are STILL 100% better off than humanity has ever been, because you happen to be residing in the top 1% of global wage earners. There are people all over the world who make tens of thousands of dollars less than you, who are still more comfortable now than than they would've been in the super ancient world. Empires and societies rise and fall in the blink of an eye, relative to the Earth's age, even relative to the age of Homo Sapien Sapiens (that's us for anyone who doesn't know).
It's time we get of the high horse of declaring "this is the precipice." If you think we're anywhere near a world shaking, paradigm shift of a true precipice, then you need to educate yourself on the truly world shaking events of our history. And I'm not talking about some political assassination attempt meant to erode trust or instill fear. I mean the type of precipice where it looks, smells, and definitely feels like your little world is ending. The kind of precipice that would make you shit your pants while you're puking up your guts in fear type precipice. The kind of precipice where you're afraid to sleep at night for fear of being dragged out of your 1000 thread count bed sheets and memory foam bed kind of fear. Because it's that kind of fear, and ONLY that kind of fear that truly forces humanity to make a change for the better.
And it's clear to me, with all the rhetoric being spewed from both sides, that we're nowhere near that level of fear yet. How do I know this? Because everyone of us here is in the top 5% of wage earners globally (if you live in the Western Hemisphere in a Western Nation you are in the top 1% of global wage earners), every one of us here is still living in comfortable, air conditioned dwellings while sipping our caffeine while interacting with each other on a global scale using hand held technological wonders called laptops, cell phones, and tablets, while checking our smart watches to let us know what today's weather brings before we take our families on a day trip "to getaway from the week's work/school chaos." (Seriously, get over yourselves. It could ALWAYS get a helluva lot worse than it is now!)
If we were truly anywhere near a world shaking precipice, this site would be empty because no one would be able to access it because the Internet would be down because we'd have no electricity because we'd be too busy trying to survive while the world figuratively and quite literally burns around us.
And from what I see, we are nowhere near that.
Yet. (IF, not when, but IF we ever reach that point, most of you won't even see it because you would've died well beforehand, and probably due to coming across someone way more desperate to survive than you are.)
(Quit bitching about how uncomfortable you feel, because that's all this talk of a precipice really is.)
I agree we are not at the precipice.