From a Brave search because I knew it was because of the anti-saturated fats protests but didn't know all this.
"McDonald’s stopped using beef tallow for frying their French fries in 1990. The change was largely attributed to the efforts of a wealthy heart attack survivor, John Sokolof, who spent $3 million on full-page newspaper ads criticizing McDonald’s for serving unhealthy food. Sokolof’s campaign targeted McDonald’s use of beef tallow, which he claimed was high in saturated fat and contributed to heart disease.
As a result of Sokolof’s campaign, McDonald’s faced public pressure and lawsuits from vegetarian and religious groups, who claimed that the company’s use of beef tallow misled consumers into believing their fries were suitable for vegetarian diets. In 1990, McDonald’s announced that it would replace beef tallow with 100% vegetable oil, citing concerns about customer perceptions and the potential for negative publicity.
Additionally, the company may have been influenced by changing attitudes towards saturated fats and cholesterol in the 1980s and 1990s, as well as growing awareness of the importance of heart health. The shift to vegetable oil was likely seen as a way to improve the perceived healthiness of McDonald’s menu items and reduce the risk of negative publicity."
They got his name wrong. It was Phil Sokolof. I've read several books recently that pushing for low fat diets has probably contributed most to our current obesity epidemic. Looks like he did more harm than just tinkering with McDonalds' fries.
From wikipedia:
"Sokolof's efforts regarding the McDonald's menu ended the practice of cooking their French fries in beef tallow.[1] He also waged campaigns against the use of so-called "tropical" oils, such as coconut and palm oils, which were used to manufacture many cookies and crackers. According to the Los Angeles Times, Sokolof's campaign forced several manufacturers, including Ralston Purina, Borden, Pillsbury, Quaker Oats, Sunshine Biscuits, Pepperidge Farm, and Keebler to end their use of tropical oils in their products.
After those achievements, Sokolof's public profile was reduced, but he continued his struggle, primarily against fat in the diet. In 1995, Bryant Gumbel introduced him to debate the Today show as "America's No. 1 Cholesterol Fighter".[4] Sokolof took out ads decrying the popularity of 2% milk, arguing that it is not low-fat, and encouraged parents to only buy skim milk. In 1997, he urged Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods not to endorse McDonald's.[5] In 2002, Sokolof briefly returned to his full-page ad purchasing practice to discourage fellow Omaha native Warren Buffett from purchasing Burger King. [6][7]
Sokolof died on April 15, 2004, of heart failure[8] at the age of 82."
No wonder, after eating nothing but vegetable oils.
Europe, for all its shortcomings, does seem to care more about what goes into their food. They ban GMOs, glyphosate, don't fluoridate water (I think), and won't allow aspertane and dangerous colorings.
I'm born and live in Sweden. I can tell you that the only thing that is banned here is commercial GMOs. They didn't ban glyphosate until the October of 2021. The tap water is fluoridated and they allow aspertame. Also some colorings.
I agree that USA has it alot worse, but it's not getting better here in Sweden.
Same in Ireland. I have my own well, when I go into town or the city, I can taste the difference immediately in the water.
Fluoride is chemical waste, expensive to dispose of, so some clever accountant came up with the idea of using it as a health product, it has the added bonus of keeping the sheep pacified.
Corporations don’t particularly like us. And they are financially incentivized to produce as cheap as possible and a lot of additives are cheap. In fact quite a few of them start out as industrial waste from other facilities owned by shareholders of the food corporations. Not to mention they actively employ people whose sole purpose is to figure how to engineer the food they produce to be as addictive as possible and set off all the right dopamine receptors. And hide all evidence of malfeasance, corner cutting, and health risks.
In order to return fatter and fatter profits to shareholders. Which are often composed majority of people and companies who also don’t like the general population.
And Smaller companies who wish to compete financially with the major corporations. If they aren’t bought out. Are also incentivized to adopt the same additives and processes the major companies are using to kill us. In order to stay financially competitive and keep the owners in a lavish lifestyle.
Heard it was 19 ingredients. But I think that the ingredients to fry them are duplicated because they fry them twice: once at the plant and then at the individual restaurant. Either way it's too much crap in them there fries!
I mean the Government Agencies maybe paid for. But I’ve got a distinct impression that a not insignificant percentage of people would protest the Government outlawing various substances the Corporations are using to poison us. Because it’d be ‘interfering’ with the free market.
It is downright painfully embarrassing that our own government has been poisoning us our entire lives with the end goal of sickness Big Pharma and the medical establishment profits from. How truly mortifying and unfortunate, our trust.
Answer, they're trying to kill us.
Or just keep us sick and dumb. More profitable.
All because they hate you, they despise your existence.
Food Meme's with facts overload would be good
They used to be fried in tallow which is good for you.
From a Brave search because I knew it was because of the anti-saturated fats protests but didn't know all this.
"McDonald’s stopped using beef tallow for frying their French fries in 1990. The change was largely attributed to the efforts of a wealthy heart attack survivor, John Sokolof, who spent $3 million on full-page newspaper ads criticizing McDonald’s for serving unhealthy food. Sokolof’s campaign targeted McDonald’s use of beef tallow, which he claimed was high in saturated fat and contributed to heart disease.
As a result of Sokolof’s campaign, McDonald’s faced public pressure and lawsuits from vegetarian and religious groups, who claimed that the company’s use of beef tallow misled consumers into believing their fries were suitable for vegetarian diets. In 1990, McDonald’s announced that it would replace beef tallow with 100% vegetable oil, citing concerns about customer perceptions and the potential for negative publicity.
Additionally, the company may have been influenced by changing attitudes towards saturated fats and cholesterol in the 1980s and 1990s, as well as growing awareness of the importance of heart health. The shift to vegetable oil was likely seen as a way to improve the perceived healthiness of McDonald’s menu items and reduce the risk of negative publicity."
They got his name wrong. It was Phil Sokolof. I've read several books recently that pushing for low fat diets has probably contributed most to our current obesity epidemic. Looks like he did more harm than just tinkering with McDonalds' fries. From wikipedia: "Sokolof's efforts regarding the McDonald's menu ended the practice of cooking their French fries in beef tallow.[1] He also waged campaigns against the use of so-called "tropical" oils, such as coconut and palm oils, which were used to manufacture many cookies and crackers. According to the Los Angeles Times, Sokolof's campaign forced several manufacturers, including Ralston Purina, Borden, Pillsbury, Quaker Oats, Sunshine Biscuits, Pepperidge Farm, and Keebler to end their use of tropical oils in their products.
After those achievements, Sokolof's public profile was reduced, but he continued his struggle, primarily against fat in the diet. In 1995, Bryant Gumbel introduced him to debate the Today show as "America's No. 1 Cholesterol Fighter".[4] Sokolof took out ads decrying the popularity of 2% milk, arguing that it is not low-fat, and encouraged parents to only buy skim milk. In 1997, he urged Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods not to endorse McDonald's.[5] In 2002, Sokolof briefly returned to his full-page ad purchasing practice to discourage fellow Omaha native Warren Buffett from purchasing Burger King. [6][7]
Sokolof died on April 15, 2004, of heart failure[8] at the age of 82." No wonder, after eating nothing but vegetable oils.
Parents that buy low fat or nonfat milk for their kids are doing them more harm than good.
Growing brains need that good animal fat found in milk and other animal products for proper development.
Maybe that is why so many liberal families are functionally retarded?
Europe, for all its shortcomings, does seem to care more about what goes into their food. They ban GMOs, glyphosate, don't fluoridate water (I think), and won't allow aspertane and dangerous colorings.
I'm born and live in Sweden. I can tell you that the only thing that is banned here is commercial GMOs. They didn't ban glyphosate until the October of 2021. The tap water is fluoridated and they allow aspertame. Also some colorings.
I agree that USA has it alot worse, but it's not getting better here in Sweden.
Not as good as I thought but still better than having a bowl of glyphosate for breakfast. Thanks for the insight.
Same in Ireland. I have my own well, when I go into town or the city, I can taste the difference immediately in the water.
Fluoride is chemical waste, expensive to dispose of, so some clever accountant came up with the idea of using it as a health product, it has the added bonus of keeping the sheep pacified.
Corporations don’t particularly like us. And they are financially incentivized to produce as cheap as possible and a lot of additives are cheap. In fact quite a few of them start out as industrial waste from other facilities owned by shareholders of the food corporations. Not to mention they actively employ people whose sole purpose is to figure how to engineer the food they produce to be as addictive as possible and set off all the right dopamine receptors. And hide all evidence of malfeasance, corner cutting, and health risks.
In order to return fatter and fatter profits to shareholders. Which are often composed majority of people and companies who also don’t like the general population.
And Smaller companies who wish to compete financially with the major corporations. If they aren’t bought out. Are also incentivized to adopt the same additives and processes the major companies are using to kill us. In order to stay financially competitive and keep the owners in a lavish lifestyle.
Why does General Mills cereals contain Trisodium Phosphate? Concrete cleaner? Haven't bought any of that shit in years.
Heard it was 19 ingredients. But I think that the ingredients to fry them are duplicated because they fry them twice: once at the plant and then at the individual restaurant. Either way it's too much crap in them there fries!
Because the government agencies are paid for
I mean the Government Agencies maybe paid for. But I’ve got a distinct impression that a not insignificant percentage of people would protest the Government outlawing various substances the Corporations are using to poison us. Because it’d be ‘interfering’ with the free market.
Cause these people hate the goy so much that they even want to kill our children.
Only one answer,
Because they can.
I learned in marketing class in 1984 that McDonald’s has patented their fries….😳
I'm sure it isn't the case that they're trying to kill us.
The citizenry of the USA represents 90% of Big Pharma/Doctor/Hospital money. No sense having a healthy public if you want to get rich on medical care!
Because many modern food scientists came from the tobacco industry.
It is downright painfully embarrassing that our own government has been poisoning us our entire lives with the end goal of sickness Big Pharma and the medical establishment profits from. How truly mortifying and unfortunate, our trust.
They are killing the people with the guns, first ... then they'll move to other nations with their poisons!
Here are some of the 11 ingredients:
Potatoes: McDonald's uses a variety of premium potatoes, including Russet Burbank, Russet Ranger, Umatilla Russet, and Shepody.
Dextrose: A sugar that helps the fries maintain a consistent golden color.
Vegetable oil: A blend of canola, corn, and soybean oil.
Sodium acid pyrophosphate: Helps prevent the potatoes from turning gray.
Salt: Some say McDonald's uses a fine popcorn salt that sticks well to the fries.
Dimethylpolysiloxane: A silicone anti-foaming agent that prevents the oil from splattering.
Citric acid: An anti-oxidant that helps keep the oil fresh.
Natural beef flavor: Contains hydrolyzed wheat and hydrolyzed milk.
TBHQ: An anti-oxidant that helps preserve the oil's freshness as it travels to the restaurant.
just GAG!
McDonald salt has three ingredients.
So it’s not kosher?