Good News! Today on the phone, my older brother apologized for giving me a rack of shit about covid,..
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
He asked if I would please send him information on how to counteract the jab. I had only asked him which company's product he got all those years ago, and his reaction to that simple question back then was just awful. We didn't speak for a long time. He was good to me when we were kids, I now have some happy research to do.
Any information that you've found to be solid on that front will be most sincerely appreciated.
Go to the Steve Kirsch Substack. He just published another new article with a lot of vindicating research. He is solid.
Thank you!
Congratulations, dude. Happy to hear this kind of news. Clif High had a protocol for clearing out the spike proteins. I'm looking for it on his Twitter. I remember two important elements of it were ivermectin and nattokinase. I'll see if I can find it and link it here.
Edit to add: I can't find Clif's but this link mentions the nattokinase. Also, I found lots of good links on Yandex by typing in "clear the spike protein":
Very nice, thank you!
I tried a lot of protocols (no vax, but covid hit me hard and kept coming back, so I did detox protocols). The last one was not only the best (which is why it was the last), but also the cheapest and easiest: nicotine patches for 2 weeks.
Here's my post about it:
Since then, two people close to me have done it and felt better. Theory is it stops any progression and gets the bad stuff out. Repairing damage would have to be something else, but stopping it in its tracks and preventing further damage comes first.
nicotine kills any nano-bots too
That is both surprising and interesting. Thanks much!
I think Doctor Peter McCullough has a protocol. And he's top-notch.
Congratulations to your brother for waking up. And congratulations on getting your brother back.
I cried...and I reminded him that there's nothing that could make me forget that he was the only one in a family of 7 who I felt actually cared for me. Thanks!
That is soooo nice! 😺
My brother is an architect and well-educated. He's had at least 10 shots now and plans to get more. Doesn't want to hear anything about what I have found out about the jab.
We don't talk now, but that started when he married a shrew.
That sucks. Sometimes being well educated has nothing to do with being smart.
It's more that being educated doesn't make you intelligent or vice versa, but I would point people towards a very common cultural phenomenon that has taken the world by storm:
Fear of being wrong.
People do not want to be wrong, and so they will trend towards and often conform with the loudest (often mistaken for most numerous) voices for fear of being wrong, because if you're wrong then it means you screwed up and that's a difficult pill to swallow in the information era.
Sometimes it's not down to intelligence or education but a chip on one's shoulder.
That certainly contributes to the cognitive dissonance...they simply cannot fathom a scenario different from the one they've become comfortable with.
I'm sorry to hear that, fren...
Second this! He is the most published doctor in history I believe.
Wow, this is big. I hope all goes well with your interactions with him. It’s great for you to want to help him. Not everyone would be so willing. Blessings to you.
Dr. Peter McCullough is a very thorough source on all things covid, vax and spike protein detox. Scroll down on first page:
A lot of people recommend this group:
Very much appreciated!
We have a treatment specifically for vax injury as well, but it's similar to long covid.
Thank you!
May I ask how you got to the dev site instead of the production?
I'll try to fix what lead you to our unstable dev env.
Just searched using Brave browser
I'm on vacation with some woke friends who are giving me 24x7 TDS and Putin Man Bad. I'm finding it difficult to keep smiling and ignoring them. One of friends has sniffly cold and blocked sinuses - the rest of them are pestering her to have a covid test and wear a mask. Driving me absolutely nuts.
my pal just had a heart attack after the latest jab update. Surgery was necessary and they yank clots out. Docs say he had the flu. Then the wife gets 'the flu'. Wife gets call yesterday. Hubby tested + for covid.
They do NOT make any connections to the jab. None
They're broken people. TV for brains
Maybe you're busy the next time they ask about a joint vacation, lol
Man, you were brave vacationing with woke friends!
Oh that sucks. Well, vacation though... Practice your Zen mastery and tune them out while you're grooving on not having to cook and do regular life stuff. You get to choose where your focus is, right?
I’m at my daughter’s house visiting and her hubby is just a straight up democrat no matter what happens in the world. He started lecturing me on the evils of capitalism yesterday. I’m beside myself but have gotten good at putting my two cents in gracefully. I told him corrupt capitalism is not good, which is why we need moral, decent people in the establishment. What could he say? He’s brainwashing my daughter, but neither one of them read any real news or have any clue what is happening in the real, true world.
He’s in the National Guard Reserves (pilot) and is also a commercial airline pilot. All vaxed up! People like him, who think they occupy the moral high ground without knowing or understanding a damn thing, literally make my skin crawl.
I just want to go home where at least truth reigns in my life—as difficult and scary as that truth may be.
I love my granddaughter so much, so the pain of being around him is worth it.
He’s all excited to go on a two-month deployment to the Middle East. A true democrat—thru and thru! Let’s do this war! 🙄
You never know when any of us will have our epiphany. Mine was in October of 2017, and there's much to be said about the benefits of a slow drip. Deploying to the Middle East might just serve him in that regard, but his eye-opening might be rather dramatic. It's what ya get for being a stubborn fool.
You just never know. Your granddaughter needs you around, too.
They are probably jabbing your granddaughter
This is very uplifting news fren. May your family continue to be restored and blessed.
I'm happy to hear that. Many of us have hearts heavy with grief over losing important connections. Just a few sincere words is all it takes sometimes...
I'm sorry he had to learn the hard way. Good thing you pushed his buttons and ticked him off back then, so he knew who to call to help him now. Wasn't fun when it happened I'm sure, but it was worth it.
More good times to come going forward, as we all will likely be picking up some of our lost friends and relatives for a time.
I'm sure that's true, and I really love that you pointed out the value of the difficulty before. He did come to me for help when it counts, and it's a full circle healing of that important relationship.
Nattokinase protocol.
I am happy for you. I don't think my brother is ever going to get there. We can hope he sees the light.
Along with IVM and NAC my brother decided to take this instead of getting Nattokinase separately. He said he feels amazing.
Side note: I met a Dr. recently who use to work with Dr.Thorpe and said he's an incredible person. So that meant a lot coming from them.
Thank you kindly.
That is really nice news. I've been wishing, hoping and praying my brother would too.
Great news fren.
My family argued with me a bit,but they know I'm stubborn as heck. Now they have come around and have no need to apologize.
Here is the link I sent my brother when he was thinking about a booster.
It worked great.
Love this! Congratz!!
Z DTox from Dr Zelenko purchase link
The Wellness Company Spike Support purchase link
Good for him!!! Spread your knowledge moar and u will keep helping others! 💪🏽
Thanks much!
I think he was mad at you back then because deep inside, his intuition was screaming at him not to get the shot. I’m so glad he has come around. What made him change recently? Just curious. Something he read? Saw online?
He should look at How Bad Is My Batch website and figure out what product/batch he had first. Good to know what he’s dealing with and how it’s been behaving in the marketplace.
Mccolough (doctor) has a lot of info and so does Front Line American doctors. NAC seems to be the magic elixir but you have to take other things with it.
I'm sure you're right. In our very fruitful conversation, I did express my sincere appreciation for finally having it. I also asked how he started questioning, and to my surprise, he's become a fan of SG Anon...and it wasn't me who turned him onto SG as a source.
He appreciates the 'no fluff or chitty chat' nature of the direct intel and research that SG brings.
Thanks much for the batch checking site. Much appreciated.
Spike Support from The Wellness Company is what we use. It is good for unvaxxed people, too (who may have had covid or may have been shed upon). This product came through Dr Peter McCullough. I also take his Bison supplement.
Fasting 5 days per month
Blood donation.
EDTA caps