That was the Chevron Deference. It has nothing to do with eminent domain though. If the government wants ("needs") your land they can take it after paying a "fair price".
Gee - I wonder what a fair price would be for land devastated by floods and riddled with fallen trees, debris, and dead bodies?
It happened to my Grandfather in Jacksonville FL years ago. They needed his land for power towers. They condemned it and took it, he hated the government too.
Eminent domain. It's necessary, but sadly misused and sadly unfair. But an entire city for a road? In the mountains? A mine? In the imcredible Blue ridge? I would march in that protest.
Eminent domain. They'll seize it under guise of declaring it a Superfund site, then sell it to the corrupt contractor under some vague agreement that they will "rehabilitate the land and mitigate soil contamination" that will never be enforced. I've seen this play quite a few times over the years.
God bless you rherrell. stand your ground and fight, fight, fight. i wish we could all come and help everyone there. can you keep us updated as often as you can?
Yeah, I'm OK. I live about 75 miles east of Ashville and all we got was a little rain and wind, no damage at all. I live at the very top of a hill so flooding is never a problem for me. It seems like the Ashville area is the only place in the state that got hammered, just weird because of how far inland it is. Hurricanes usually lose power over land but this one didn't.
Yes, it has shown an incredibly huge lithium deposit located undeneath Asheville and the surrounding area. Mining companies owned by groups like Blackrock and Vanguard waiting in the wings. FEMA is “out of money” these people will not be able to rebuild. The election is less than 30 days away… Can you say Lahaina Hawaii? Superstorm Sandy? Ruby Ridge, Bundy Ranch? $750.00 to each victim to rebuild a lifetime…time will tell…if this is yet another DS land grab.
My dads family comes from the southeastern United States. They were farmers, and lived independently in Georgia and the Carolina's since before the Revolutionary War. I also lived in both North and South Carolina. I can assure you that the majority of people from those States will not roll over in the face of government bullying, nor will they give up their land and homes because they are being ordered to do so.
Rural Americans, in general, are a very hardy bunch that do not take well to outsiders coming to take what is theirs. Southerners, in particular, are even less likely to roll over. The devastation of the Carpet Baggers is still not forgotten in the South.
They use the fear porn term of Climate Change as an excuse orcover up of the man made weather engineering going on.
Please research the most devastating storms since just 2010.
Fires, tornados, and hurricanes.
They always seem to destroy very valuable areas that have not been modernized or rejuvenated.
They engineer, steering, or intensify the storms. Once the damage comes in, the companies that have big contracts with FEMA get big govt $ to come in w/ supplies, NON profits collect donations & hardly disperse to the needy, and big Corps come in and buy out the land & resources from citizens who don't have the money to rebuild or fight them. They take these lands from citizens who's families have owned for generations.
We are being attacked
Government will condemn land to acquire it. Very plausible here.
How, precisely, do they condemn land?
"ur land is trash, mine now!" -The Government, probably
That's worth taking to the Supreme court.
Eminent domain. Also, no standing, peasant.
You don't own any land in the land of the free, peasant!
What was that recent case that pulled the rug out from under law by bureaucratic edict? Exon? Texaco? The win on this was a really, really big deal.
That was the Chevron Deference. It has nothing to do with eminent domain though. If the government wants ("needs") your land they can take it after paying a "fair price".
Gee - I wonder what a fair price would be for land devastated by floods and riddled with fallen trees, debris, and dead bodies?
Eminent domain has to adhere to a real need and a claim of unlimited authority by the feds comes under the very same principle as the chevron case.
It happened to my Grandfather in Jacksonville FL years ago. They needed his land for power towers. They condemned it and took it, he hated the government too.
Eminent domain. It's necessary, but sadly misused and sadly unfair. But an entire city for a road? In the mountains? A mine? In the imcredible Blue ridge? I would march in that protest.
Eminent domain. They'll seize it under guise of declaring it a Superfund site, then sell it to the corrupt contractor under some vague agreement that they will "rehabilitate the land and mitigate soil contamination" that will never be enforced. I've seen this play quite a few times over the years.
This time the Supreme Court has set a significant precedent
I think there's something in the act that created flood insurance that prohibits rebuilding
I live in western NC and it ain't "lost". Slow your roll doomer, have a little faith.
God bless you rherrell. stand your ground and fight, fight, fight. i wish we could all come and help everyone there. can you keep us updated as often as you can?
Are you ok? I live in the Coastal Plains of NC. We survived the floods of Hurricane Flo. But the devastation out west appears to be so much worse.
Yeah, I'm OK. I live about 75 miles east of Ashville and all we got was a little rain and wind, no damage at all. I live at the very top of a hill so flooding is never a problem for me. It seems like the Ashville area is the only place in the state that got hammered, just weird because of how far inland it is. Hurricanes usually lose power over land but this one didn't.
Good to hear that. It makes me sad to see all the devastation there.
Right. Tell him. We know how to pull together.
I dunno, I don't see those people just letting their land go. It is generational land. They will die on that hill.
That's the problem - many of them did...
amazing how that works . . .
Unfortunately the normies will never conceded that this was an “unnatural event” can you say Palestine Ohio or Lahaina Haiwai?
Yeah I guess forcing the Bundy ranchers out using the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) took too long . . .
Remember Uranium One w HRC . . .
Same thing happened 1916, there’s nothing unnatural about this.
And in 1940. Asheville has had at least two significant flooding events from storms in the past.
Time will tell…
Yes it already has
Yes, it has shown an incredibly huge lithium deposit located undeneath Asheville and the surrounding area. Mining companies owned by groups like Blackrock and Vanguard waiting in the wings. FEMA is “out of money” these people will not be able to rebuild. The election is less than 30 days away… Can you say Lahaina Hawaii? Superstorm Sandy? Ruby Ridge, Bundy Ranch? $750.00 to each victim to rebuild a lifetime…time will tell…if this is yet another DS land grab.
My dads family comes from the southeastern United States. They were farmers, and lived independently in Georgia and the Carolina's since before the Revolutionary War. I also lived in both North and South Carolina. I can assure you that the majority of people from those States will not roll over in the face of government bullying, nor will they give up their land and homes because they are being ordered to do so.
Rural Americans, in general, are a very hardy bunch that do not take well to outsiders coming to take what is theirs. Southerners, in particular, are even less likely to roll over. The devastation of the Carpet Baggers is still not forgotten in the South.
either that or opportunism?
I just don't buy it that their technology is that good. If it was, Texas would've been wiped out first. Oil, Gas, Land, and Electoral Votes.
They use the fear porn term of Climate Change as an excuse orcover up of the man made weather engineering going on. Please research the most devastating storms since just 2010. Fires, tornados, and hurricanes. They always seem to destroy very valuable areas that have not been modernized or rejuvenated. They engineer, steering, or intensify the storms. Once the damage comes in, the companies that have big contracts with FEMA get big govt $ to come in w/ supplies, NON profits collect donations & hardly disperse to the needy, and big Corps come in and buy out the land & resources from citizens who don't have the money to rebuild or fight them. They take these lands from citizens who's families have owned for generations. We are being attacked
Here is another article on the situation
what do you mean, it's lost?
It's going to turn into Maui and not be rebuilt
who is they in this context?