My wife read on a site called Awake Canada that this has been put out there. IMHO, Mother Teresa was a child trafficker and was protected by the DS.
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I've heard that before. I've also heard all the Victoria Secrets models are men. I can't wait till this whole awakening is over. Till then I'm just getting used to the idea that I know nothing for sure. Every belief is on the chopping block.
Father Theresa was one of the biggest human trafficking criminals ever.
Except for their first openly transgender woman model. Trans women are real women.
Queen Victoria was a dude.
Is that Victoria's secret?
Nice one :)
Apparently yes
I doubt that. That queen had a lot of babies and earned the nickname "Grandmother of Europe."
Trans women are real women like Kermit the frog is a real frog.
I wasn't there, but the resemblance is uncanny. They all know each other. Yes, big trafficker. And Yes, a dude.
Fauci was born on Christmas Eve, 1940 in Brooklyn. No evidence of Mother Teresa in Brooklyn at that time. Fauci, aka Fausti, aka Mengele Jr., was the son of a pharmacist and he started his medical career as a delivery boy for the pharmacy. Mother Teresa was born on 8/26/1910, moved to Ireland to be a nun in 1928 started her mission work in India in 1929, she began her permanent work in Calcutta in 1937 and primarily stayed there for the next 20 years until she started traveling for fundraising purposes. This is the period when Fauci was born, so it’s highly doubtful that she gave birth to him. While I would not make her a saint, I doubt she birthed the biggest mass murderer of the 21st century.
I think you missed the bit where they think she might be the 'Father'. Didn't have to be there for the birthing. 🤔😅 Either way, not happy. 😋
Mother Teresa was 4’ 8” and probably never weighed 100 lbs. in her life. That would be an awfully small man.
People here are trying to connect dots where there's not any, they're making leaps in "logic". This is entertainment for them, not truth-seeking.
No Id say people are awakening to the fact that everything they "knew" is a lie and are now trying in every way imaginable to find Truth. Sometimes that leads down paths that are dead ends.
If you're trying to find truth then you've got to do critical thinking and research.
The type of thinking I'm seeing here is like a shittily written Hollywood movie where the villain is the son of someone well known and liked by the public. Its a common stupid plot twist. It's entertainment not truth-seeking.
They didn't do any research on Fauci's upbringing or have really any sources to back up those claims. And people are eating it up here like candy.
Im not eating it up at all. This shit is noise and is inconsequential to the fight we are in at the moment.
But I can see how in the absence of Truth the normie mind suddenly unleashed, will grasp for anyone or anything to blame for something they can not control. How they can see a boogeyman behind every tree, falling back into the trap that the death cult has laid.
William Casey said that they will know their disinformation op is successful when everything the public believes is a lie. We arent far from that at all.
You are 100% correct. We must do better.
Agree. Upvote to negate the unnecessary downvote you got.
Jumping to conclusions is NOT aerobic exercise...😉
Trying to make Fauci the long lost son of Mother Teresa is like a stupid story you would get out of Hollywood.
There is a fascination with putting a lineage to everything when in reality Fauci is just a psychopathic and self-serving person that was given the chance to get more through govt power.
He doesn't need to inherit his traits through a lineage of well-known people but his parenting was probably not great.
I must agree, but what I was asking, was that the info said she was the father. She didn’t have to be in Brooklyn at that time, only she crossed paths with his mother nine months earlier.
Mother Teresa was 4’ 8” and probably never weighed 100 lbs. in her life. That would have been an awfully small man.
Great now you frogs got me looking at the pelvic area.
Never heard that... sounds a bit "Elvis" - However, looking around at this here 🤡🌎, anything is possible fren
Everyone here SHOULD already know that ghislane's father, Robert "fuckface Mossad agent" Maxwell was Mother Teresa's handler. She was a MAJOR child trafficker - and a real bitch.
Yes. Heard all of this.
I recall a cooment about that way back when on this board. Never saw any sauce. Have been hoping to see itt resurface and hopefully see sauce one way or another.
No. That's absurd. There's nothing to go on but a vague resemblance.
There's no connection to trafficking either. Teresa and her people focused on serving older adults, not children.
I think Mother Teresa could be Anthony Fauci's mother. She gave birth to him in India and then he was adopted by the Faucis in the United States. I read a testimony from a former nun, now a Christian which states, that in the convict, priests and nuns have sex. I'll try to find that testimony and post it to the site.