TRUTH!! when one of them asked what my clock on the wall was, i just looked at him and said, what? he said, what is that. (my clock is in Roman numerals), so i kind of gave him that, but then when i said it's a clock, he said, he only reads digital. i was floored. he's 15.
Tons of stuff was written in Latin, right up until the early 20th century. Heck, Parliamentary debates in Austria-Hungary were in Latin so as not to favour either German or Magyar! It filled the role that Esperanto was invented to fill, i.e. be everyone's "second language" to aid communications. And not all of it has been translated.
In the late 1960s "the powers that be" just decided to stop teaching it. And now all that material is magically inaccessible.
I’m always saying let’s go Brandon took away the stadiums of people chanting FJB and everyone usually freaks out and says LGB is a meme so therefore it’s sooo coool
Fox Alpha Fox Oscar is one of universe's golden rules.
To f*** around is human, to find out is divine.
Foxtrot Alpha and Foxtrot Oscar!!!!................... spent a total of 30 yrs in and know what it BONE UP !!!!
FAround and FOut!!!!! Some might need a lil' help!!!!
Gamma is supposed to be Golf.
You’re correct. That’s what I remember.
Same. NATO Phonetic is Golf.
Yeah, should be golf.
Also Indigo for military, Royal Air Force, WWII
NATO is India
Must be a shop owned by a Gen Xer.
The Gen Zers can't even read a clock.
TRUTH!! when one of them asked what my clock on the wall was, i just looked at him and said, what? he said, what is that. (my clock is in Roman numerals), so i kind of gave him that, but then when i said it's a clock, he said, he only reads digital. i was floored. he's 15.
they don't know what cursive writing is either.
It's a plot to make them stupid.
Yup. Ya can't read the Constitution if you can't read cursive!
Not teaching cursive stops people from researching their history.
So does not teaching Latin.
Tons of stuff was written in Latin, right up until the early 20th century. Heck, Parliamentary debates in Austria-Hungary were in Latin so as not to favour either German or Magyar! It filled the role that Esperanto was invented to fill, i.e. be everyone's "second language" to aid communications. And not all of it has been translated.
In the late 1960s "the powers that be" just decided to stop teaching it. And now all that material is magically inaccessible.
Just as they wanted it to be.
it sure does. that was the first thing i said to those kids mother is that they won't be able to read history with anything that is cursive.
'they' use the excuse that everything is digital now, so no need for cursive.
the kids now can't even write their names in cursive to sign anything, they print their names.
after the shock of it i then got pissed.
It goes to show ya how woke education is now!
yep, and shame on us for not paying attention. thank heavens for the greatawakening because our kids really, really need us to rally for them.
Almost can't blame us.
60's = all the sex you wanted.
70's = all the sex you wanted.
80's = the aids scare, but all the sex you wanted.
90's = they said you had to have permission. Still all the sex you wanted.
00's = got married. All the sex I wanted.
10's = all the sex I cared for.
20's = all the sex I wa.... I'm too tired. ...... Hey !! Rockford Files is on !!!
Somethings gotta be done to protect my grandkids.
Easy now, I'm Gen X, born in '69.
kek kek and more keks.
Kilo Echo Kilo
Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta, Kamalas got a brain like a helter skelter.
Humor for 15 year olds.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over?
Gamma isn’t right it’s golf
Golf...not gamma
This is pretty gay.
Cryptic aggressive is a few echelons below passive aggressive
The person who made this sign thinks Let’s Go Brandon is clever too.
I’m always saying let’s go Brandon took away the stadiums of people chanting FJB and everyone usually freaks out and says LGB is a meme so therefore it’s sooo coool
Bravo Oscar Lima Lima Oscar Charlie Kilo Sierra.
Hurr so clever
What a faggot