Kids wanted to watch a movie with her and Frankie Munoz called “Big far liar” or something. Didn’t enjoy the movie thinking about what was probably happening to these kids behind the scenes. Frankie Munoz said he doesn’t even remember filming the movie and Amanda, well, you see it.
She's 38 and retired from acting. I hope she banked a lot of her earnings because in this pic she looks homeless. Yea, I think she was passed around Hollywood in order for her to gain fame. Pretty easy decision to make if you are yearning for the lime light, yet she was way too young to understand the decision she made and how it would mentally affect her for the rest of her life. I hope she has found closure and can put those bad things out of her mind. "IF THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED". I'm just supposing she was forced to do things that is not natural for a young lady to do.
Hollywood is like a vampire. They make it look cool and hip. The reality is, vampires are dead things, cold to the touch. Dead, the only semblance to life it the devouring of life around it. Look at how beautiful and vivacious she was then the bloodsuckers gathered around her. Drinking her beauty and devouring her youth. I am surprised she lived to get away. Think of all the child stars and how weird they acted. Think, why do they fall apart? Vampires, and not the " cool" kind. No, just the dead Jewish things feeding on the blood of innocents.
Normal reaction for being sexually abused
Found this on her IMDB Bio:
That should tell you all you need to know...
So many child starts from both the Disney and the Nickelodeon studios have had their lives ruined by the pedos.
Kids wanted to watch a movie with her and Frankie Munoz called “Big far liar” or something. Didn’t enjoy the movie thinking about what was probably happening to these kids behind the scenes. Frankie Munoz said he doesn’t even remember filming the movie and Amanda, well, you see it.
Pray for her.
Yes 🙏
The end result after Dan (((Schneider))) gets his hooks in someone. Jesus, please help her.
Dead eyes, poor thing. Those eyebrows look tattooed on. 😳😬
She's 38 and retired from acting. I hope she banked a lot of her earnings because in this pic she looks homeless. Yea, I think she was passed around Hollywood in order for her to gain fame. Pretty easy decision to make if you are yearning for the lime light, yet she was way too young to understand the decision she made and how it would mentally affect her for the rest of her life. I hope she has found closure and can put those bad things out of her mind. "IF THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED". I'm just supposing she was forced to do things that is not natural for a young lady to do.
her fucking shit parents gave her over to it probably
She was under a conservatorship like Brittney Spears. Not sure she ever got it removed.
Hollywood is like a vampire. They make it look cool and hip. The reality is, vampires are dead things, cold to the touch. Dead, the only semblance to life it the devouring of life around it. Look at how beautiful and vivacious she was then the bloodsuckers gathered around her. Drinking her beauty and devouring her youth. I am surprised she lived to get away. Think of all the child stars and how weird they acted. Think, why do they fall apart? Vampires, and not the " cool" kind. No, just the dead Jewish things feeding on the blood of innocents.
Dead eyes...looks drugged
That pic on the right exaggerates it but yeah it's still tragic. Here are more pics
I dont know who she is but Holy crap - there is a froot loop in her nose!
Amanda Bynes
Nothing like a bugger ring to make one more UN-attractive!
It appears to me that these child victims eventually go to great lengths to make themselves undesirable. Very sad.