Just splodey headed a lib the other day. They said Trump was Hitler so I raised my arm in salute and said " Yeah. isn't it great ? Heil Trump ". Her eyes got as big as dem tranny mass shooters. This person was not salvageable so I just went with it to get a desired response for my own amusement.
Nice collage of traitors peddling their propaganda OP.
I'm not mean, but this one was just too far gone. I'm a 3 decade vet and with the 4 yr biden coup to boot, I ( like many of us right now ) am so out of patience.
I'll recharge my empathy meter as soon as I know Trump is safe in his rightful position. I don't long for vindication, just want the insanity to end and for human population to be able to have the chance to do what I know we are capable of.
"As much as lieth in you live peaceably with all men" God tells us this. Even God recognizes His men will eventually have enough amd no longer be able to live peaceably. It's an individual capacity and my is near exhausted.
Lewd jokes 😂😂😂😂 how can they possibly be offended after making and releasing their latest disgusting porn promotional advert video for Kamala? 🤢🤮🤮🤮
These people are sick.
Had the local news on this morning, Good morning America came on after while I was in the kitchen.. They had nothing good to say at all, I was like WTF? I thought it was one of the best rallies yet... Hit record on it so I could show my wife
Excuse me, but maggots are very helpful and hard working cleaner uppers of icky stuff, and without them the world would be a much more disgusting squishy place.
They also help with wound healing.
This does not apply to the MSM, which profits from constantly ripping open wounds, producing rot, and creating filth.
Do we have any official numbers from the Trump campaign on crowd size yet? Would be amazing if he pulled another crowd like NJ in the belly of the beast.
Project Mockingbird is still going strong
Just splodey headed a lib the other day. They said Trump was Hitler so I raised my arm in salute and said " Yeah. isn't it great ? Heil Trump ". Her eyes got as big as dem tranny mass shooters. This person was not salvageable so I just went with it to get a desired response for my own amusement.
Nice collage of traitors peddling their propaganda OP.
would love to have got to watch and join in on the fun! lol
I'm not mean, but this one was just too far gone. I'm a 3 decade vet and with the 4 yr biden coup to boot, I ( like many of us right now ) am so out of patience.
I'll recharge my empathy meter as soon as I know Trump is safe in his rightful position. I don't long for vindication, just want the insanity to end and for human population to be able to have the chance to do what I know we are capable of.
Much love and respect for saying that. Thank you! o7
"As much as lieth in you live peaceably with all men" God tells us this. Even God recognizes His men will eventually have enough amd no longer be able to live peaceably. It's an individual capacity and my is near exhausted.
They don’t realize this crap just reveals them to be the useful idiots they are.
the funny part is that with all the negative press it will cause the curious idiots to go see it for themself
I’ve often prayed for that , that you for kick of hope !
Headlines scream desperation.
All they're doing is getting more people to watch it.
MSM knows this too. Thats why they've tried to stay quiet the last 3 years.
They just can't help themselves anymore lol.
Lewd jokes 😂😂😂😂 how can they possibly be offended after making and releasing their latest disgusting porn promotional advert video for Kamala? 🤢🤮🤮🤮 These people are sick.
You can't ever hate these goblins enough
I like the Huff-po:
Ok, how is this for a montage: https://youtu.be/L8Tx7J3pO54
But ... this is is true ....
They can’t even with Ai. Wow
Had the local news on this morning, Good morning America came on after while I was in the kitchen.. They had nothing good to say at all, I was like WTF? I thought it was one of the best rallies yet... Hit record on it so I could show my wife
GOD...I hate the MSM.
Main Stream Maggots
They feast on death ☠️ and shit 💩
Excuse me, but maggots are very helpful and hard working cleaner uppers of icky stuff, and without them the world would be a much more disgusting squishy place.
They also help with wound healing.
This does not apply to the MSM, which profits from constantly ripping open wounds, producing rot, and creating filth.
Do we have any official numbers from the Trump campaign on crowd size yet? Would be amazing if he pulled another crowd like NJ in the belly of the beast.
Madison Square gardens holds 21,000 people, I read somewhere there were over 70,000 people outside. So I'm guessing near 100,000 people.
Shoot yourself in the foot while your ship is sinking straight down ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I did Nazi any Ukrainians there...
Yanno... like J6, Ryan Routh and sheit...
If you know anyone who believes this shit, get them to watch a video of the rally.
Yeah, they flipped out bigtime.
I think they need to say "Nazi," "racist," and "extreme" more. That should help.
And just a week before the election.
These headlines ha ha ha so much comedy ha ha ha!!!!
I read the book how to argue with a liberal, & started winning arguments with the wife. Works on betas to :)