While he's at it, he can confiscate the assets of Khazarian bankers, vaccine manufacturers, inside traders on wall street and congress, child abusers and traffickers, and those traitors in our government that sold out to Chyna and others and compensated American citizens that have been bilked of their savings for centuries.
I would like him to seize the personal fortunes of all crooked politicians who enabled these illegal immigrants to cross our borders in the first place. They should be charged as accessories to the crimes.
And sieze the assets of globalist elites who are convicted of severe human rights abuses. Use that to erase our national "debt".
And oh by the way, who is it that the USA "owes" all this debt to? The fraudulent "Federal" (non)Reserve? I say f them. Just erase this fake debt.
Isn't seize the assets of all enemies foreign and domestic in his EO that 'Biden' keeps renewing?
EO 13818 declared in 2017
Throw in EO 13848 and seize all the MSM assets while you are at it CiC.
Maybe that's why some major fishwraps are refusing to endorse for the first time in forever.
I had to look up “fish wraps”. 53 yrs old and never heard that. 😂 Glorious. lol
We work hard to expand all frens vocabulary around here! Glad you enjoyed it!
I appreciate it. I feel like I speak a different language here than I do in my everyday life. I’m becoming bilingual! Kek
If you say "interdasting" in real life and someone says, what is?
You know they are here.
Ayup! Suicide weekend applies to more than the pedo-celebs and pedo-politicians
I think by saying criminal gangs; that is what he means in layman's terms!
That was my thought as well.
While he's at it, he can confiscate the assets of Khazarian bankers, vaccine manufacturers, inside traders on wall street and congress, child abusers and traffickers, and those traitors in our government that sold out to Chyna and others and compensated American citizens that have been bilked of their savings for centuries.
I'm sure once he pulls on this string those groups will come crashing down too.
Bill gates zucksrbucks
Criminal gangs. Are those the people in office in DC getting rich off their power?
Makes perfect sense…as always!!
And the hits just keep on coming.
I would like him to seize the personal fortunes of all crooked politicians who enabled these illegal immigrants to cross our borders in the first place. They should be charged as accessories to the crimes.
AND the alphabet agencies(nope,not joking. they operate as a cartel and have rather a lot of victims....incidentally so do pfizer and others.....)
double, triple, quadruple meaning, oh'my!
What about us victims of government crime?
These assets should be split amongst the American people, not just victims of crimes. We are all victima of fear.
Literally trillions between cash, gold, weapons, vehicles, land, real estate, property, stocks, etc give back the diamonds.
He’s gonna seize the assets of the CIA? Woah! Thats a lot of cash!
Does criminal gangs include the Biden Crime Family?
Hmmm, do they know where these accounts are? Does the NSA own a microphone?