Consequences are coming soon.
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No.. we default on the USA_CORP debt declare the CORP defunct and THEN seize all the Cabal money and use it to buy real GOLD / SILVER to fund the Republic of the USA Treasury like the founders intended...
Remember: Gold will destroy the FED
(Read in Alex Jones voice) Also .
Making the kids gay or worse that's why I'm in this fight
Wood chipper salesman...
Just waiting...
Market gonna be lit!!!
Fun fact: a side effect of the pill is homosexuality expressed in your grandchildren. Boomers grandkids are Gen Z. It's almost as if they're following a plan to basically destroy civilization within three generations.
Is it the gold DJT loaded on multiple planes from the Vatican?
The whole (non) Fed is an illegal unconstitutional scam. It enslaved the whole country to satanic globalists. Don't we pay interest on the debt to these globalists? Who owns the Fed, anyway? You will never find that out. It's secret. So we are paying interest to the men behind the curtain. We need to reclaim what they have stolen from the USA!!!!!
Uhmmm... The Rothschilds own it in conjunction with the bank of England I believe, It is fairly common knowledge on these boards anyway that the US Federal Reserve is about as federal as Federal Express and is a corporately owned entity
Fiat will just die like confederate currency did. New currency will be issued. Those holding all that fiat after it's over will be poor. Banks will have nothing except what they've been able to purchase in the past 8 years. Eo 13848 will have that all seized. The moneybwas going to collapse either way. Now we will have a constitutional solution instead of a deep state one world reset.
Here’s a question:
How, after decades of immigration mess, do we determine who is a citizen and who isn’t?
Are there people walking around with passports and drivers licenses and SSN who aren’t actually citizens? How would they even know?
People who were born here and lived their whole lives here thinking they were American?
Look for the birth certificates / naturalization documents