He means kazarians. Jews are Semitic and so arent arabs. You can't make something recognize which religion you practice. Unless somehow they all knew not to take the poison jabs because there is no covid molecule without it. Kinda like they didn't show up for work at the towers in 911.
So you haven’t been aware of the new science that says kerosine can melt and liquify and turn to dust entire buildings made of industrial concrete and steel ?
Turned to molten steel. The subways below the buildings had rivers of molten lava for weeks. There were still fires months after into the end of year. Last fire was put out 99 days after 9/11.
Well, he did say "Ashkenazi". That is different from Sefardim, Mizrahim, etc. So he did put the focus on the Ashkenazim. However, to your point, he did not refer to them as Khazars. Which, for now, is probably a step too far through the Overton Window.
Israel left for last for a specific purpose! Trump emphasizes CHYNA, which I believe is comms for a lab in Ukraine where bioweapons were being created that would only affect Slavs and people with African genes! Is there any location in Ukraine of the known labs that ends with chyna?
Once the "Jewish question" is finally fucking answered we can get around to the power behind them. You know, the ones they convinced to crucify Christ. Well, after that they ended up dying by their hand but who pays attention anymore anyway right? Kek
Basically, the New World Order prefer the enslaved population to be mostly Chinese and Japanese because they've been conditioned to be obedient for centuries.
Now, that is a ... BOOM.
If they prove this is correct, and it becomes major news...... Wow! And we have yet to really get started.
Nasty stuff. Sterilize others and let the Jews prosper. That is Evil on another level.
That’s like, straight from the Talmud. How many of those guys were involved in the creation and turn up (GoF) of this bug?
Everything about covid is jewish.
Cousin IT is out.
He means kazarians. Jews are Semitic and so arent arabs. You can't make something recognize which religion you practice. Unless somehow they all knew not to take the poison jabs because there is no covid molecule without it. Kinda like they didn't show up for work at the towers in 911.
Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are genetically distinct from both Europeans and Arabs. They are their own thing.
Where are rhe Hebrews? Who/what are israelis?
So you haven’t been aware of the new science that says kerosine can melt and liquify and turn to dust entire buildings made of industrial concrete and steel ?
Those who aren’t dying are sterilized. And the pure bloods were supposed to be in concentration camps and eliminated. Eternal genetic slavery.
2008 flu pandemic in this film also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_Men
I saw a chunk of the WTC at a museum. 3 inch x 24” hunk of I- beam. My first though was no way that is burned by jet fuel.
Turned to molten steel. The subways below the buildings had rivers of molten lava for weeks. There were still fires months after into the end of year. Last fire was put out 99 days after 9/11.
Lol damn. It must be an entirely new subsection, lol. The "Special Govt Magic Tricks"
Well, he did say "Ashkenazi". That is different from Sefardim, Mizrahim, etc. So he did put the focus on the Ashkenazim. However, to your point, he did not refer to them as Khazars. Which, for now, is probably a step too far through the Overton Window.
But that is coming.
Israel left for last for a specific purpose! Trump emphasizes CHYNA, which I believe is comms for a lab in Ukraine where bioweapons were being created that would only affect Slavs and people with African genes! Is there any location in Ukraine of the known labs that ends with chyna?
Once the "Jewish question" is finally fucking answered we can get around to the power behind them. You know, the ones they convinced to crucify Christ. Well, after that they ended up dying by their hand but who pays attention anymore anyway right? Kek
Awe papist downdoot aw
Why Chinese? I actually heard the opposite that Covid affects Asians more than other ethnicities.
Basically, the New World Order prefer the enslaved population to be mostly Chinese and Japanese because they've been conditioned to be obedient for centuries.
Not all Chinese. A specific bloodline. China is a country within Asia.
Their culture follows the status quo
Need more context on this. He may have been saying that in the third person perspective, like someone else was saying that. So, calling BS on this
It's real. It has been known since at least 2021.