In 2016, Trump filled his staff from top to bottom with swamp dwellers the DS could feel comfortable with.
He actually increased the debt instead of cutting it.
Now he seems to be going out of his way to alarm the DS to the max.
He is appointing extremely anti establishment figures. He boasts of deportation. Musk talks about cutting 80 percent of the budget. Trump and allies are talking about prosecuting everyone from election cheaters to Dr. fauci. They are promising declassifying JFK and other big secrets on day one. They are promising to release the Epstein and Diddy list.
This all means the utter end of the Deep State and their way of life. Their panic must be through the roof.
Think how anxious you were when Biden was getting inaugurated. Now take that anxiety and multiply it by a million.
Loss of respect, positions, and money is almost certain. Public hatred, prosecution, imprisonment is certain for many. We cannot begin to imagine their panic now. That is what White hats are trying to do.
I think the DS will ultimately remain in power or try to. This will be the perfect time to see what republicans are just wolves in sheep's clothings. They'll have to decide with the illegal government or the elected government.
Pushing the DS until they commit insurrection will make the arrests for the White Hats. The arrests cannot be called "politically motivated" if the insurrectionists are actively committing a crime against the people.
That famous "my fellow Americans" quote makes more sense if you consider we'll soon be against an illegal government.
He has been pushing them to their precipice moment. However, no matter what they do, I think they’re still going over the cliff.
Agreed. This is way beyond 4d chess.
I've been praying all along that things wouldn't come to violence. But if the gang of traitors tries to overthrow the legally elected government, I'm sure that everyone here has made appropriate plans.
They are already discussing a shadow government & naming members.
u/Oldpatriot shared a Rumble link in their post here
Oldpatriot? There's such a person?
Yeah, they have been around a while. Though a patriot is a patriot. WWG1WGA.
u/Oldpatriot shared them openly talking about a shadow government to thwart Donald Trump.
This whole thing is nuts/hilarious depending on how you look at it.
Trump is the master of baiting his enemy....
So, yes.
I think you mean 2016..?
Edited. Thanks
So many operatives hidden he’ll have to make this a clean sweep and do it quickly. It’ll look like a coup.
I think all PEDJT's selections or good to excellent, but one other thing I think is going on here is that this is his way or reminding Obama that "elections have consequences" MOFO.
I believe you should yell BINGO when you have a winner! Keke
Exactly how many DSers are there"??? Enough to conquer all the armed Americans?? I doubt it. This is silly.
Increasing the debt accelerated the already unstoppable collapse of the deep state fed reserve dollar. That was coming no matter what. The deep state was going to cover it with a false flag nuke right here in America while hillary was president. This was such an serious threat that the white hats had they not gotten Trump elected in 2016 were going to coup Obama prior to Hillarys inauguration to stop the nuke FF. I don't think white hats want an insurrection but a controlled exposure of deep state actors they can remove from the board systematically. While trump is building others are removing tje usurper traitors.
Didn't Q address what was coming? And we are still waiting?
Yes, this is the 2nd part of "enjoy the show" which will run for 100yrs and taught around the world how too take back your country.
He is really pushing their fear buttons.
He's speeding up the inevitable