Did not expect this today…
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For those who might not be aware, Gene Ho is the editor-in-chief of "George" magazine that was started by JFK Jr.
I didn't know he was the editor of George. I just thought he was Trumps official photographer on his first mission to save the world in 2016.
It also isn't clear if this is the actual Gene Ho. He has a different handle on twitter than this one.
This is not the account to follow for Gene Ho
The ‘o’ is actually the number 0 zero.
If you look at his feed he also says the Kennedy family are satanic. And rfks jrs mom and wife are trans women.
This is a fake account wtf
I've been a big believer that JFK Jr is still alive for years. Whenever I think about Him knowing that there was a Million dollar hit out for the Kennedy kid, it makes no sense that he would stupidly just wait for it to happen. He would have brainstormed the problem out from every angle. The one thing that would solve the problem would be to "allow the accident" to happen, but fake the death and then he and his wife and her sister could go into hiding. That was the only way he could protect his immediate family. The rest of the facts could be manipulated. Pay off coroners, or get bodies from the morgue, they could supply their own DNA by paying someone ( or have special forces) to swap it out for the confirmation tests. The Media inundated us with the lies for so long, everyone just feels it is a fact!
If we normal pedes can figure it out, I'm sure the cabal with billions of dollars can figure it out too... :/
Doesn't matter if they figured it out. The goal is still achieved, in this case, Hillary got the NY Senate seat and JFK Jr is no longer a threat because he's no longer in the public eye.
i read his wife absolutely hated the media and paparazzi's. i could see her wanting to go into hiding and taking her sister with her and live a quiet life with Jr.
i truly hope they are all alive and are living happily.
So much so she gave him an ultimatum that she was leaving public life. He had to choose. Also some strong indication the military was assisting in rigging the plane to operate by remote. Lastly Daryl Hanna, his girlfriend, very good friend was deep into investigating child trafficking and Jr. was involved. So he knew it all with his relationship with Daryl, they also split because of the danger they stepped in.
Do you think he would have walked away from BOTH scenarios. He already left, one love of his life, and walked a fine line saving trafficking victims, would he walk away from the second love of his life? I say no, he positioned himself accordingly.
Not Gene's account. This is a grifter account.
It has zero “0” instead of “O” in the account name.
Scroll down towards the bottom to the JFK Jr section: https://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/CRASH/JFK_JR/jj.php
Some interesting information regarding conflicting stories about JFK Jrs piloting skills, hours, visibility and weather that day... plus who in the MSM was gaslighting us with bs "aviation expert" testimony regarding his instruments (and redundancy of them), PLUS His calm communication with the tower during the flight (and metrics that indicated everything was on par/normal) - that were reported by one news outlet, and never again by any other.
Well, I certainly hope this is true, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Not his account
This is his account:
Paging J1D. Paging J1D. Our man may make his appearance soon!
I'm here Trumpgirl! 😺
That is an impersonator account. Gene's real account: Gene Ho @GeneHoPhoto
That was NOT on my Bingo card. I wonder if this is Trump's little secret??
Ah yes, a picture with text on it on Twitter. That totally confirms it 👌
Fake Gene Ho
Gene ho is not who everybody thinks he is.
I wouldnt pay much attention to him.
He is in the Roger Stone Cricle.
Roger stone and Patriot front were instrumental in planning the J6 'attack' which had these people show up to the capital before Trump even finished his speech they began causing shit at the capital.
Thats the same network.
The patriot organized idiots who wanted to frame the true PATRIOTS is Gene Ho and his friends.
Gene Ho messaged Lin Wood and said "zomg Trump is apart of The Club!!!"
Gene Ho got pictures with the Q Shaman fed boy on J6.
Why would 'patriots' still be in Jail for J6? Are we really that blind or were these guys trying to organize a massive false flag?