🔝 See the downvote at top of the page? Think about that for a moment. Who would do such thing? It’s the same mentality, the same spirit that branded this “Nazi grandma” and put her in prison for even QUESTIONING the narrative.
Allied forces cut supply lines and sowed hunger, disease and death. Bodies piled high. 'They' (mass media again... and you know who) spread the false narrative. Allied soldiers weren't the wiser. They saw what they were told to see.
There were no "extermination" camps. There was no holocaust.
And this woman (and her husband too I suppose) just would not stand for the LIES.
Only problem with that is the official narrative is that the extermination camps were all liberated by the Soviets. Look that up. So either your father didn't understand/misremembered, or he is a communist. Your choice.
Did he see people actually being herded into gas chambers? If not, then he didn't see the Holocaust. He saw a concentration camp, where yes, a lot of people died from starvation and typhus after the Allies cut supply lines. But the Holocaust by definition refers ONLY to the systematic, deliberate extermination program of only Jews.
The idea is that someone -- especially someone trusted, like government or media -- tells a lie that is so big that it is hard to believe it could be a lie at all, and it is repated often (think: Covid and vaccines), the human mind tends to want to believe it, even without critical thought.
Now, the interesting thing about the "Big Lie" is that the irony of it is that we are told this was something Hitler and the Germans did to their own people -- lied the Big Lie about jews, etc.
In reality, that particular narrative is actually a gaslighting of US, not the German people of the 1930's, because it was Goebbels who was talking about the Big Lie when he wrote and spoke about the English having a long history of using the Big Lie on their own people.
How's that for a mind bender?
Here is an article from Goebbels called "Churchill's Lie Factory."
As you read that article, you can clearly see that what Goebbels wrote about Churchill is exactly the same types of lies that we hear from modern politicians today.
The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.
👍Thank you, fren. I had always wondered about that quote and saw how it got incessantly used to put Goebbles & the regime in bad light. His daughter did him proud by defending his honour to her very last breath.
She did not die in prison, but before the start of her new prison sentence.
She was brave, smart, beautiful, vibrant and healthy up into her nineties and told her views, opinion, experiences, research and findings with a sharp mind and great portion of humor. No victim mentality at all.
She was a Scorpio, one of those who live for the truth, which are really rare, because Scorpio is the sign of power, power of others, therefore often corruption. Hillary Clinto is also a Scorpio - from the dark side.
Here is a video showing the "6,000,000 jews" thing in 10 newspapers going all the way back to 1915 -- right around the time they were pushing for World War 1.
Notice, the "6,000,000 jews in peril" started early on that they were supposedly "in peril" in Russia.
In hindsight, we can clearly see that they were trying to get support to overthrow Russia (1917) and start a war.
Later (once Russia was taken over), the "6,000,000 jews in peril" story shifted to Eastern Europe, because they targeted Poland next, with their next move being Germany.
Later still, the "6,000,000 in peril" became Germany, where they tried to overthrow Germany before Hitler came to power.
Hoaxlocaust, moon landing hoax, Sandy Hoax, etc. I can’t wait for this brand new world while destroying the beast system that’s kept us enslaved in our own hamster cages
Well if they weren't persecuted in Egypt then the entire life of Moses and forward was fabrication. Moses wrote the first 5 books but obviously not the parts after his death so if he wasn't leading Israel out of captivity and persecution (which they even cried about wanting to go back in to as they wondered around the desert, even after walking through the red sea so no kudos there to them) then we must question the books he wrote and every single book which references those 5 books and every book which mentions Moses.
🔝 See the downvote at top of the page? Think about that for a moment. Who would do such thing? It’s the same mentality, the same spirit that branded this “Nazi grandma” and put her in prison for even QUESTIONING the narrative.
Tons of videos of WW2 veterans seeing concentration camps first hand.
This Nazi women and husband posted publications denying it. She didn't deserve jail time for freedom of speech though.
Allied forces cut supply lines and sowed hunger, disease and death. Bodies piled high. 'They' (mass media again... and you know who) spread the false narrative. Allied soldiers weren't the wiser. They saw what they were told to see.
There were no "extermination" camps. There was no holocaust.
And this woman (and her husband too I suppose) just would not stand for the LIES.
I'm sorry, but my Grandfather was a colonel/fighter pilot who participated in the liberation of several camps and the Berlin Air Drop.
Pretty sure the thousand yard stare he had when describing the horrors of the camps wasn't because he was lying to me.
And to be a bit more candid, any MF'er that wants to downvote me for this can fuck right off to hell and back.
Nobody should go to prison for their words. I'm against this woman being incarcerated. But some of you have no idea what you're talking about.
You are a liar. My Father in law saw it.
Only problem with that is the official narrative is that the extermination camps were all liberated by the Soviets. Look that up. So either your father didn't understand/misremembered, or he is a communist. Your choice.
Google is your friend.
Did he see people actually being herded into gas chambers? If not, then he didn't see the Holocaust. He saw a concentration camp, where yes, a lot of people died from starvation and typhus after the Allies cut supply lines. But the Holocaust by definition refers ONLY to the systematic, deliberate extermination program of only Jews.
Oh really? https://imgur.com/a/4kDumBU
Your hatred for Jews and love for lies is showing.
Your aversion to uncomfortable truths and love for comforting lies is showing too
Your affinity for BS predominates
I believe a lot of these naysayers of WW2 and concentration camps probably never had any family in WW2, are foreigners, and or trolls.
I put these people on same category of flat earthers. If someone says this crap I automatically know they are retarded.
I put them in the same category as child molesters.
Fashionable Jew haters on the same level as the KKK as far as I am concerned.
Chairman Mao, Stalin and Hitler were right.
Let's see how many idiots believe this.
She did interviews explaining her views.
Here is one:
Great way to honor her would be to watch it.
You've heard of the "Big Lie," right?
The idea is that someone -- especially someone trusted, like government or media -- tells a lie that is so big that it is hard to believe it could be a lie at all, and it is repated often (think: Covid and vaccines), the human mind tends to want to believe it, even without critical thought.
Now, the interesting thing about the "Big Lie" is that the irony of it is that we are told this was something Hitler and the Germans did to their own people -- lied the Big Lie about jews, etc.
In reality, that particular narrative is actually a gaslighting of US, not the German people of the 1930's, because it was Goebbels who was talking about the Big Lie when he wrote and spoke about the English having a long history of using the Big Lie on their own people.
How's that for a mind bender?
Here is an article from Goebbels called "Churchill's Lie Factory."
As you read that article, you can clearly see that what Goebbels wrote about Churchill is exactly the same types of lies that we hear from modern politicians today.
It's a very interesting read:
👍Thank you, fren. I had always wondered about that quote and saw how it got incessantly used to put Goebbles & the regime in bad light. His daughter did him proud by defending his honour to her very last breath.
I found and kept and encyclopedia set the says the World War. Interesting reading material before world War 2
She did not die in prison, but before the start of her new prison sentence.
She was brave, smart, beautiful, vibrant and healthy up into her nineties and told her views, opinion, experiences, research and findings with a sharp mind and great portion of humor. No victim mentality at all.
She was a Scorpio, one of those who live for the truth, which are really rare, because Scorpio is the sign of power, power of others, therefore often corruption. Hillary Clinto is also a Scorpio - from the dark side.
But see and hear for yourselve.
What's a Scorpio? Are you talking about horoscope signs?
Gibt es Frühstückstrudel im Haus?
I've read somewhere that the 6 million number was being thrown around in their newspapers beginning in the late 1800's.
Here is a video showing the "6,000,000 jews" thing in 10 newspapers going all the way back to 1915 -- right around the time they were pushing for World War 1.
Notice, the "6,000,000 jews in peril" started early on that they were supposedly "in peril" in Russia.
In hindsight, we can clearly see that they were trying to get support to overthrow Russia (1917) and start a war.
Later (once Russia was taken over), the "6,000,000 jews in peril" story shifted to Eastern Europe, because they targeted Poland next, with their next move being Germany.
Later still, the "6,000,000 in peril" became Germany, where they tried to overthrow Germany before Hitler came to power.
After that, they just went with "muh Holocaust."
Yep. They’ve repeated the 6 million number dozens of time in newspapers decades before WWII
Tragic. May she rest in peace finally.
Hoaxlocaust, moon landing hoax, Sandy Hoax, etc. I can’t wait for this brand new world while destroying the beast system that’s kept us enslaved in our own hamster cages
J6 are victims too
If you are jailed for questioning something then I don't understand how that doesn't make you want to know why?
So denial is a life sentence then?
No. She got several "short" sentences of about 12 months. She died before the start of a new sentence.
My point was they kept putting her in jail for the same belief. Over and over and over. Until she died.
I am so happy for her. She accomplished her mission
From Reddit /conspiracy posted years ago, and archived:
The 7 Phases of Learning about the Holocaust https://archive.fo/TUcLL
Phase 5 number 1 would require that God is not real. Most all up to that has good sources.
That's not how to interpret it.
Well if they weren't persecuted in Egypt then the entire life of Moses and forward was fabrication. Moses wrote the first 5 books but obviously not the parts after his death so if he wasn't leading Israel out of captivity and persecution (which they even cried about wanting to go back in to as they wondered around the desert, even after walking through the red sea so no kudos there to them) then we must question the books he wrote and every single book which references those 5 books and every book which mentions Moses.
Am I reading too much into this?
No, the way you write that to explain what you meant, I don't think you are. Jesus of course references Moses, so there's that, too.
It's difficult to align scripture with history sometimes.
Sharing this link again about the holocaust
Phase 5?
Very sorry, deleted that post as it belonged to the post above yours. Thank you for sharing yours these are incredible digs!!
Phase 5 number 1 on the reddit conspiracy post says the Jews never faced persecution in Egypt which is false they did.
Thank you, just spent a lot of time on 4chan’s pol and have a huge folder of redpills. Was bored one day and decided to make it on a whim.
No ones ever been able to give a strong argument against it so far.