When the truth comes up at family gatherings about the vaxx and its deadly side effects, I’ll know the word is finally taking hold! I wish for it to be by Christmas but definitely Easter.
5.6 billion with at least 1 shot, this will get interesting. The one good thing out of this is the group with the highest rate and now the highest death rate is, doctors. Love it
I find myself wondering about what was basically the government’s all out assault on the J&J vaccine. It sure seemed like they were hellbent on making sure there were no non-mRNA options.
Has anyone heard anything about long-term side effects from the J&J covid vaccine? I haven’t read anything here, but maybe I missed it.
Within 24 hours of getting the J&J my fil had a heartache. Later he devolved cancer. They now say he is cancer free but still taking cancer drugs every few weeks. My mil now has high blood pressure.
Thought it was bad enough idea injecting mRNA to teach your body to produce a toxic spike protein, with no off switch. Then all the reported inflammation issues from where the spike protein typically congregated with Ace2 receptors (eg heart, liver, ovaries, testes etc).
Next came the gelatinous clots.
Then the resultant diminished immune system like AIDS, as the body kept attacking the spike protein and then itself.
Now the icing on the cake, is the clot shot wasnt even pure to begin with kek
Also the rapid onset cancers. And, remember, we are about 3.5-4 years into a 10 year horizon for examining the full effects of the "vaccine." Prayers for my family and friends who took it. Ropes for those who tried to extort me into taking it
I hope he's right that it's not chromosomal. I mean that I hope this for the future of humanity. Otherwise we will have 2 sub-species, one normal & one with this mutant DNA which, over the course of several generations would eventual hinder our entire race.
Don’t the DoD do a drill for a zombie attack? Now we know why. The governments of this planet need to be extincted. Nothing will be the same after. Democide is the leading cause of death over the past 120 years. Enough.
When the truth comes up at family gatherings about the vaxx and its deadly side effects, I’ll know the word is finally taking hold! I wish for it to be by Christmas but definitely Easter.
5.6 billion with at least 1 shot, this will get interesting. The one good thing out of this is the group with the highest rate and now the highest death rate is, doctors. Love it
Being pureblood will be a marketable feature.
Ready to repopulate the planet. Duty calls.
PB all the way
The life is in the blood - pure blood!
Amen Lev 17:11
I find myself wondering about what was basically the government’s all out assault on the J&J vaccine. It sure seemed like they were hellbent on making sure there were no non-mRNA options.
Has anyone heard anything about long-term side effects from the J&J covid vaccine? I haven’t read anything here, but maybe I missed it.
My sister who never had seizures in her life started after taking the J & J.
She passed away from a massive brain bleed.
This vax was no better.
Damn dude, I am so deeply sorry for your loss.
BTW I am not a dude.
I am a dudette.
Sorry for your loss dudette
Thank you.
They pulled it early on for "sudden spikes" of "blood clots"
So the JnJ shit caused climate change clots? Baffling.
I've wondered if J&J was targeted because it was missing a DS payload of some sort.
My sister who never had seizures in her life started after taking the J & J.
She passed away from a massive brain bleed.
This vax was no better.
Within 24 hours of getting the J&J my fil had a heartache. Later he devolved cancer. They now say he is cancer free but still taking cancer drugs every few weeks. My mil now has high blood pressure.
We won’t forget. For many it is too late.
Thought it was bad enough idea injecting mRNA to teach your body to produce a toxic spike protein, with no off switch. Then all the reported inflammation issues from where the spike protein typically congregated with Ace2 receptors (eg heart, liver, ovaries, testes etc).
Next came the gelatinous clots.
Then the resultant diminished immune system like AIDS, as the body kept attacking the spike protein and then itself.
Now the icing on the cake, is the clot shot wasnt even pure to begin with kek
Also the rapid onset cancers. And, remember, we are about 3.5-4 years into a 10 year horizon for examining the full effects of the "vaccine." Prayers for my family and friends who took it. Ropes for those who tried to extort me into taking it
The good is, they all got the vaccine to end martial law. The bad news is. They all have AIDS. Welcome to 1980s Africa.
I hope he's right that it's not chromosomal. I mean that I hope this for the future of humanity. Otherwise we will have 2 sub-species, one normal & one with this mutant DNA which, over the course of several generations would eventual hinder our entire race.
Don’t the DoD do a drill for a zombie attack? Now we know why. The governments of this planet need to be extincted. Nothing will be the same after. Democide is the leading cause of death over the past 120 years. Enough.
OHHH, NOW he wants the FDA to re-evaluate the C19 vax, huh? Send him to jail along with Fauci, Birx and the rest of the corrupt gang.
I can’t add more links to my folder „We were right”. I already have hundreds of links there!
Ok, let’s add one more. Never be tired of winning!
He is saying the vax is good.
This is not correct. These are harming these people.