Ohio governor signs 'bathroom bill' into law, restricting students from using opposite-sex restrooms
Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has signed a bill into law that will prevent schools from allowing students of the opposite sex into restrooms and locker rooms.
Sorry if I hurt anyones feelings here, I mean no disrespect… Homosexuality is a perversion, Transgender is a psychosis.
Don't feel bad I'm done getting along they got an inch and took a mile.
My politeness was for those who may take offense by not understanding my clear and concise non offending use of english. Some believe those words to be offensive when at the their root meanings are accurate and not an attack.
Of course faggots will feel less safe in the boys' bathroom. The normal boys will give them hell.
That's far better than them giving real girls hell.
I never said it was a bad thing.
Yes real boys to give them hell and no vulnerable girls for them to assault.
Then they should take the tampons out of the boys bathroom. Stop giving the normal boys ideas. Seriously!
Yes what do they expect those boys to do with tampons??
The normal adolescent boys will want to 'look' and see what the trans boys really have. It will make the trans boys feel uncomfortable, but maybe then they will dress more like a boy even though they believe from 'brain washing' that they are girls. They will definitely need some psychotherapy and they should take their parents with them. The older boys tranning into girls just want to win at sports that they aren't good enough to win at with other boys. They probably haven't transitioned fully and have all their male genitalia intact.
In Ohio they have to go to their bio sex bathroom, or a single.
We have his/her public bathrooms with only one toilet and you can lock the door.
Are we forgetting again that psychotherapy created many of these troonies?
Listen up everyone! Here's an easy test to see if you are a male or female. Males have "XY" chromosomes. Females have "XX" chromosomes.
**So if you have a "Y" - you are a guy! ** Get it? Simply right?
Hey I'm just trying to help. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May your bathroom experience me a pleasant one.
One naturally occurring quirk --- is the rare Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome.
Where an XY male is naturally woman looking down to the genitals ---- but is genetically a male and can't have babies.
"Rare" I believe is the operative word along with "genetically". What does "rare" translate into in regards to the percentage of birth this unnatural condition occurs in?
I'm no scientist or biologist but again it seems that if you are "genetically a male" (XY) then you are a guy (male) regardless of what your genitals look like. As you stated anyone with XY chromosomes "can't have babies"!
So the way I see it it's chromosomes that determine your "sex".
Reminds me of a verse in the Bible: Genesis 1:27 - "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
So XY and XX created he them!!
OK ---- which restroom would you send these people to?
Note: they were born this way ---- they are XY --- they might not even know it themselves
If they truly have woman parts since birth then to the ladies room they go, it's chicks with dicks (really dudes with fake tits) or obvious guys wearing a skirt that we want out of the ladies room.
I would like to see a study of this rare syndrome and any rise in its prevalence with modern Pharma, big Agri chemicals and contaminants in out water supply.
That is way too much common sense.
I feel the tide turning....
Remember this bathroom invasion started under 0. I think is was b/c of Big Mike.
A lot of stuff started under O. And it will end under B!
Well forcing the confused boys to use the boys room will fix their gender dysphoria pretty quickly thrpugh peer pressure instead of coddling and affirming the mental illness.
Wow, you need to place this response in capital letters and bold them. You are spot on!
If you have a penis, it doesn’t belong in the room reserved for people without them.
didnt the supreme court just have a case to figure this out...lol...taxpayer funded stupidity...K Jackson is screwed she doesnt have a clue what a woman is.........
The Supreme Court of the UK is handling a case like this now. https://greatawakening.win/p/199hujf7x5/uk-supreme-court-to-hear-case-on/c/
KBJ admitted that she didn’t know what a woman was during her confirmation.
She damn well knows what a woman is but she has to tow the woke line as per her master's instructions.
When we passed the ADA many public spaces were required to retro-fit their bathrooms or construct new ones. The percentage of trans kids in schools can't be many in numbers. Designate one of the school bathrooms as both genders or allow them to use the faculty bathrooms.
That was suggested back when it first started. That was not good enough, the trans kid would feel unaccepted if he couldn't use the girls' bathroom . . .
So by turning down all logical solutions, it comes to passing a law to reinstate the status quo ante -- before this nutiness was invented.
Why not just create toilets for the sissy pissers?
Because we don't need that expense.
I get that, especially for such a minority. I'm just trying to play devil's advocate. What if the toilets for disabled were dual purpose? They are generally single toilets anyhow.
Ok I see your point.
Boys are less safe in a freakish gender-bending state -- mentally.
We can build restrooms with question marks on the door. If we don't know and YOU don't know, this one's for you!
Why can't we just have a bathroom for everybody. Like a really big bathroom with many many stalls or a little bathroom for just one person at a time. I'm so sick of this stupid issue. We aren't going to ever colonize Mars if we can't solve basic Earth bathrooming. Rant over!
I remember a story from my father, who served back in the Vietnam conflict. He was in a bathroom that didn't have dividers between their toilets and there was a row of six toilets (Think military base with industrial type bathrooms, same as Army bootcamp). He was sitting down, doing his business, when a "mamasan" came in and sat down near him. Dropped her drawers and started doing her business, like it wasn't a big deal to be sharing a bathroom with a dude. Needless to say dad was sitting there in shock, being accustomed to American "rules for bathroom etiquette". There was no fear in her eyes, just relief from pent up internal pressures (she had to take a leak). Dad said that some of the Vietnamese customs just didn't translate well into a western society.
Then they should stop wearing dresses.
Here is your answer. Get your transgender kids psycological help amd tell them to hold their pee of they can't use the correct restroom.
How safe do females feel (much larger pop %) with boys in their bathroom?
Librards...are retards
Yeah someone even said the girls will just "have to get used to male genitalia." ?!?
Too bad. We can't turn the world upside down for the mentally ill.
Would like to see the demographic presence in society of said "critics". Who're the critics, Karen?(Attempt at comedy. Aplogies to any actual named Karen.)
This is when we say leave the USA then. Don’t go to school. Stay home. Become homeless. Play a fiddle. Chow.
Cut your dicks off and you can sit down to pee