Yep! His "drunken rants' now appear to be simply direct knowledge of the evil that has saturated Hollywood. Khazarians at the heart of it; of course! Harvey Weinstein must have pissed someone off to ever face any justice.
Yes, he did. Around that time, he was pulled over for a DUI and the press went nuts about him referring to jews in a derogatory way. I’m old enough to remember the smear job. If it was a fabrication, as I see in the comments below, I’m curious who would broach the truth like that to smear Mel.
The best way to beat cancel culture is to reintroduce real culture. Read old books. Discuss with friends, while you still can.
I read a less well known Solzhenitsyn book (The First Circle) where the hero finds a few old books from before the revolution in an abandoned country house. Just reading them transforms him. He’d never questioned Sovietism before that, but couldn’t stand it after. I had a similar experience.
While this quote may not have come from him, he was 'known' for anti-semetic comments and viewpoints. He said all the wars are because of the jews. From what I remember, it was based on the time he was arrested drunk and also because he claimed the Jews killed Jesus for his movie The Passion of the Christ. He's a big Catholic and I believe his dad too who was known for same beliefs and rejects the Vatican/Pope. He apologized, who knows if forced, to the jewish community too. Please do a little work and just plug in a search before claiming there is no sauce, because there is plenty and this was a whole ordeal back in the day and why Gibson was blacklisted from Hollywood for a long time and credits Robert Downey Jr to getting him back on track.
Think critically. This quote is repeated over and over. Never is there any information about where or when he said it. The Internet is forever. There are plenty of clips of other people (e.g. Kappy plus numerous former child actors) exposing Pedowood. If Gibson felt this strongly enough about it to expose them once, why did he never repeat this? If he's scared, why doesn't he anonymously post the source for this quote. What is easier, faking a salacious quote that subsequently gets repeated, or deleting all traces of the source even though it's so salacious? Why does nobody on the planet remember where he said this? Why haven't autists on 4chan dug up the clip?
The problem with too many people in this movement is they are willing to give up sauce because they want so much to believe in the tasty morsel that comes with no sauce. The critical thinker's biggest enemy is his own bias. Only when you are willing to really kick the tires of your own beliefs can you be a true free thinker.
Truth checkers stated not Mel nor any one else said those statements other than a it originated from a fabricated article. That said, Do I believe Hollywood has pedophiles “YES” ** Do I believe Hollywood has A den of parasites feeding off the blood of children “YES” ** Do I believe studios is bought and paid for from children’s blood “ YES”
No, I didn’t fall for it. But you’re right. I only remember what the media put out there. This was a couple of years after The Passion of the Christ. I didn’t know about the evils of Hollywood then. I still liked Mel. I knew there was more to the story but didn’t know how to dig back then. I was still staying away from the internet then, at least social sites. If I remember right, MySpace was the big social media rage then or shortly after.
Another garden of heroes candidate. They are not perfect but they are worthy of praise. They took unpopular stands in the face of withering media condemnation. THEY DID THIS DESPITE POPULIST STORMS OF CRITICISM. As an example of a famous person bending the knee to he MSM masters look at steve Harvey. Trump offered him an opertuniy in his first term as president. He publicly disavowd Trump, saying he won't do anything for him nor would he ever work for him. Now look at him, bowing and scraping to get back in his good grace's. Just another fair weather friend. Useless and not a true loyalist. A fake, plastic person. Weak in the storm.
Yep! His "drunken rants' now appear to be simply direct knowledge of the evil that has saturated Hollywood. Khazarians at the heart of it; of course! Harvey Weinstein must have pissed someone off to ever face any justice.
i'm really hoping Oprah is next on the chopping block. that should wake up a bunch of women.
That would be a Great Awakening indeed. You get a red pill. You get a red pill. YOU get a red pill! EVERYBODY GETS A RED PILL!
Yes! She can be in the initial wave.
Oooooo that gives me an idea.
Mel's once outrageous claims are aging very well.
Did he really say this? He seems to be often used in quotes cos of his faith.
Yes, he did. Around that time, he was pulled over for a DUI and the press went nuts about him referring to jews in a derogatory way. I’m old enough to remember the smear job. If it was a fabrication, as I see in the comments below, I’m curious who would broach the truth like that to smear Mel.
I predict it’ll be revealed Mel was targeted for destruction.
Im sure of it. It follows the pattern of cancel culture tactics perfectly.
The best way to beat cancel culture is to reintroduce real culture. Read old books. Discuss with friends, while you still can.
I read a less well known Solzhenitsyn book (The First Circle) where the hero finds a few old books from before the revolution in an abandoned country house. Just reading them transforms him. He’d never questioned Sovietism before that, but couldn’t stand it after. I had a similar experience.
He also called a female cop "sugar tits". I can never forget that one🤣😂
I'm not sure this is real solid either. Plus wasn't there supposed to be something about him ranting about Jews? But I've never seen sauce for either.
While this quote may not have come from him, he was 'known' for anti-semetic comments and viewpoints. He said all the wars are because of the jews. From what I remember, it was based on the time he was arrested drunk and also because he claimed the Jews killed Jesus for his movie The Passion of the Christ. He's a big Catholic and I believe his dad too who was known for same beliefs and rejects the Vatican/Pope. He apologized, who knows if forced, to the jewish community too. Please do a little work and just plug in a search before claiming there is no sauce, because there is plenty and this was a whole ordeal back in the day and why Gibson was blacklisted from Hollywood for a long time and credits Robert Downey Jr to getting him back on track.
News segment about the arrest :
Some examples :
Mel Gibson Accounts for his Drunken Anti-Semitic Tirade (Part 1 of 2) :
Israel's Chief rabbi demanding the Catholic church to acknowledge jews did not kill Jesus and to condemn the Passion movie:
Bonus : Here is a full interview of him talking about the weirdness of Hollywood too.
Great question. I searched and found no credible source, certainly no video of him saying this.
Right because tech doesnt regularly scrub the net of evidence of their crimes.
Think critically. This quote is repeated over and over. Never is there any information about where or when he said it. The Internet is forever. There are plenty of clips of other people (e.g. Kappy plus numerous former child actors) exposing Pedowood. If Gibson felt this strongly enough about it to expose them once, why did he never repeat this? If he's scared, why doesn't he anonymously post the source for this quote. What is easier, faking a salacious quote that subsequently gets repeated, or deleting all traces of the source even though it's so salacious? Why does nobody on the planet remember where he said this? Why haven't autists on 4chan dug up the clip? The problem with too many people in this movement is they are willing to give up sauce because they want so much to believe in the tasty morsel that comes with no sauce. The critical thinker's biggest enemy is his own bias. Only when you are willing to really kick the tires of your own beliefs can you be a true free thinker.
This quote has been reposted for years now. Never heard him actually say it or confirm he said it. Just a picture of him along with the quote.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with the statement. Just don't know if Mel actually ever said it..
Exactly. Despite searching diligently, I've found no credible source for this.
In this house mel Gibson is an American patriot!
I always believed him.
Truth checkers stated not Mel nor any one else said those statements other than a it originated from a fabricated article. That said, Do I believe Hollywood has pedophiles “YES” ** Do I believe Hollywood has A den of parasites feeding off the blood of children “YES” ** Do I believe studios is bought and paid for from children’s blood “ YES”
If it did come from a fabricated article, they were very skilled in how they presented it. I remember the press about it.
Aka you fell for the hit-job against a patriot.
You only remember what the fake news media wanted you to remember
No, I didn’t fall for it. But you’re right. I only remember what the media put out there. This was a couple of years after The Passion of the Christ. I didn’t know about the evils of Hollywood then. I still liked Mel. I knew there was more to the story but didn’t know how to dig back then. I was still staying away from the internet then, at least social sites. If I remember right, MySpace was the big social media rage then or shortly after.
Another garden of heroes candidate. They are not perfect but they are worthy of praise. They took unpopular stands in the face of withering media condemnation. THEY DID THIS DESPITE POPULIST STORMS OF CRITICISM. As an example of a famous person bending the knee to he MSM masters look at steve Harvey. Trump offered him an opertuniy in his first term as president. He publicly disavowd Trump, saying he won't do anything for him nor would he ever work for him. Now look at him, bowing and scraping to get back in his good grace's. Just another fair weather friend. Useless and not a true loyalist. A fake, plastic person. Weak in the storm.
Now he's a hero.
Yeah :D
As far as I know this has never been proven to be from Mel