Keep this in mind, please.
Been following the latest Diddy/Jay Z revelations and instantly go to comments.
Most of the youtube videos are a waste of time.
The comments are often golden, though.
The latest is Jay Z and Diddy abusing a 13 year old 24 years ago.
People commenting, how would parents allow a 13 year old to go out at night?
Others comment, "most parents do not", these are trafficked kids. It is not for a chance at fame or fortune.
Usually, just a sex trafficked kid. The kid might be thinking of fame and fortune, but the parents?
Got me thinking. Called my mom. There is a story of when i was 5 years old and my father scalped a man that tried to grab me.
She did not answer, so i will relay story as remembered, but add additional comment after talking to her if my story is inaccurate in any way.
Riverside, California and my mom is sitting on the lawn in one of those 70's plastic chairs knitting while watching me play on front lawn with toys in the grass.
Dad comes out to sit on porch and smoke a cigarette and drink a beer.
He has huge situational awareness. He spent 2 years as lead botswain during vietnam to handle ropes. Navy guys will understand.
He notices these 2 guys on a motorcycle circle the house and takes notice how they circle.
He said to me, "intentional circle or they are stupid and took note immediately"
Mom is clueless, but Dad is watching as they circle.
They are clueless at this point that my Dad is aware. He took a clever concealed position. Stopped smoking and set the beer down.
The final pass.
He saw them round the corner the final time.
He ran.
The guy in back of motorcycle ran to grab me.
He saw my Dad running at him and made the smart decision to abort.
As they rode away, my Dad grabbed the guy on back of motorcycle hair. He did not release the grip.
Scalped him.
Just as he would have tightened his grip on the USS Ticonderoga or USS Galveston during his 2 year stint.
Thank you Father! Such a great man. If i messed up story at all, after talking to my mother, will add.
Men like my Dad are rare today and crazy that he always felt he did not measure up, being raised by WW2 warriors.
The world today is so messed up, but!
Huge hope for future. Good things happening!
Something tells me if your dad didn’t stop him and you were victimized, he’d later be waiting by a bank of payphones when the cops escorted the perp through the airport.
Ya know, this story was only talked about once.
My father did not want to discuss it.
I feel like he knew there was a lot of luck or God intervention involved.
He had been drinking but not drunk.
Will say this. Never once in my life did I ever feel not safe with my Dad around.
Good protector for sure. And my Mom as well, but women are not aware of threats as men are.
Women should be trained at this point. Good men like your dad, hopefully like you now, will share with their wives and daughters and train them. I talk to my family in parking lots, I quiz them- how many cars that are "off" have people in them, how many are on, how many just parked but are still running etc. Inside a store or market, how many lone men or women, how many groups, how many groups of young men, how many are shopping or loitering... We stopped a theft gang simply by bringing attention to them by asking them innocuous questions loudly (hi, do you know where the x is)...
Actually women are more aware, men charge into situations without thinking. I was a manager for a pizza delivery and the men got robbed more often because they would brave going into an apartment complex where all the lights had been shut off. With women they wouldn't go and thought the men were stupid for going into an obvious trap. One guy left his truck running in front of an apartment complex because he was coming right back. He watched his truck getting stolen. It was in one of the worst places in town, crime wise. He was a very big guy and thought no one would mess with him.
The Gary Plauché stratagem is very effective in stopping all child sexual abusers from re-offending. Lessons can be learned.
Wineville (eastvale) chicken coop murders of young children were in riverside.
That's an alpha father, they don't make them like they used to. Situational awareness is key; today he gets labeled being paranoid but clearly he was on point and that saved your life. Awesome job
Some of us still produce alpha type kids who then go on to become alpha fathers and mothers. My father produced two. I've produced 4 alpha men and am currently working to produce an alpha woman. My brother, one. We are more rare than we used to be, but we do still exist.
There has been a revival in some pockets, I agree to that. Anyone who is part of the wrestling community knows that; it's the only sport that actually allows God where in other sports the world snuffs out.
I more or less was making argument about society...but to your point if you follow the world/society you're fighting a lost battle to begin with.
Apologize I wasn't clear there and good on you for raising your children right. May God continue to bless you and your family.
I am blessed with the alpha core and the nurturing to enhance it.
I was in a group of coworkers after a restaurant lunch, 5 men and a lady. A homeless guy, whish I was aware of, locked in on our female. He came from the opposite side of the circle from she and I. I simply stepped in front of him and would not let him touch her or give her whatever trinket he had for her.
I was the only one that even new he was around us.
Afterward, at another interaction, she made a positive comment about it to me, and one of the guys said "How did you do that.". I told her and him, "It's just what Dad's and big brothers do. "
Pretty sure I was the smallest man there. It definitely broke the homeless guys ooda loop.
Upvote and kudos for knowing and using the ooda loop.
They do share with their friends, I've observed that directly. Counsel them to mentor their friends and you're suddenly producing exponential little situationally aware people.
Here is an alpha spotted at a football game.
“Jesus deserves all the glory. We serve a champion. He died on the cross, but He rose three days later. That’s the God I serve. Anything is possible.” 🙌🏼
Praises star running back as an "Absolute War Daddy."
Coach Danielson literally baptized his star player.
100%. Thank you for saying that!
I was 13 and walking home from the library that was my refuge and babysitter. A man in a white truck called from his truck and I ignored him. He was asking for directions but I was visiting a relative and told him I didn’t know. Ironically I had seen one of those quick tips on TV about strangers getting kids close to their truck. He turned a corner blocking my path and said “ can you just help me with this map?” That was when my alarm bells really went off and I ran across the street instead of walking straight ahead within snatching distance. He threw it in reverse and if I had any doubts they were erased then. I ended up having to jump fences to get away and thankfully managed to get into my aunts backyard ( somehow stupidly still had my books) I hid on the floor and peaked through the upstairs blinds as he circled the neighborhood multiple times. Years later I saw an unsolved mysterys and literally dropped a glass when I saw his face. Serial killer preferred young women and girls. One of his victims had escaped and they had a sketch. Different time. Now my report would have been taken seriously then he hadn’t done anything wrong actually it was assumed I had offended him in some way thus the chase. God definitely protected me that day. I wasn’t smarter or faster or better protected than the girls he raped and killed. It wasn’t my time and thankfully God prevented him from getting his hands on me. ( that dash at the beginning was close) I am telling you there was not one indication in his voice and he looked nice and kind- until he wasn’t. Predator all day.
I said the same about the young children who end up unaccompanied at the border, they could be kidnapped children of very poor parents who have no way to look for their child/ren.
True. If you saw Sound of Freedom and how they had to sneak people across the border in cars, this "solution" of just running massive amounts of people through the border, including children, where nobody is looking (or at least not seeming to care) is a much better way to traffic those children.
So true and a great point. We should care about the kids coming across the border.
So I have a story, early 70”s playing at a playground with a friend. Guy stops his car puts hood up and beckons us over. I go a shouting distance away and he asks where nearest station is. I yell directions, he says I cannot hear you come closer. I step one closer still not close. Yell again he says can’t hear come closer. My friend starts to walk closer I immediately run to a near by trailer not my house, he slams hood down and takes off. I then yell at my friend. We were 4th graders.
Every 40 seconds in the USA a child goes missing. Many are runaways but many are abducted and never heard from again. This is nearly a MILLION children a year go missing. If ALL but 10% are eventually accounted for--not likely--this is still 100,000 children that are never heard from again. We live in Satan's world and he gives to to people that will rule for him. With all the backlash to DJT over the last 8 years, we can conclude that Trump does not bow down to Satan!
Thats the sad reality. Great story as well. Thank your father for his service.
Unfortunately, many parents are still asleep and blindly sell their children for the shot at potential fame.
I love this for so many reasons….
Awesome and aware father!
One other thing to consider re young people being places where perverts and satanists can exploit them? Kids lie. Lie and lie and lie, to get out with their friends and do as they please. Or sneak out a window after saying good night, to meet up with others. And it's not just "bad kids", it is often peer-pressure. I am so glad my kids are grown. But now my grandkids are a great worry.
Good point.
Best scalp-tingling story of the day!
Thank God for fathers like yours - and thanks for his service our country!
Go, Dad! I love this story!
Talked to my mother
She did not remember the incident, but said this.
"Your father protected both me and you kids from so much. Often, I had PTSD. Your Father always rescued me"
6 kids and a cruel world. It is hard for a parent.
The fuck do you mean he scalped him? Like Apache style scalp in your front yard? Consequences? Cops called? Your dad let him go sans scalp? You can’t tell a story like this man it seems absurd. More details please.
Scalping isn't just an Apache style war prize. Ever pulled a body out of a car? Ever worked an industrial accident? Scalping is simply removal of hair and skin. Dude's dad gorilla gripped the asshole's hair and didn't let go as he rode off on his bike and ended up with a new a hairpiece.
It's laid out pretty clearly in the story.
Greatly explained!
Yes, my father scalped him. When the guy rode off?
My Dad was left with a bunch of hair and his scalp.
It is the reason for explaining that my dad was a Botswain. Older navy guys would understand.
When those older guys lead a deck? Those ww2 and vietnam era boats?
They were HARD men. My dad was pretty soft, compared to his chiefs at the time, but compared to today?
Super hard man.
I am very lucky to have been born to a man that could smoke a cig and drink a beer on the porch, but know.
Know, when danger was present.