They think they deserve a paycheck for nothing...when Q said ‘follow the money’ that is the motive for everyone corrupt regardless of party affiliation
There are somewhere between 1.5-2 Million+ Non-profits and NGOs nationwide. And god knows how many unregistered groups.
San Franshitsco is barely even a drop in the bucket of bullshit and funding sources. That frankly maybe the source of most of the problems we attribute to shitty Government.
Honestly, I’m more pissed off about the currently state of the homeless population than I am about illegal immigrants.
We need to round all these fuckers up and house them in a “gated” community that is self sustaining. Teach them how to farm animals and grow produce, or learn a trade. Something that will allow them to find employment after their minimum 5-year “rehab” period.
This isn’t an issue of “but their freedoms.” Fuck that, they don’t get a choice. They don’t get to live on the streets, and we won’t be converting old motels into the homeless Holiday Inns.
Reopen the facilities that Ragen/Bush shut down back in the 1980s. Round up all the backpack-wearing, BMX- riding, homeless “thieves” that populate all of California. We can’t allow this bullshit to continue.
I’m actually shocked that I haven’t heard Trump mention taking care of this homeless issue.
April 18, 2023---Agenda47: Ending the Nightmare of the Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Dangerously Deranged
“For a small fraction of what we spend upon Ukraine, we could take care of every homeless veteran in America. Our veterans are being treated horribly.”
Yeah, that’s great, he spoke about homeless veterans but I guarantee that - at least in Los Angeles the majority of the homeless population aren’t veterans. Less scary talk about all these spooky military aged illegals and more talk about eradicating the homeless epidemic.
We can deal with both problems at the same time btw.
when i was homeless in Portland, it seemed like all the services flowed to opioid users in a limitless fountain of enabling, and nothing for displaced educated normies.
Jobs program for un- employable commies.
They think they deserve a paycheck for nothing...when Q said ‘follow the money’ that is the motive for everyone corrupt regardless of party affiliation
One racket after another in CA.
Would it be in their own self interest to keep the borders open with a free flow of highly addictive drugs?
There are somewhere between 1.5-2 Million+ Non-profits and NGOs nationwide. And god knows how many unregistered groups.
San Franshitsco is barely even a drop in the bucket of bullshit and funding sources. That frankly maybe the source of most of the problems we attribute to shitty Government.
Shitty is the right description.
They can't even get that right.
I mean not really, but yeah... really
Sorry, I already gave
at the officeon the street. Yanno, "direct deposit" (in a hat)Honestly, I’m more pissed off about the currently state of the homeless population than I am about illegal immigrants.
We need to round all these fuckers up and house them in a “gated” community that is self sustaining. Teach them how to farm animals and grow produce, or learn a trade. Something that will allow them to find employment after their minimum 5-year “rehab” period.
This isn’t an issue of “but their freedoms.” Fuck that, they don’t get a choice. They don’t get to live on the streets, and we won’t be converting old motels into the homeless Holiday Inns.
Reopen the facilities that Ragen/Bush shut down back in the 1980s. Round up all the backpack-wearing, BMX- riding, homeless “thieves” that populate all of California. We can’t allow this bullshit to continue.
I’m actually shocked that I haven’t heard Trump mention taking care of this homeless issue.
April 18, 2023---Agenda47: Ending the Nightmare of the Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Dangerously Deranged
“For a small fraction of what we spend upon Ukraine, we could take care of every homeless veteran in America. Our veterans are being treated horribly.”
Yeah, that’s great, he spoke about homeless veterans but I guarantee that - at least in Los Angeles the majority of the homeless population aren’t veterans. Less scary talk about all these spooky military aged illegals and more talk about eradicating the homeless epidemic.
We can deal with both problems at the same time btw.
They use them for sex and drugs
Looks like a job for...
Under D.O.G.E.
"Speed of lightning, roar of thunder fighting all who rob or plunder..."
when i was homeless in Portland, it seemed like all the services flowed to opioid users in a limitless fountain of enabling, and nothing for displaced educated normies.
Human trafficking is very profitable it seems.
didnt cali just "lose" like 25 million for the homeless
Reminds me of project veritas earth renewal piece.
News flash: it's like that in ALL 50 States, P.R., Guam, and American Samoa.
Maybe I'll start a homelessness non-profit in 2025. New year, new me...