The whole act is illegal though. It created a corporate body government for municipality purposes and enabled the 13th -15th amendment and the creation of the illegal Federal reserve system as well as the legal name birth certificate fraud pushed on all human beings.
"Legal name birth certificate fraud" isn't real. My name is handwritten in initial caps on my birth certificate. It is also typed in initial caps on the certified copy that I have at home. Names are typed in all caps in legal documents because old typewriters didn't have boldface, and all caps was the only way to make names stand out throughout a document. I used to work at a law firm and know about this. Even after laser printers, they still typed documents the very same way out of habit or tradition.
Also you can check out the two different constitutions. One is organic and FOR the United States of America and the other one is the new corporate constitution OF (meaning originating out of) the United States of America.
Ok this is the exact same document I was reading yesterday 😅 can you point me to the specific lines which "created a corporate body government for municipality purposes and enabled the 13th -15th amendment and the creation of the illegal Federal reserve system as well as the legal name birth certificate fraud pushed on all human beings"?
All I saw was that it combined Georgetown (Jesuit-central, yucky!) and Washington together under a local government and then proceeded to outline how that government was to be run. I didn't finish reading the whole 11 pages though.
You are on a forum dedicated to shine light on the darkness, exposing the secrets. You know that right?
Someone obviously know and the laws are public domain and the birth certificate is the proof after all.
So when you come on here with your people don't do things in secret bullshit, you reek of either ignorant NPC programming, or are a paid glowfag shill.
How, exactly, is my birth certificate proof of any of that stuff? My name is in initial caps, and there is not a serial number of any kind on it. I am a genealogist and know about documents.
If enforced, 80% of our Bills would be rescinded. I'm good with that.
I believe this is specific to DC's government. I'd want to find a similar clause at the federal level, but yes, we need this bigly!
The entire Act should be rescinded.
Full text:
Quite an interesting read. Apparently it was originally intended that the POTUS was to appoint DC's governor, among other notable tidbits.
Couple with the Treaty of Washington 1871 / Prussiagate:
This is a great find! Thank you for the information!
Yw! <3
Well, would you look at that! We (USA) are so far from our roots it is shamefull.
One bill, one vote! No more lumping of bills to guarantee passage!
Shall not be infringed...
Just an example of them not following even the most basic laws... not to mention the 1st and the censorship machine
Great find!
The whole act is illegal though. It created a corporate body government for municipality purposes and enabled the 13th -15th amendment and the creation of the illegal Federal reserve system as well as the legal name birth certificate fraud pushed on all human beings.
"Legal name birth certificate fraud" isn't real. My name is handwritten in initial caps on my birth certificate. It is also typed in initial caps on the certified copy that I have at home. Names are typed in all caps in legal documents because old typewriters didn't have boldface, and all caps was the only way to make names stand out throughout a document. I used to work at a law firm and know about this. Even after laser printers, they still typed documents the very same way out of habit or tradition.
If you know, where exactly in the Organic Act of 1871 are those things outlined? Let's nail this shit to the concrete once and for all.
See, Acts of the Forty-first Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62.
Tyvm, will check this out today! 👊
Also you can check out the two different constitutions. One is organic and FOR the United States of America and the other one is the new corporate constitution OF (meaning originating out of) the United States of America.
Is there any sauce for this claim? I have heard it but never seen anything beyond anecdotes on random blog sites
Ok this is the exact same document I was reading yesterday 😅 can you point me to the specific lines which "created a corporate body government for municipality purposes and enabled the 13th -15th amendment and the creation of the illegal Federal reserve system as well as the legal name birth certificate fraud pushed on all human beings"?
All I saw was that it combined Georgetown (Jesuit-central, yucky!) and Washington together under a local government and then proceeded to outline how that government was to be run. I didn't finish reading the whole 11 pages though.
Phoenician law
Per son
Birth berth
Pass port
Holy see
Wtf is this shit comment? No sense to do something in secret?
Glowfag alert
You are on a forum dedicated to shine light on the darkness, exposing the secrets. You know that right?
Someone obviously know and the laws are public domain and the birth certificate is the proof after all.
So when you come on here with your people don't do things in secret bullshit, you reek of either ignorant NPC programming, or are a paid glowfag shill.
How, exactly, is my birth certificate proof of any of that stuff? My name is in initial caps, and there is not a serial number of any kind on it. I am a genealogist and know about documents.
"Line upon line, precept upon precept" Tic,tic,tic "The leaven is being removed"(Galatians 5:9)
Great find! Thanks for sharing.
Yw! <3