Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
I am pleased to announce Ken Howery as my choice for United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark. Ken is a World renowned entrepreneur, investor, and public servant, who served our Nation brilliantly during my First Term as U.S. Ambassador to Sweden...
The US should not invade anyone. That is a big problem with this country here they always need to stick their nose in everyone's business. sovereign nations should be allowed to run their own country. negations treaties beneficial to both ends will work just fine.
Putin said America has a buy or kill foreign policy. Either you do what we say for foreign aid and payouts, out we kill you and replace you.
Oddly enough, the left no longer agrees with you. Maybe Trump wants them to join him by opposing him.
Everyone already knows this, except for CCP shills hired to instigate such wars for the purpose of destabilization.
That's how we got Texas, N.M. Arizona, Colorado Wyoming, and the entire Left Coast....
We Invaded Mexico, they Surrendered, we chose the Lands we wanted, PAID THEM for those Lands, and let them keep the rest....
We CAN do the exact same thing with Denmark, and they get to keep all that ""National Dane Sovereignty"", you seem to love about them.....
Have you ever been there???
I do believe Denmark is the seat of the cabal. It’s where their head operations are. We should not invade any country. I love all the individuals countries and the beautiful buildings, charming towns and the people. It has been the DS that has forced our will on others deceitfully and this is NO LONGER the way we want to work with other countries. Each country should be a form of MAGA and put their country first and work accordingly with others. If the USA has this policy, then others will as well. Back to my initial point of Denmark being the seat of the cabal and revealing and removing it will benefit everyone. I see it as removing the rot. And trust me we will see a beautiful world emerge!
Their must be a lot of fukery going on in Greenland, trump is sending them a message,for a reason. Maybe a hidden secret base or something like that.
They're turning carbon (6) into concrete there. So perhaps we need it for global warming purposes.
Sorry I don’t like the optics one bit. If it is the only way to unseat the head of hydra then I STILL don’t like it. Unless complete disclosure occurs after we will forever after be an open aggressive force. Bad enough the puppet hands are restrained by having to at least pretend we aren’t- take that and they will have tanks in the streets first chance to make some coin. No Thank You. Not a precedent I want set. Going after an Allie to take their territory absolutely NO. This has to be comms or a feint. Unless literally the fate of the free world rides on this I cannot imagine this being a legit tactic. Dump Europe by stopping cash flow but no more American blood shed for anything beyond protection of American soil or citizens.
What about people's right of self determination?
It's in the UN charter.
We should just ask the Native indigenous people who live their,if they want to join us.
Some were interviewed by Danish TV today, and said something like: we let the Americans have bases here, we allow them concessions over some areas to dig for natural resources, but we do not want to sell.
I think this whole business is more Trump saying we don't want Greenland to fall into the hands of Russia or China.
You belive your local TV?
No, but I know that the US has a base there:
That is a different kettle of fish isn’t it? That was not what people claimed President Trump said. IMHO I don’t think that taking it by force is on the table. As I said I think it is a feint. As I stated forced invasions for territory is a line we have never crossed openly.
People their hate the Danish govt. From what I've read, I don't know for sure.
But you know Trump will take the easy best route.
The UN has laws about self determination of people. We can have the locals vote on weather they want to join us,or stay with Denmark. We would have to do more research.....
Greenland is only occupied by the indigenous people, it's not like their are millions of Danes living their.
How did we deal with Mexico in order to Gain many States???
Texas won its independence from Mexico all by itself and then applied for statehood was split into Colorado and Kansas
We still shut down ALL of Mexico, and Paid them very well for what little we took....
We could have taken the entire thing....
You are not wrong.
Mexico today is a beautiful productive piece of the planet.
Well DUH!!!
That's what happens when you remove the Majority of the criminal Element from a Society....
And MOST of their Criminals are here, IN the States....
Utah California Texas Kansas New Mexico all came from defending a territory that applied on its own. Ya know the same thing Europe wants to hate Russia for doing with the Dombass. Invading openly for territory is not something we have done.
Ah, Dickipedia, yes, very good source....
I admit to grabbing the low hanging fruit BUT I figured my great great great granddaddy’s stories would not satisfy you. Lol Super well documented history. Those of us who grew up in Texas not only learn it in Texas History but there are numerous sites with plaques and monuments built at the turn of the century as well as documentation from Mexico. Wikipedia has its uses and uncontested historical events that match many historical documents I think is a fair use.
I grew up in N.E New Mex. so I know all the Texas History that I care to know....
But after Texas won its Freedom, there were still Mexican Raiders going into New Mexico and Raiding Villages, even though it was Technically part of Texas, and the Texas Rangers were too few and too far between....
The Pancho Villa did his thing and was chased in turn of the Century Automobiles, so to me this History really isn't very old, we're only talking about the period between the War of 1812 and Lincolns Subjugation War....
1835 through 1848, and Mexico still wanted a bit more near the turn of the Century so they Probably Funded Villa indirectly, in my opinion....
For what it's worth, we still have lots of Wetters that come here and join groups or create Groups like ""La Raza"", only to foment discontent and to Protest the loss of what could have been 1/2 of Mexico....
IMHO it's the equivalent of Those Beggars asking for Reparations....
Nice. Sadly you never know these days. History is being lost and rewritten and that is heartbreaking. Heartbreaking because the children who are not taught will likely fall into the very same patterns. Merry Christmas neighbor
Merry Christmas and many Blessings to you and Yours....
And I agree, but Maybe we can finally get the corrections started by Pushing Trump to completely get rid of the NEA, an to Remove the Educational Influences from the Foundations that control the Book Printers....
There's a Man Norman Dodd in some YT Videos and a Woman named Charlotte Iserbyt. who explain it all quite well, and much of it gets into the nitty gritty, it'll blow your Mind....
I guess that works as long as you are certain you want a forever military state
“Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.” Thomas Jefferson
Why is Trump pushing AI, crypto, and now buying Greenland? Doesn’t make sense.
“The USA should invade Denmark and take Greenland by force since Danes refused to sell it”
Nowhere in Trumps Truth did he say that, you are spreading lies by posting that. Unless it’s your own opinion. If so clearly say THAT, don’t imply that Trump did. He did say USA wants to BUY Greenland, BIG difference.
Denmark already refused to sell it so the only option is to take it by force. Controlling Greenland is important for defense of the USA.
You are jumping to conclusions here. There are other options than INVADING Denmark. Trump is a master at putting pressure on people, usually economic.
He could have done that last time, all he did was calling Danish prime minister nasty woman and canceling the trip to Denmark.
Self determination is in the UN charter.
We just need to ask the people who live their.
Hint- they are not danish.
Exactly, they are of the same origins as the indigenous people of Alaska (Inuits, or Eskimo).
I'm sure USA does not want to sell off Alaska... :)
The USA should invade the DNC and liberate itself from occupation. Other than that, we should not be invading anyone.
Thing is...GEOTUS never said the title content OP posted, in his truthsocial post. I'm just sayin.
I never claimed that, the first part was my addition since Danes refused to sell Greenland already last time so the USA should just take it.
We need to stay within our own BORDERS and get everything here in shape before we even consider anything else and INVADING another country comes right after we castrate every male in the USA!
WOW, you really do Love Americans....
I just had surgery for a skin cancer and I bled red, white and blue! Kek
Personally, I think we can buy Greenland for like $1.00....
We have the Leverage, not to mention there's all that NATO Dues shit, and many other LOANS that we have made to the various Nations of the World and Especially Europe....
Yes, we DO need to shut down the Borders, minimum of 10 Years, but Ideally it should be 25....
Maybe Pull some 75% of our Troops out of Foreign Nations, except where we actually provide Real Time Protections, like Japan, South Korea, Germany....
But ALL the rest, just bring them home, and IF they must be deployed, they can be on the Northern and Southern Borders, ""Training""....
Hold yer horses there bucko
He didn’t say anything about invading. We could easily wipe out all of Denmark’s national debt. It would be pocket change for us. I liked Denmark when I was there. Throw in some of your women and we have a deal.
No but Danes refused to sell it last time and since Greenland is so important for the USA's defense then it should be taken by force.
No need. Let the people who live their vote.
They are native americans,not Danish.
I will recommend that Trump consider adding a one hour war to his bag of tricks. Declare war and one hour later declare victory. Set the terms for peace. Essentially daring them to contest it. It’s a little more complicated, but if you give them a more than fair deal, it will likely be all over.
It would be like stealing a candy from baby since Denmark has very tiny & pathetically weak military.
I resent that comment, please retract immediately!
Yes, we are a small country with a small military, but we have pulled our weight on the global scene, and we have been one of your most faithful allies. If you think you can just take Greenland like another bully, you would be isolating yourself from much of Europe.
If you think you can fight the global deep state alone, you are delusional. On GAW we should be fighting the cabal, not each other.
Sorry for this rant, but such comments hurt.
There's something much deeper going on here.
Something necessary for beating the cabal.
I wish I knew what it was.
27 days and the party begins.
You are right. And while people want to insult Denmark, people should know every study for the last 25 years reports that James are the happiest people on earth!
Happiest meaning the most UNAWARE of Child and Human Trafficking?
The most docile sheep of the bunch? The most mind controlled? The ideal matrix citizen?
USA has no allies, only parasites.
With that attitude, you definitely will have no allies.
Trump will make sure Europeans will start to pay back what they owe to American taxpayers.
You think it's useful to act like this? We Europeans are guilty of what? Being deceived by a global Cabal like everybody else?
Right! It is unreasonable for any country to force their will other nations! Individual countries are so valuable and need their autonomy and ability to put their countries interests first just like the US. This is what I believe will take place. This is what most Americans want as well.
Europe is already looking to pay 5% GDP instead of two... Upping what was shorted to the United States. That was announced several days ago.
How many danes actually live their?
Let the people vote,for self determination.
It's a fundamental right of people according to the UN.
See...... you still don't get it.
It's all a façade. Your Government is made up of Satanists. You're a controlled slave. And look at you on your knees for your oppressor. What a good little slave.
So many still so far from understanding how this is all being done.
And the ""SECRET TREATY OF VERONA"" enters the Chat....