A little ditty 'bout United Health...
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The original with the whole song.
Wish I had taken a moment to dig it up. Thank You.
It's not the original, I think, but perhaps an improved re-recording.
Replace United Health with "Obama Care". There. I fixed it.
acshuly real obamacare hasn't been tried yet
Someone called me yesterday if I wanted to change my United Health insurance for Affordable Care Act aka Obama Care and I said NO. Which one is worst.
A.C.A.= $555.02 @month Premium /$5,200 Deductible /$9,200 out of pocket / 50 % Emergency Co Pay, and that's with $432,00 TAX Credit, YEAH IT SUCKS,and all the other Insurance Co's are just as bad or worse,if you have nothing it's lots cheaper,their advertising on TV now a young black girl with previous health issues' for $4.00 @ month.
We should be free of illnesses, these idiots from the Khazarian mafia keep making us sick and frankly I don’t know when it is going to stop this charade of health insurances.
Millenial Bob Dylan.
Deported with "Other" and cited a Sticky Request.
It helps mods find great content with so much content being posted daily.
This is why I’m fine with Luigi. I like him.
Big 'Yuuuuuup' From Me!
Songs of truth for today’s times. Thank you eel003. Now where did I put my Bob Dylan records?
Thank you OP. I'm now obsessed with this guy!
Here is the whole song with the lyrics. Even though the URL includes "shorts" it is the whole song:
Here's one called "Fast Food". Really hard-hitting lyric towards the end. I have a dream that RFK Jr. finds out about this one and posts it on his channel and shows it at a press conference or congressional hearing:
He has a lot of good ones to choose from, but I'll link one more called "Walmart". This one is mainly funny and had me in stitches. The visuals from his lyrics are hysterical and accurate:
Edit: Adding one more called "Fat". It goes nicely with Jesse's "Fast Food" vid I referenced:
Just listened to Payola
His Playlist is good.
The lady who added nothing on top is probably my favorite part
What's up with the idiot at the top
She may be the reason I saw I video at all as she has gathered more views then the original artist, which was why I was sad I didn't locate his own posting of the song and post that instead...but give her her due.