Lawyers for ex-Abercrombie CEO Michael Jeffries say dementia may leave him incompetent to face sex charges
Defense lawyers say the former longtime CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch may have dementia, and a competency hearing is necessary to determine if he can face sex charges.
Ah, the FJB defense😡
Did he do the crimes?
He has dementia.
Did he do the crimes?
Well yes but he has...
The mob used it decades ago
I had no idea that not remembering shit is a 'get out of jail'-card.
I guess it only works for satanists/democrats though.
Reminiscent of "Family Circus" newspaper cartoons in which invisible-but-drawn-with-outlines characters, "I Don't Know" and "Not Me", were often depicted as the culprits responsible for mischief.
Fine, Give ALL of his money to his victims then place him in a nursing home. The day he no longer needs to be in a nursing home is the day he stands trial.
I don't see any laws on the books that say "anybody who gets dementia after the crime should get a free pass because of our passion within this great country". No, it says if you do the crime, you do the time!
No, that is figured out by liberal judges.
Hmmmmmm. Grrrrrrrr!
Who cares if you don't remember. Your victims remember.
Although he's a cunt I will say it's a bit scapegoaty that this isn't also happening to Bryan Singer, James Gunn, Dustbin Lance-Black etc. But having said that, Jeffries' victims were apparently 'of age', whereas in the latter cases...
Rape is rape = Death Penalty
Well they imagine its worked for the Biden Crime Family.
And they’re desperate. Not surprised.
BTTH is the only cure!
Idk what that is but if it's a painful death, it good 👍🏼
Bullet To The Head. Kek
He has perv face. It cannot be escaped.
The article in the NY Post said he's missing part of his nose and covers it with snake skin, wtaf
Use his money to put a guard on him 24x7 dis he can't hurt anyone. If no one wants the job, juice him