It's important to know how to read deepstate comms, whether from govt, media, or billionaire pedophile cabal oligarchs. Because they always (at all times; 100% of the time) project and self-contradict, it's super easy to pierce right through to the truth and predict their next moves.
In general: Simply negate every verb; change no to yes; swap out "they" for "we" and vice versa; swap out "left" for "right" and vice versa; and it reads clear as day.
Thus Bill Gates's message about examining vaccines with an eye to eliminating them rinses clean as:
"Yes, that's the right road to go down. That would be a good thing. Do that."
If vaccines were safe and effective, people would knock down doors to get them. You would not have to bribe people with trinkets or threaten them with job loss/pariah status. Evil uses tainted vaccine as a Trojan horse and justice is needed for those that propagate them.
If vaccines are safe, then there is no downside in looking into them: safety trials, content, side effects and benefits.
Zero benefits, only harm. That’s why they don’t want people looking into them.
We can just use some of the money that we throw away on shit like this:
Look into the money trail he meant
Oh of course Bill Gates said it would be a Bad thing too look into it because of exposure.
When Bill Gates talks, he is speaking to the ruling elite. He never talks to or for the people.
Yeah the time wasn't right then. Now it's go time!
Bill gates is a bad thing. Do opposite of what gate says and you'll be on the numbers.
Why is this POS still above ground?
Because some people are in fact above the law.
He's not! He and Melinda were hung years ago by angry villagers in India whose kids died from his shots.
I wish that were true
It's a dead end for those that take the vax.
It's important to know how to read deepstate comms, whether from govt, media, or billionaire pedophile cabal oligarchs. Because they always (at all times; 100% of the time) project and self-contradict, it's super easy to pierce right through to the truth and predict their next moves.
In general: Simply negate every verb; change no to yes; swap out "they" for "we" and vice versa; swap out "left" for "right" and vice versa; and it reads clear as day.
Thus Bill Gates's message about examining vaccines with an eye to eliminating them rinses clean as:
"Yes, that's the right road to go down. That would be a good thing. Do that."
Looking into the effects of vaccines would be a Bad Thing for Bill!
(Gonna happen anyway! Who else can hardly wait?!)
If vaccines were safe and effective, people would knock down doors to get them. You would not have to bribe people with trinkets or threaten them with job loss/pariah status. Evil uses tainted vaccine as a Trojan horse and justice is needed for those that propagate them.
Waiiiiiit is this recent?
No. Old.
Ahhh okay. That's actually really good news that this video is old. It means qere gonna get something changed
Gates needs to go to the national barber and get 10 inches taken off the top.
No, that's a GOOD THING!
That's a dead end------ the dead at the end of the investigation will be Gates!
What would the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) say about Gates and vaccines?
Bill Gates….I’ll save the world from viruses…. Failed at that regarding his Windows OS. Sooooooo?
Anything you say can be used in the court of law.