He didn't say that, and he's not addressing the government indoctrination daycare center system to fix that. We can't have a generation fully and properly educated until the majority are home schooling, one-room schoolhouse schooling, or co-op schooling, with true American fundamentals drilled in to each little head. Anyone who looks at the nightmare that the kids are being put through would immediately recognize the failure.
Also, quantity of homework is a technique used to force mental acceptance that 'they' own your time and you will always be doing a lot of menial and meaningless tasks for them. It's programming at the earliest stages of development.
I took my girl out of 7th grade early on. At the time, it was because of health issues, and an undiagnosed mold sensitivity. As it turns out, it was close to the best decision of our lives.
Humans love to learn, and she became self-educated by looking for answers online about all kinds of things. She spent 3 weeks in a community college only to discover that the indoctrination continues there, so she quit.
Once the education system is geared towards learning things, teaching trades and art and music...all stuff that builds a good, healthy and happy society...we can get back on track.
My lord, didn't they get their creepy fingers into every flipping aspect of humanity? It's the growing public awareness of all the fuckery that brings an end to it.
We had a house fire last March that took the air cleaners we were using, but they worked on light technology. We had two, one in the bedroom, and one in the living room. They actually worked to mitigate what mold was present (and that we were powerless to eliminate), and when the bulbs burned out, which they do after a year or so, we definitely noticed a difference.
They're not cheap, but the alternative of having mold remediation is far, far greater an expense. Dietary changes help. Food sensitivity blood tests are pricey, but for us, they were quite necessary. We've been gluten free for years now as well.
This world has too many things going on that irritate the human body.
I pray that your journey is smooth and easy...although if a detox is necessary, I never heard anyone say that it's a fun time.
Completely concur. The current systems are deleting information, hiding it, rewriting it, squashing independent thought and creativity, replacing logic and critical thought with degeneracy, relativism and plain evil. We will have a heck of a time uncovering truth and putting it all back into the curricula. Especially history and medicine...
Rockefeller designed the modern day education system and he did it to build a nation of workers to work for his businesses. It was never about educating people. And until we as a nation understand that and redesign it, it will stay this way.
If people want to be educated, they have to pay for it by going to university.
I was with you until that last sentence, because unis have been the centers of woke commie BS from before the final lap of the elementary and middle school freakout. Very few 'higher institutions' even provide a reasonable education and almost none at a reasonable price. No, the education system needs a serious renovation and until then, I'd strongly recommend seeking alternative paths. Trade, skills, certifications, non-mainstream colleges, anything. Medical pharmaceutical agent system is a sham, law perhaps may be worthwhile if you're unafraid of losing everything fighting for right and just causes, otherwise I guarantee you will be able to find all the information you need outside of those pricey classes.
Perhaps pay for access to their libraries, perhaps audit a few classes if you think they have a super lecturer, but go get real experience in your chosen field as a paid intern and a degree, if needed, from the cheapest place possible. (Student IDs can be valuable for all kinds of discounts.) Only woke hr values big uni names but their influence is dwindling to nothing (we won't look at names anymore, they're more trouble than they're worth, overvalued, and dei is dying). The only other factor for college is if you think you need 'connections' with other students that you can't get elsewhere. I say, lead the charge and make social clubs with other based young people who also refuse to be programmed woke debt slaves.
I live in a "university" town. Everyone, I mean every single person, who works at this university had a Harris sign in their front yard. Some still have the signs up.
These people may be highly book-educated, yet they are dumb. They trust science and believe in man-made global warming/cooling climate change. They are anti-white and woke.
Some Harris supporters aren't dumb. Some are protecting the status quo. Example, protecting business owners who benefit from illegal population accepting lower wages and no benefits. Also, the illegal worker here sending USD home creates windfalls for their family in the home countries.
I agree with you and I know what universities have become in the west. But where else would one gain an engineering degree to work in an advanced field such as engineering? That was my point and even if universities are commie infested shitholes... The real fix is to remove the rot that has infested all of our institutions.
Auditing classes and self study are not going to get a person an interview or a job offer for STEM positions. You still have to get a degree. The first job to gain experience is the hardest one. IT is an outlier. Anyone can do IT. Here's why...
I am saying this as a system engineer with 20+ years experience and no college degree. I am 100% self taught. Learned Berkeley UNIX, then Linux and Solaris. Along the way taught myself storage and now work as an engineer for a Fortune 20. It can be done but it takes an entire career...
I also know several it folks without degrees, quite successful. Engineering? We can't hire any new graduates right now. Big companies like the one I'm in are starting their own programs because the products of unis now are worse than useless, they're woke. There will be a gap but we need to redo the necessary institutions, if any can be salvaged, else restart from scratch.
"Very few 'higher institutions' even provide a reasonable education and almost none at a reasonable price.... Medical pharmaceutical agent system is a sham, law perhaps may be worthwhile if you're unafraid of losing everything fighting for right and just causes, otherwise I guarantee you will be able to find all the information you need outside of those pricey classes."
People who write like this more often than not simply did not have the chops to perform academically and to parlay their academic success into gainful employment. And no - you will NOT be able to find all the information you need outside of those "pricey" classes. My current bill rate is $750/hr in part because I successfully completed course work, which included "pricey classes," some years ago and I am paid handsomely for what I know and what I do. It was not an easy road to get to this place.
I began my career 43 years ago as temporary lab tech holding 2 BS degrees in Biology and Chemistry (not-Ivy league). I had no scholarships and put myself through college working full time in retail and accounting. Entered pharma research, married my wife (celebrating 40 years this year), entered my first Masters program and completed a MS Biochemistry in 3 years - all night school + thesis. We had 2 children during the time I completed a second Masters in Business (MBA) in 3 years- also night school + thesis. After 10 career years in industry I went to work as a Review Chemist at FDA for 2 years, had 2 more children for 4 total while my wife - a STEM/business grad became a Director of R&D for her company.
I left FDA, returned to the pharma industry in regulatory affairs for another few years, left there, and launched my own consulting firm 29 years ago. Includes work in the legal field serving as a Subject Matter Expert Witness. I live in New England. My 6000 sq. ft. house on 2 acres was paid off 10 years ago. I plan to retire in 2 years. I billed ~ $1MM each of the last two years and our 401(k) is at multi-millions. Took parents in until they passed. Inherited little to nothing - did not outweigh the cost for their care. I and my family are happily un-vaxxed and I turned away business that required vaxxes. All kids college educated and gainfully employed - 3 of 4 hold Masters degrees. Two hold STEM MS's.
I have respect for tradesmen -- one of my grandfathers was a carpenter, and the other was an optician back in the day when they ground their own lenses. My dad was a doctor, wife's dad was a union card carrying electrician. Carpentry and electrical work last as long as the body can physically hold out - both can be brutal on the joints.
Bottom line- Proof's in the pudding: nothing beats stick-to-it-iveness, hard work, sacrifice, academic accomplishment in worthwhile fields of study, avoiding non-manageable debt loads, ultimately becoming debt free, and setting worthwhile goals - and giving thanks along the way for God's blessings. Success in building a career and a business often means more than just investing 40hrs/5 days a week. Too many fail to succeed because they get in their own way -- the willingness to do the hard work, to perform academically, to train adequately, to mature in their perspectives, and to plan their lives in ways that make good use of time too often is simply not there.
Lol TL;DR didn't get past the ignorance, you're ridiculously wrong. I hate the system that I fantastically succeeded in. It's programming and produces exactly what it's designed to produce- compliant, obedient wage slaves prepared for the inevitable consolidation with communism. I didn't learn that the designers of the system wrote that until relatively recently, thanks to the HSLDA, brilliant, dedicated lawyers there. The physics, chemistry, biochemistry, math, programming and business degrees YES could have come from books and nowadays, online teaching. I learned most on my own, from the libraries and the infant internet bulletin boards. I think you gave a life story that's too long and nothing but an anecdote. I have one too and it matters not a whit to the rest of the country, bless your defensive little heart.
He didn't use those exact words but it's obvious what he was inferring, in his own words;
"the reason why top tech companies often hire foreign born engineers over "native" Americans is because of culture"
Then he alludes to traits people associate with Indian/Asian kids, the emphasis on maths over sports, the emphasis on homework over sleepovers etc.
Top tech companies hire Indians because of A) cheaper wages and B) DEI policies that are explicitly anti white.
He never said he was against homework and he never criticised the education system, he said American culture was bad and that's why America needs to make the most out of H1B visas.
Not to mention this guy has spoken at Conversative Nationalism conferences which was created by a Zionist jew Yoram Hazony.
I agree with you, I was saying he didn't understand the festering dungheap that is the 'public' system. He SHOULD have been criticizing it, but he's still under the assumption that its purpose is to educate kids. He hasn't seen its reality, but he has seen television. OTOH, I've seen its reality and we banned television in our home. Also, he assumes his money-worshipping pagan upbringing is moral and good. With those assumptions, he cannot possibly explain the success of our Christian nation versus his parents' homeland, where everyone is brought up, according to him, with better culture. No one is as stupid as a 'smart' person...
He didn't say that, and he's not addressing the government indoctrination daycare center system to fix that. We can't have a generation fully and properly educated until the majority are home schooling, one-room schoolhouse schooling, or co-op schooling, with true American fundamentals drilled in to each little head. Anyone who looks at the nightmare that the kids are being put through would immediately recognize the failure.
Also, quantity of homework is a technique used to force mental acceptance that 'they' own your time and you will always be doing a lot of menial and meaningless tasks for them. It's programming at the earliest stages of development.
I took my girl out of 7th grade early on. At the time, it was because of health issues, and an undiagnosed mold sensitivity. As it turns out, it was close to the best decision of our lives.
Humans love to learn, and she became self-educated by looking for answers online about all kinds of things. She spent 3 weeks in a community college only to discover that the indoctrination continues there, so she quit.
Once the education system is geared towards learning things, teaching trades and art and music...all stuff that builds a good, healthy and happy society...we can get back on track.
My lord, didn't they get their creepy fingers into every flipping aspect of humanity? It's the growing public awareness of all the fuckery that brings an end to it.
How’s the mold thing working? Just started dealing with it myself.
We had a house fire last March that took the air cleaners we were using, but they worked on light technology. We had two, one in the bedroom, and one in the living room. They actually worked to mitigate what mold was present (and that we were powerless to eliminate), and when the bulbs burned out, which they do after a year or so, we definitely noticed a difference.
They're not cheap, but the alternative of having mold remediation is far, far greater an expense. Dietary changes help. Food sensitivity blood tests are pricey, but for us, they were quite necessary. We've been gluten free for years now as well.
This world has too many things going on that irritate the human body.
I pray that your journey is smooth and easy...although if a detox is necessary, I never heard anyone say that it's a fun time.
Completely concur. The current systems are deleting information, hiding it, rewriting it, squashing independent thought and creativity, replacing logic and critical thought with degeneracy, relativism and plain evil. We will have a heck of a time uncovering truth and putting it all back into the curricula. Especially history and medicine...
Rockefeller designed the modern day education system and he did it to build a nation of workers to work for his businesses. It was never about educating people. And until we as a nation understand that and redesign it, it will stay this way.
If people want to be educated, they have to pay for it by going to university.
I was with you until that last sentence, because unis have been the centers of woke commie BS from before the final lap of the elementary and middle school freakout. Very few 'higher institutions' even provide a reasonable education and almost none at a reasonable price. No, the education system needs a serious renovation and until then, I'd strongly recommend seeking alternative paths. Trade, skills, certifications, non-mainstream colleges, anything. Medical pharmaceutical agent system is a sham, law perhaps may be worthwhile if you're unafraid of losing everything fighting for right and just causes, otherwise I guarantee you will be able to find all the information you need outside of those pricey classes.
Perhaps pay for access to their libraries, perhaps audit a few classes if you think they have a super lecturer, but go get real experience in your chosen field as a paid intern and a degree, if needed, from the cheapest place possible. (Student IDs can be valuable for all kinds of discounts.) Only woke hr values big uni names but their influence is dwindling to nothing (we won't look at names anymore, they're more trouble than they're worth, overvalued, and dei is dying). The only other factor for college is if you think you need 'connections' with other students that you can't get elsewhere. I say, lead the charge and make social clubs with other based young people who also refuse to be programmed woke debt slaves.
I live in a "university" town. Everyone, I mean every single person, who works at this university had a Harris sign in their front yard. Some still have the signs up.
These people may be highly book-educated, yet they are dumb. They trust science and believe in man-made global warming/cooling climate change. They are anti-white and woke.
Some Harris supporters aren't dumb. Some are protecting the status quo. Example, protecting business owners who benefit from illegal population accepting lower wages and no benefits. Also, the illegal worker here sending USD home creates windfalls for their family in the home countries.
Could be describing boulder, weedorado.
Yes. Effective programming, mass formation psychosis. Hope we can undo some of it.
I agree with you and I know what universities have become in the west. But where else would one gain an engineering degree to work in an advanced field such as engineering? That was my point and even if universities are commie infested shitholes... The real fix is to remove the rot that has infested all of our institutions.
Auditing classes and self study are not going to get a person an interview or a job offer for STEM positions. You still have to get a degree. The first job to gain experience is the hardest one. IT is an outlier. Anyone can do IT. Here's why...
I am saying this as a system engineer with 20+ years experience and no college degree. I am 100% self taught. Learned Berkeley UNIX, then Linux and Solaris. Along the way taught myself storage and now work as an engineer for a Fortune 20. It can be done but it takes an entire career...
I also know several it folks without degrees, quite successful. Engineering? We can't hire any new graduates right now. Big companies like the one I'm in are starting their own programs because the products of unis now are worse than useless, they're woke. There will be a gap but we need to redo the necessary institutions, if any can be salvaged, else restart from scratch.
"Very few 'higher institutions' even provide a reasonable education and almost none at a reasonable price.... Medical pharmaceutical agent system is a sham, law perhaps may be worthwhile if you're unafraid of losing everything fighting for right and just causes, otherwise I guarantee you will be able to find all the information you need outside of those pricey classes."
People who write like this more often than not simply did not have the chops to perform academically and to parlay their academic success into gainful employment. And no - you will NOT be able to find all the information you need outside of those "pricey" classes. My current bill rate is $750/hr in part because I successfully completed course work, which included "pricey classes," some years ago and I am paid handsomely for what I know and what I do. It was not an easy road to get to this place.
I began my career 43 years ago as temporary lab tech holding 2 BS degrees in Biology and Chemistry (not-Ivy league). I had no scholarships and put myself through college working full time in retail and accounting. Entered pharma research, married my wife (celebrating 40 years this year), entered my first Masters program and completed a MS Biochemistry in 3 years - all night school + thesis. We had 2 children during the time I completed a second Masters in Business (MBA) in 3 years- also night school + thesis. After 10 career years in industry I went to work as a Review Chemist at FDA for 2 years, had 2 more children for 4 total while my wife - a STEM/business grad became a Director of R&D for her company.
I left FDA, returned to the pharma industry in regulatory affairs for another few years, left there, and launched my own consulting firm 29 years ago. Includes work in the legal field serving as a Subject Matter Expert Witness. I live in New England. My 6000 sq. ft. house on 2 acres was paid off 10 years ago. I plan to retire in 2 years. I billed ~ $1MM each of the last two years and our 401(k) is at multi-millions. Took parents in until they passed. Inherited little to nothing - did not outweigh the cost for their care. I and my family are happily un-vaxxed and I turned away business that required vaxxes. All kids college educated and gainfully employed - 3 of 4 hold Masters degrees. Two hold STEM MS's.
I have respect for tradesmen -- one of my grandfathers was a carpenter, and the other was an optician back in the day when they ground their own lenses. My dad was a doctor, wife's dad was a union card carrying electrician. Carpentry and electrical work last as long as the body can physically hold out - both can be brutal on the joints.
Bottom line- Proof's in the pudding: nothing beats stick-to-it-iveness, hard work, sacrifice, academic accomplishment in worthwhile fields of study, avoiding non-manageable debt loads, ultimately becoming debt free, and setting worthwhile goals - and giving thanks along the way for God's blessings. Success in building a career and a business often means more than just investing 40hrs/5 days a week. Too many fail to succeed because they get in their own way -- the willingness to do the hard work, to perform academically, to train adequately, to mature in their perspectives, and to plan their lives in ways that make good use of time too often is simply not there.
Lol TL;DR didn't get past the ignorance, you're ridiculously wrong. I hate the system that I fantastically succeeded in. It's programming and produces exactly what it's designed to produce- compliant, obedient wage slaves prepared for the inevitable consolidation with communism. I didn't learn that the designers of the system wrote that until relatively recently, thanks to the HSLDA, brilliant, dedicated lawyers there. The physics, chemistry, biochemistry, math, programming and business degrees YES could have come from books and nowadays, online teaching. I learned most on my own, from the libraries and the infant internet bulletin boards. I think you gave a life story that's too long and nothing but an anecdote. I have one too and it matters not a whit to the rest of the country, bless your defensive little heart.
Anything the Rockefellers touched needs to be scrutinized and likely redone.
He didn't use those exact words but it's obvious what he was inferring, in his own words;
"the reason why top tech companies often hire foreign born engineers over "native" Americans is because of culture"
Then he alludes to traits people associate with Indian/Asian kids, the emphasis on maths over sports, the emphasis on homework over sleepovers etc.
Top tech companies hire Indians because of A) cheaper wages and B) DEI policies that are explicitly anti white.
He never said he was against homework and he never criticised the education system, he said American culture was bad and that's why America needs to make the most out of H1B visas.
Not to mention this guy has spoken at Conversative Nationalism conferences which was created by a Zionist jew Yoram Hazony.
I agree with you, I was saying he didn't understand the festering dungheap that is the 'public' system. He SHOULD have been criticizing it, but he's still under the assumption that its purpose is to educate kids. He hasn't seen its reality, but he has seen television. OTOH, I've seen its reality and we banned television in our home. Also, he assumes his money-worshipping pagan upbringing is moral and good. With those assumptions, he cannot possibly explain the success of our Christian nation versus his parents' homeland, where everyone is brought up, according to him, with better culture. No one is as stupid as a 'smart' person...