Biden to present Hillary Clinton, George Soros and 17 others the Presidential Medal of Freedom
The White House said Clinton, Soros and the 17 other recipients of the prestigious award are “individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United …
To be given at a White House ceremony on Saturday.
What a rare opportunity for a roundup - all these people in one place.
And they'd be fenced in, right? I thought I saw that the fences were back up.
Yes, rather interesting
Yeah! It’s a fantastic idea
I think you misspelled ‘seal the room and gas them all’ wrong.
Thanks for the spelling lesson!
What has he turned into Oprah? Trump needs to design a new medal and toss this old one in the trash
It's been sullied by the cabal.
Everything has been sullied by them!
Can you imagine what the Trump have to do to be able to move into the White House. How many exorcisms, how many cleaner teams have to come through and clean up all of the disgusting scum that these people have been?
I thought the same thing Oprah handing out medals
No worries - it invalidates the award and puts a spotlight on who to take out first.
Sort of like a who’s who to be convicted👍
I was thinking the exact same thing. This is shining a light on those working AGAINST us! Whatever they say is good is actually evil.
I remember Ellen Degenerate getting one ... What other Hollywood freaks have been given one.
There's that number 17 again!
Maybe they'll they find out these medals are like the Israeli pagers...
With any luck.
That medal will be worthless from now on if he does this.
Unless they're ticking....
Im hoping these 19 have already been hung, and we are just parading them around to seal the democrat coffin with humiliation.
I hope they have the hangings recorded in 16K ultra-megadefinition if that's the case.
Agreed 💯
lets give the most wildly un popular "people" the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Yeah, thatll work.
They should all receive the metal of free dumb....
😂😂😂 I think so. I said, Hillary qualify as Satan.
It will be interesting to see which Hillary gets the medal.
Hating a country which celebrates independence and personal freedoms is essential to being a globohomo. Do any privileges come with these medals? Things like being tax exempy or certain special legal rights?
End of term prizes for globalist traitors.
Their last “meal” before they are all exposed!
Yes, and the UK police are involved in all of this. They’ve been part of the pedophile ring for over 100 years. Now they just support the gang rape of the little girls from England, by theMuslims as well. I’m sure it’s very lucrative.
Oh hey, monkeys throwing poo, everywhere. You mad bro, this is trolling.