Elon Musk seems to be challenging a specific segment of MAGA.
Reflecting on this, it could be part of a broader "white hat" operation aimed at dismantling race consciousness entirely.
To achieve this, the first step was to expose and weaken far-left DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) race and gender movements, which appears to have been successful. With Trump's election secured, both he and Elon can shift focus without concern for political gains.
Now, they seem to be targeting the race-conscious wing of MAGA. The H1B visa controversy serves as a perfect catalyst for this. Unlike the typical black-versus-white debates, this effort feels more strategic, signaling a broader message:
Far-left race agitators will no longer be allowed to dominate. Far-right race-conscious movements won't gain ground either. Elon, widely viewed as a genius, publicly criticized the race-conscious H1B opposition, calling them “retards.” Importantly, he’s not attacking all H1B critics but specifically the race-conscious faction of MAGA, as indicated by his response to a tweet referencing anti-Indian sentiment.
The underlying message may be: race consciousness is foolish, while merit-based thinking reflects true intelligence. This could be an effort to reshape cultural attitudes toward race and meritocracy.
You took me a few notches away from the edge, I was about 99% ready to toss Elon to the cabal... now I'm maybe 95.68% ready. If that's the play, fine. The point which should be made is: we don't oppose H1B because they're not white; we oppose it because they're not American. Stop training foreigners and train Americans. Our brains and blood do the exact same things.
Perhaps we need a law that states an American company cannot have employees who live outside America? Surely it can be fleshed out better than that, it's just a thinking point.
Nah I am gonna say it. It’s both, if the US goes white minority it is no longer the US.
The founding fathers wanted this country to be a European centric country and it was always this way until the cabal changed immigration policy.
I don’t care about Black Americans being here. They have been here for centuries and you can’t tell the American story without them. I don’t even really care about the Japanese families in the Seattle area who have been here for 4 generations.
What I do care about are the hordes of H1-B non whites coming in. They bring everyone and their second cousins with them.
They do not assimilate and do not give a shit about our culture. They do not view themselves as American. They will change your neighborhood and town. They will price you, your friends and your neighbors out. I know cause I have lived it. They don’t participate in American traditions like Christmas and the 4th of July
Do you think the country as is will be like the founding fathers intended if foreigners are the majority? No it won’t cause they don’t give a shit about the countries founding.
White people need to stop being cowards and call a spade a spade. America, Canada etc. is are Western European based countries. This whole “nation of immigrants” has always been a cabal psyop against whites to accept the destruction of their countries.
My grandfather didn’t storm beaches across the Pacific for his hometown to become little Mumbai.
Honestly if that is Elon’s goal I think he is a fool in thinking he can remove basic in group biases like race.
I am done trying to appease the left and others and I don’t care what names I get called. This is how we got here in the first place. By not calling things out and appeasing the cabals brain dead minions who are hell bent on destroying the west, it’s people, it’s religion and it’s culture.
True, and there is one BIG fact they always leave out.
The "nation of immigrants" ALL CAME FROM EUROPE.
They had common values.
That is what allowed it to work and flourish.
Different groups had their disagreements, but all in all they were blood brothers and sisters.
They had the same VALUES.
That is NOT true of the immigrants today.
1000%. I am here at the Redmond Fred Meyer where 40% of the people in here are East Indian.
you havent been worried about appeasing the left. It's been the appeasment of the right that keeps folks from talking about it. wwg1wga
Americans are too retarded to be retrained/s
Then why are they lying about intelligence and achievement as a cover for cheap labor and total subordination to the boss? Seems like it's just fueling and legitimizing the racists.
DEI was used to promote H1B. It wasn't about just blacks it was always about cheap labor. H1B is just anti-white.
Why is it anti-white? Because we are being called racist again by another democrat. We can HATE anyone as long as they are white. This has been the message since 2015 at least.
Elon is more of the same establishment that got us into this mess. He is part of the chain gang like in foot ball. You need to move the first yard line up the field. The chain is 10 yards long. Elon is the back stop for the new 'Overton window' of the main stream. They think Elon is the back stop to what we will accept.
They are using the exact same tactics, attacks, and language as the left. They want us to accept where we were in at least 2020 as the back stop, not 2004 or earlier.
Easy to see if one isn't captured by personalities so readily. It's like people are always ready to identify someone to project all of the desires and fears onto. Anyway, it does tend to distract.
100% correct
I don't think so. If it were, there'd also be some big voices talking about Filipino and Jamaican nurses, 2 other big H1B populations representing other races used to replace local talent. If you wanted to flush out the racists, you'd be overlooking a big opportunity by only focusing on Indians.
Interesting theory, but doesn't make sense to me.
A variation on the idea might be that it's intended to corral the sheep into unity based on national lines (instead of racial lines) as it brings people together across the left-right spectrum. Everybody born here in this country, probably even the American-born Indian population, hates Indian call centers. When we foster agreement across the divide, we are building patriotism.
Q said we would be united; this seems like a step in that direction.
I see your points. But to do this... we would need to publically expose the race baiters on the right to.
It's an expose operation.
Well thought out intelligent post. I completely 100% support merit based employment and governance, having been in positions of hiring/firing employees I have seen first hand how important merit is over religion, ethnicity, gender etc. Would we be in this mess if we held our government to merit standards?
Elon wants cheap labor, and he lies about the reasons why.
Jews want everyone to be racially blind -- except for them. To them, their race is EVERYTHING.
Kalergi Plan.
Happening right under your nose.
Anyone who doesn't understand that is ignorant of what is going on in the world.
You, u/thephantom1979, are not White. Naturally, you would be against White people becoming aware of the ongoing attempt to genocide the White race.
I don't hate you; I simply recognize that you have a mental block on this topic because you don't like it.
If it was happening to your race, you would not want to sweep it under the rug like you're trying to do here.
It is a BIG issue, and it is only getting bigger, regardless of Elon.
Elon has shown himself to be a globalist with no American values.
His censorship on Twatter, along with his hiring a jew as CEO (the jews are primarily the ones behind the Kalergi Plan) shows who he is.
Elon is either ignorant of the topic (like you are), or he is in on it.
Either way, doesn't matter. He is what he is: an adversary.
Why the emotional name calling man?
You are the one who labeled seasoned researchers who digged lots of questionable stuff about Musk as specific segment of MAGA, meaning racists.
Read what I said again. I said Elon is not talking to all the anti H1B crowd.
He is talking about the Stew Peters types that is on social media calling Indians dirty names.
You are reading something into my words that is not there, phantom.
That's your bias.
You should just read the words for what they say.
Biased against who?
My nephew is half white. My best friends are white.
I grew up in 979 around whites, blacks and hispanics all in the same neighorhood.
This experience is why I cannot relate to racial tribalism to begin with.
I know you can't.
That's your bias.
Biased againt who?
I love all ethnic groups dude.
I can confidently say that I’m not the biased one here, my friend.
When God created children, no child was born with racial bias. Children are not inherently aware of racial history or divisions.
Distrust of other groups has to be taught.
This is why some bad actors seek to introduce young kids to race consciousness early—to shape their minds into hating or distrusting others.
My perspective aligns with what I believe is God’s "default" thinking.
Growing up, my parents didn’t emphasize race, so I naturally didn’t adopt a race-conscious mindset.
In fact, my view on race reflects the "human default."
Young kids don’t care about race until external influences make them care.
Q: Who was talking about H1B before this happening?
A: Figuratively no one, especially normies.
Now who's talking about it? Everyone perpetually online. Everyone took the bait, even anons.
u/Mr_A is correct. The only thing I am witnessing happen is more awakening and discourse. Perhaps with a healthy dose of deflection and narrative control. IMHO this whole debacle of a debate was done on purpose... same as the Tony Hinchcliff PR garbage joke. Any anons fervently losing their shit over one side or the other are either caught in the trap or have ulterior motives behind their online screeching.
The H1B controversy may be a multifaceted operation and This definitely could be one of the many angles to it. Appreciate your line of thought fren.
Don't forget that many of the objections to Musk/H1B had to do with limiting technology to genuine uses, and not heading toward the Matrix.
4th consecutive post, 4 consecutive downvotes. Jusayin.
Downvoting is not an argument.
He criticized ALL opposition to h1b.
There is no mention of race until the end of the post and it's disconnected from the categorization of "retarded."
"I have a dream..." -Martin Luther King Jr
The US is a white country, why would a South African Jew be adamant that people against the mass importation of brown people are a worthy part of the base to fight?
You do realize that "brown" people were living here before we Europeans came here and "claimed" this country. What our government did to Native Americans is beyond criminal. My Irish, German, Scottish ancestors came here in the 1800's to settle this great country and I am grateful they did. But is was not without cost to the people that were here.
You have been told lies about the American Indians.
They were savages.
They fought each other all the time.
They never created a civilization.
They did not claim to own any land, as they were nomadic.
America is a much better place today because the Europeans prevailed and built the greatest civilization of all time.
The Indians on the other hand, well just take a look at India. That's where they came from, after all.
Compare India to Europe. You can't, because there is no comparison.
Forgot to add my Native American Sioux Grandmother married my German Grandpa. Guess that makes me a savage. Wow.
It makes you non-White.
But you live in a society built by Whites, so you are less likely to be a savage.
The American Indians, OTOH, lived in an Indian society, and yes they were savages.
Pure nonsense, whatever was pre-discovery was not the United States. The United States was a nation formed by and for white Christians. Anything short of that is a lie.
Inevitable the civic nationalists would try this, but it will fail in the long run. People will realign by race.
I disagree my friend.
As more and more different groups of people interact with each other socially. You be suprised how many people think it's healthy to raise kids around different groups of people.
It socially prepares kids to handle the world better.
You say that as a non-White because it DOES benefit you to live in a society that was built on White values.
But we have tried this diversity/desegregation thing for 70 years now, and it has been a terrible disaster for the White people.
You ignore that or cannot see it because you don't want to accept that White culture and society has been harmed, not helped, by these policies.
More and more Whites today are waking up and realizing that living in a "diverse" community is not a benefit.
I've seen several blacks on video complaining that they live in a place that is not very "diverse" (meaning: not very many blacks), such as Phoenix AZ, for example. They complain because they want to be around more of their own kind.
What they fail to understand is that the reason they want to live there is because it is a nice place to live, and that is largely BECAUSE it is NOT "diverse."
But they are blind to that idea, for obvious reasons.
White culture to me is just common sense.
Whites only have one major compliant against none whites. That's the crime thing.
How does this benefit me? I am a software engineer.
I have to take test to get a job. To prove I know my stuff.
Well, crime is a BIG thing.
If you look at the statistics, almost ALL of the violent crime in America is caused by blacks and hispanics.
America has a lot of gun violence.
But, if you look only at the White gun violence, America would be one of the safest countries in the world.
So, it is a big thing.
And after 70 years of desegregation, a lot of Whites are saying it is no longer worth continuing in the same, bad direction.
You seem to want to be dismissive of it, and I understand why you would.
But I would not.
But besides that, there is something even more important.
There is a concerted effort to genocide the White race.
If your race was the target of such a crime, then you would not be so dismissive.
As you said, White culture is just common sense. I agree. But your race and all the others will be harmed if White culture goes away.
To many of us, that is now what the fight is about.
There has been debate about whether Elon is a jew or if he is White.
If he is a jew, then he is just pushing the Kalergi Plan like so many of them do.
If he is not, and he is White, then he is a race traitor because he is pushing the Kalergi Plan, but doing it only so he can make more money.
Either way, Elon can fuck himself in the face.
White and black/brown criminal behavior can differ due to historical and environmental factors. For example, people from colder climates, like Europeans, historically had to organize and work together to survive harsh winters, fostering teamwork and problem-solving skills. This long-term, organized approach is often reflected in IQ tests and other behaviors.
As a result, white criminal organizations, such as certain European mafia groups, tend to operate in a more organized and covert manner. Their actions might not immediately appear as crimes, instead being disguised as accidents or unrelated incidents (e.g., a drowning labeled as an accident rather than foul play).
In contrast, street-level crimes often associated with black/brown communities, like drive-by shootings, are more direct and therefore more likely to show up in crime statistics. The difference lies in methodology, not inherent traits.
Where you are wrong is that you are assuming that blacks/browns WANT TO LIVE in shitty crime infested areas.
You white vs black thinking is too "abstract".
The crime is an issue because it ties into the drug cartels and corrupt government officals who have financal interest into keeping it going.
Here is an article that proves I am correct.
"A Decade Ago, El Salvador Had over 6,500 Homicides per Year – But in 2024, It Achieved a Record Low of 114 Murders, Vindicating Draconian Measures by President Nayib Bukele"
Why all of sudden did crime go down because of "Nayib Bukele"?
people align by economics. Racism is a rich man's tool to keep society divided for their exploiting scams.
Like all the great and enduring institutions hahaha
You people are like a cat chasing a laser pointer.
What specific segment of MAGA. the one that started doing their own research way before you during 2016 campaign and naturally found some very concerning information about him, his family and a death of his first born? Even apolitical commenters of the blinds on CDAN were asking Enty not to write blinds about Musk way back in 2017 when he was involved w/Grames because the blinds were to easy to guess. Musk may cooperate, flipped, controled by WH, but we can't know to what extent
We will see what happens. I think they are going to keep attacking the race conscious people on the right. Just like the destoryed the DEI leftist race ideas.
It has nothing to do with race
We will see what happens friend.
It's pissing off the race concious right, for sure.
This is a good thing.
Both sides need to go away in my view.
This is nothing to do about race but 100% about culture and values.
Someone needs to right down a list of values and show us in a comparison sheet lol.
We can’t even stop this child transitioning/ castrations. Yet. 2 More Weeks.
I think he's just kissing Indian ass to sell more cars to them, and I applaud that.